
monday, march 31, 2008 - 12:00am
atac 3004
aboriginal management council
agenda - march 31, 2008
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
atac 3004
regrets: c. hartviksen
1. welcome & opening prayer - susan bebonang, ntep coordinator
2. welcome/ introductions - elder, negahneewin college representatives, aboriginal awareness centre
2.1 elder, no elder
2.2 brenda small & jerry perrault, negahneewin college
2.3 anthony angus, aboriginal awareness centre
2.4 nancy bouchard, anishinabek employment & training services
3. approval of agenda
4. conflict of interest
5. approval of minutes
6. business arising from previous meeting
6.1 chair for metis studies
7. new business:
7.1 aboriginal roundtable - aboriginal representative from orillia advisory committee
7.2 year end retreat/review
7.3 indigenous learning centre committee
9. updates/reports:
9.1 research ethics committee - p. smith
9.2 centre of excellence of aboriginal teaching & curriculum - dr. e. gardner
9.3 native nurses entry program - c. hartviksen
9.4 acss - l. wabange
9.5 vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) - b. sabourin
9.6 native access program- g. hendrick-laliberte
9.7 board of governors & ad hoc committee - t. pile
9.8 senate - c. hartviksen
9.9 senate academic committee - c. hartviksen
9.10 lunsa - powwow update - b. johnson
10. other business
11. information items
11.1 traditional meal food menu - thunder bay regional health sciences centre
12. adjournment