
monday, february 25, 2008 - 12:00am
atac 3004
aboriginal management council
agenda - february 25, 2008
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
atac 3004
regrets: t. pile
1.welcome & opening prayer - isabelle mercier
2.welcome/ introductions - p. capon will chair the meeting
3.approval of agenda
4.conflict of interest
5. approval of minutes
6. business arising from previous meeting
7. presenters: dobi dawn frenette, nishnawbe aski nation
8. new business:
8.1 report on indigenous learning centre meeting, feb 22 - b. sabourin
8.2 chair for metis studies - b. sabourin
8.3 recruitment: co-operation with nosm aboriginal affairs unit - p. smith
8.4 negahneewin college meeting - letter to brenda small - b. sabourin
8.5 ad hoc committee on aboriginal development to the board of governors - terms of reference amended - b. sabourin
8.6 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 sustainability team - alex boulet
9. reports:
9.1 aboriginal education - dr. e. gardner
9.2 centre of excellence of aboriginal teaching & curriculum - dr. e. gardner
9.3 native nurses entry program - c. hartviksen
9.4 acss - l. wabange
9.5 vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) - b. sabourin
9.6 native access program- g. laliberte
9.7 lunsa - b. johnson
9.8 board of governors & ad hoc committee - t. pile
9.9 senate - c. hartviksen
9.10 senate academic committee - c. hartviksen
9.11 advisors committee recommendations - dr. p. smith
10. other business:
10.1 aets strategy report
10.2 next advisors committee meeting on wed, mar 12, noon-2 p.m., dean's conf room, will focus on reviewing vp ai role, assessing priorities for the position at this 6-month point and discussing what support is needed for vp ai to be effective in her role.
10.2 correspondence:
letters to: ogichidaa arnold gardner; bonnie vermette, member at large; anishinabek employment and training services; thunder bay indian friendship centre
10.5 announcements:
feb 26: dr. seth agbo, as part of vp ai's cross cultural awareness initiative and dr. marlene brant-castellano, sponsored by research ethics board, on doing research with aboriginal communities
11. adjournment:
aboriginal management council meeting
february 25, 2008
atac 3004
2:00-4:00 p.m.
m i n u t e s
present: a. boulet, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 board of governors
p. capon, co-chair, matawa first nations
d. d. frenette, nan
dr. f. gilbert, president
g. martin, arco
b. sabourin, vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives)
dr. p. smith, research ethics, advisors committee co-chair
advisors: dr. e. gardner, aboriginal education
connie hartviksen, nnep coordinator
h. moynihan, engineering (dean's alternate)
g. wojda, vice-provost student affairs (interim)
dr. sandra wolf, aboriginal education
deans: dr. t. dunk, social sciences & humanities
regrets: d. burgart, lunsa
dr. l. hayes, vice-president
t. pile, chair, m.n.o.
l.wabange, aboriginal cultural & support services
guests: ashley dokuchie, aboriginal cultural & support services
isabelle mercier, elder
secretary: k. roche, secretary of aboriginal management council
aboriginal management council
minutes - february 25, 2008
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
atac 3004
regrets: t. pile
1. welcome & opening prayer -elder isabelle mercier
elder isabelle mercier led the opening prayer.
2. welcome/ introductions - p. capon chaired the meeting
3. approval of agenda
moved (g. martin/p. smith) that the minutes be accepted with the following additions:
8.6 lu sustainability team - alex boulet
10. a) anishinabek employment & training services - nancy bouchard as a new member of amc
4. conflict of interest
no conflicts of interest were declared.
5. approval of minutes
moved (a. boulet/g. martin) that the minutes be accepted with changes.
it was noted that the attendance for the january 25, 2008 meeting had been omitted from the distributed copy.
6. business arising from previous meeting
there was no business arising.
7. presenters: dobi dawn frenette, nishnawbe aski nation
dobi dawn frenette, representing the nishnawbe aski nation (nan), distributed a folder containing an overview of nan. the mandate of nan states "nishnawbe aski nation represents the legitimate socioeconomic and political aspirations of its first nation members to all levels of government in order to allow local self-determination while establishing spiritual, cultural, social, and economic independence." three of the objectives of nan are directly related to nan's involvement on amc:
  • political advocacy to improve the quality of life for the people of nishnawbe aski in the areas of education, lands and resources, health, governance, and justice
  • development and implementation of policies reflecting the aspirations and betterment of the people of nishnawbe aski
  • strong partnership development and networks
d. d. frenette summarized some of community work that nan is involved with in communities. she noted that internet education has become a focus in many communities that do not have road access. most communities are in need of additional funding for education in the council schools.
some of the issues that nan is working on are: professional development for teachers and special education training.
8. new business:
8.1 report on indigenous learning centre meeting, feb 22 - b. sabourin
b. sabourin distributed a report on the questions that will be addressed in the consultation process as the idea of the indigenous learning centre develops. as the concepts related to the building are further developed, plans for fundraising can be pursued. it was noted that at this time no funds will be available for fundraising work. amc will need to rely on volunteers to assist with fund-raising and making contact with organizations.
8.2 chair for metis studies - b. sabourin
a group is being formed to prepare the application for the chair for metis studies to be submitted to the council of ontario universities (cou).
8.3 recruitment: co-operation with nosm aboriginal affairs unit - p. smith
p. smith reported that ian pelletier is recruiting for nosm and that the opportunity for partnerships with 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 during recruitment trips will be pursued further.
8.4 negahneewin college meeting - letter to brenda small - b. sabourin
negahneewin college and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 will be working together to collaborate on areas of mutual concern. negahneewin college and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 will continue to collaborate on assessment of applicants and referrals as well as exchange ideas and information on selection processes and testing. the chair of the negahneewin college advisory council will be invited to the march 2008 amc meeting,
8.5 ad hoc committee on aboriginal development to the board of governors - terms of reference amended - b. sabourin
moved (p. smith/g. martin) that the terms of reference for the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development to the board of governors be approved. carried
9. reports:
9.1 aboriginal education - dr. e. gardner - no report
9.2 centre of excellence of aboriginal teaching & curriculum - dr. e. gardner - no report
9.3 native nurses entry program - c. hartviksen
c. hartviksen reported that nnep has retained 8-10 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 of the original 18 enrolled in the program in september. commitment from the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 seems to be an issue, possibly related to younger age of the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . ways to address this will be examined.
9.4 acss - a. dokuchie
a. dokuchie reported on the activities planned. it was noted that a calendar should be developed on the website to allow quick reference to aboriginal and university events to address scheduling multiple events for the same day.
9.5 vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) - b. sabourin
b. sabourin submitted a report highlighting some of the recent activities of the vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives).
9.6 native access program- g. laliberte - no report
9.7 lunsa - b. johnson -no report
9.8 board of governors & ad hoc committee - t. pile - no report
9.9 senate - c. hartviksen
c. hartviksen briefly summarized the senate process noting that amc can bring items to senate through her as the representative on senate.
9.10 senate academic committee - c. hartviksen
c. hartviksen noted that the proposed terms of reference for the committee was distributed with the meeting materials. the joint sac/amc committee has met twice. the committee will be working to identify where the lu academic plan and the amc strategic plan share common elements.
9.11 advisors committee recommendations - dr. p. smith
there were no recommendations from the advisors committee.
10. other business:
10.1 aets strategy report
b. sabourin reported that the aets guidelines have not been released. an aboriginal career advisor will be hired for 6 months in collaboration with the student co-op placement office.
10.2 anishinabek employment & training services - nancy bouchard as a new member of amc
moved(g. martin/a. boulet) that anishinabek employment & trainingservices representative, nancy bouchard, be accepted as a new member on the aboriginal management council. carried
11. adjournment:
moved (g. martin/p. smith) that the meeting be adjourned. carried