ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council meeting

monday, april 18, 2016 - 2:30pm
governance conference room - uc-2001

opening prayer and welcome


opening prayer (elder gerry martin)

welcome & introductions (mr. paul capon, chair)


guest presentation

aboriginal self-declaration statistics and project update

(ms. sarah browne, institutional planning & analysis)


approval of agenda


moved that the agenda for the meeting be approved.




conflict of interest


approval of minutes


moved that the minutes of the o-agc meeting of january 25, 2016 and be approved.




business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)




阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 native student association (lunsa) term appointments to o-agc

moved that ___________ be appointed as a lunsa member on o-agc effective immediately to october 31, 2016.






other business



updates from organizations – priorities and issues






joint sac/o-agc update (dr. peggy smith)






o-agc advisors committee (dr. peggy smith)







moved that dr. peggy smith be appointed as the chair of the o-agc advisors committee effective july 1, 2016 to june 30, 2017.





new business



preliminary response from president to the report "the status of indigenous initiatives at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 2015” (dr. brian stevenson)






gichi kendaasiwin centre (dr. brian stevenson)






ministry of training, college and universities, postsecondary education funding for aboriginal learners and targeted initiatives fund

(dr. cynthia wesley-esquimaux)








postsecondary education funding for aboriginal learners (pefal) 2016-2017








targeted initiatives fund (tif) 2015-2018







status of women canada call for proposals (dr. cynthia wesley-esquimaux)







o-agc membership (ms. barbara eccles)






the o-agc voted on the appointment of elder gerry martin and mr. howard twance as new members to o-agc using an electronic poll. 




the following motions were distributed electronically on april 4, 2016 to all voting members and were approved. (in favour of approval =9; opposed =0; abstained=1)


moved that mr. gerry martin, an elder from the external community, be added as a voting member of the o-agc pursuant to paragraphs 3.1b(iv) and 3.6a of the o-agc by-laws. 

moved that mr. howard twance, director, post secondary student support program with the seven generations education institute, be added as a voting member of the o-agc pursuant to paragraph 3.1b(i) (aboriginal service organizations with an interest in aboriginal 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and aboriginal issues in post-secondary education) and paragraph 3.6a of the o-agc by-laws.


biographies of the above two individuals are attached for your information, pursuant to paragraph 4.9 of the o-agc by-laws.







o-agc meeting schedule 2015-2016 (ms. barbara eccles)


moved that the o-agc 2016-2017 meeting schedule be approved as follows:

  1. monday, september 26, 2016
  2. monday, november 14, 2016
  3. monday, january 30, 2017
  4. monday, april 24, 2017


all meetings will be scheduled from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the governance conference room – uc 2001.






moved that dr. raymond neckoway and ms. stephanie seymour be appointed to joint sac/o-agc effective september 1, 2016 to august 31, 2017.


dr. raymond neckoway and ms. stephanie seymour are the o-agc representatives on joint sac/o-agc and their terms expire on august 31, 2016.


composition: two members from the ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council, which may include a student representative, terms are for one year, renewable.






election of chair and vice-chair of o-agc update (mr. paul capon & ms. nancy bouchard)


mr. paul capon, matawa first nations and ms. nancy bouchard, anishinabek employment & training services have served three consecutive one-year terms as chair and vice-chair since being elected on november 18, 2013.






o-agc appointment to the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee


moved that dr. christopher mushquash be appointed to the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee from june 30, 2016 to july 1, 2018.


dr. christopher mushquash is the o-agc representative on the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee and his initial term expires on june 30, 2016.


terms of reference: one faculty member recommended by the ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council – two-year term (renewable)






member-at-large (ms. barbara eccles)


moved that ______________ be appointed as the member-at-large from june 1, 2016 to may 30, 2018.


ms. elizabeth michano is the o-agc member at large and her initial two-year term expires on may 30, 2016.


o-agc bylaws: the member at large appointment is a two-year renewable term.






阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 responsible investment policy consultation (ms. frances picherack)

the board of governors has commenced a consultation process to further inform the development of a responsible investment policy. consultation is a key component of the board strategy to develop a responsible investment policy, and to that end the responsible investment (ri) ad hoc committee invites potentially interested parties, such as members of the o-agc, to submit views that may inform its deliberations.

please click here to visit the board consultation webpage, which contains further background information in a consultation brief, the consultation plan, and information on how to make submissions to the ad hoc committee on responsible investing.

interested parties should send their submissions to the ad hoc committee on responsible investing c/o university secretariat by mail (board of governors of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , c/o university secretariat, uc-2002, 955 oliver road, thunder bay, ontario, p7b 5e1) or email univsec@lakeheadu.ca no later than april 30, 2016. 





reports & items for information



aboriginal education (dr. donald kerr)






office of aboriginal initiatives (dr. cynthia wesley-esquimaux)






chair’s report (mr. paul capon)






native nurses entry program (ms. joy nieminen)







evaluation of the native nurses entry program 2014-2015







orillia campus (dr. kim fedderson)







o-agc membership list






aboriginal programs open house – thursday, april 28th








moved that the meeting be adjourned.