ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council meeting
ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council (o-agc)
agenda – monday, september 24, 2012
2:00 – 4:00p.m.
atac 3004
teleconference: 1-888-892-7292
access code: 0145241#
1. |
welcome and opening prayer |
welcome and introductions – ms. nancy bouchard, chair |
opening prayer |
guest presentations |
2. |
2.1 |
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 strategic plan |
(mr. cameron clark, vice-chair, board of governors; mr. gerry munt, senior advisor to the president on planning and implementation) |
2.2 |
centre for mineral exploration and sustainable mining development |
(dr. peter hollings, chair of the department of geology) |
3. |
approval of agenda |
agenda of the o-agc meeting held on september 24, 2012 | ||||
moved that the agenda for the september 24, 2012 meeting be approved. |
4. |
conflict of interest |
5. |
approval of minutes |
moved that the minutes of the o-agc meeting of may 15, 2012 be approved. |
6. |
business arising from the minutes not elsewhere on the agenda |
for information only: dr. ruby farrell has been contacted and has agreed to accept the o-agc appointment to the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee for the term september 2012 – august 2014. |
7. |
new business |
7.1 |
appointment of the chair and vice-chair of o-agc |
7.1.1 |
moved that ________ be appointed as chair of the ogimaawin aboriginal governance council for the term september 2012 – august 2013. |
7.1.2 |
moved that ________ be appointed as vice-chair of the ogimaawin aboriginal governance council for the term september 2012 – august 2013. |
7.2 |
review of o-agc retreat held on june 25, 2012 (ms. nancy bouchard) |
7.3 |
o-agc advisors report and recommendations (ms. annette schroeter, chair of the oagc advisors) |
7.3.1 |
recommendations for o-agc discussion: additions to priorities related to the oagc retreat june 2012 and the need to prioritize the list of priorities working toward an o-agc strategic plan-
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 draft strategic plan - including social justice into the draft strategic plan. re-vitalizing the joint sac/amc (senate academic committee – aboriginal management council) to work on the inclusion of aboriginal content in courses. critiquing the new website – oagc advisors postponed discussion until the october 2012 oagc advisors committee meeting. |
7.3.2 |
bi-annual self-assessment report to o-agc (dr. peggy smith, former chair of the o-agc advisors) |
7.4 |
vice-provost, aboriginal initiatives search committee appointments – (dr. rodney hanley) |
moved that ____________ and ____________ be appointed as the oagc representatives on the search committee for a vice-provost, aboriginal initiatives. |
7.5 |
o-agc strategic planning committee moved that the following individuals be appointed to the o-agc strategic planning committee for the term commencing immediately to august 2014: ____________. |
7.6 |
ad hoc committee to review the by-laws moved that the following members participate on an ad hoc committee to review the oagc by-laws and to recommend revisions to the oagc by the november 2012 oagc meeting. |
7.7 |
appointment to the board of governors |
one external member to be recommended for appointment to the board of governors moved that the chair of the o-agc, ___________ be recommended for appointment to the board of governors for the term commencing september 2012 through the annual meeting of the board of governors 2013. |
8. |
other business |
8.1 |
updates from external organizations – priorities and issues |
8.2 |
sub-committee for centre of excellence in mineral exploration and sustainable mining development kr sept. 24, 2012 |
8.3 |
representative to the research ethics board kr sept. 24, 2012 | ||||
9. | president’s report (dr. brian stevenson) kr sept. 24, 2012 | ||||
updates/reports |
10. |
10.1 |
10.2 |
10.3 |
10.4 |
kendaasiwin steering committee – (dr. peggy smith) |
10.5 |
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 native 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 association – (mr. timothy michano) |
10.6 |
10.7 |
10.8 |
11. |
information items |
11.1 |
11.2 |
11.3 |
12. |
adjournment moved that the meeting be adjourned. |