advisors committee
wednesday, october 10, 2007 - 12:00am
little dining room
advisors committee
agenda for october 10, 2007
little dining room
1. introductions
2. approval of agenda
3. review advisors committee terms of reference: should aboriginal faculty be explicitly listed under committee composition? do we want an elder from the elders council to attend our meetings? chair: to be chosen annually.
4. review advisors committee minutes, january 17, 2007
5. review amc minutes, september 24, 2007
business arising from previous minutes
a) amc retreat: how to organize to get the most out of it
b) amc strategic plan monitoring committee
c) senate academic committee/amc sub-committee
d) mou with con college
e) native access program steering committee
f) vp aboriginal initiatives transition team
6. aets annual report
7. other business