advisors committee
wednesday, october 10, 2007 - 12:00am
little dining room
aboriginal management council
advisors' committee
minutes of october 10, 2007
susan bebonang, (native teacher education program)
connie hartviksen, (native nurses entry program)
dennis mcpherson (chair indigenous learning)
charlotte neckoway, (native language teachers program)
dr. ian newhouse (dean, faculty of professional schools)
dr. j. o'meara, (interim dean, faculty of education)
l. pelot (acting/aboriginal student/liaison/advisor)
beverly sabourin, (vice-provost aboriginal initiatives)
dr. peggy smith (research ethics board)
dr. roger strasser, (northern ontario school of medicine)
dr. sandra wolf, (aboriginal education faculty)
dr. g. boire, dean, graduate studies
dr. b. dadgostar, dean faculty of business
dr. e. gardner, chair, aboriginal education
dr. l. hayes, vice-president (academic) & provost
g. laliberte, native access program
h. moynihan, engineering
dr. r. pulkki, forestry and the forest enviroment
1. introductions: introductions were made.
2. approval of agenda: all members consented to the approval of the agenda. there were no additional items.
3. review of the advisors committee terms of reference:
frequency of meetings: meetings of the advisors' committee will be held two weeks prior to amc meetings in time for the amc agenda.
committee composition: presently aboriginal faculty is not explicitly included in the advisors terms of reference. there were no objections to include aboriginal faculty as advisors on the amc advisors' committee. the advisors terms of reference should be updated to reflect this change. appendix a, official advisors, in amc's bylaw #1, membership and officers, will also need to be updated. ian pelletier is acting director for aboriginal affairs at nosm, replacing orpah mckenzie who is on sick leave.
elders: there was a discussion on whether or not to invite an elder from the elders council to attend meetings. b. sabourin will ask the elders for their feedback at the elders council meeting on thursday, october 11, 2007.
chair: advisors committee currently has co-chairs--peggy smith & connie hartviksen. the terms of reference state that the chair is to be chosen annually. renewal of chair position will be brought forward to the next advisors committee meeting on november 14, 2007.
4. review of january 17, 2007 minutes:
a) aboriginal initiatives budget: unspent funds have been rolled over to beverly sabourin's budget.
b) faculty/staff get-together: last year, faculty and staff had a get-together once a month. this year, the decision was made to leave it until it is brought up again.
c) posting minutes on the website: post minutes of the advisors committee meetings as well as the minutes of the elders council meetings. b. sabourin will approach the webmaster, tove tronslien, about creating a position that will work with aboriginal education, aboriginal initiatives, aboriginal cultural & support services, and indigenous learning to design and update all aboriginal-related websites. all departments were advised to do a list of needs and send to b. sabourin.
d) amc self declaration support letter: the letter was prepared for inclusion in letters of acceptance for fall 2007, but did not make the deadline. discussion about whether other programs, such as native language instructors program, should give the letter to nlip 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
. needs to be discussed with charlotte neckoway. need to have the letter circulated before fall 2008, for example for winter, intersession and summer session 2008. review letter at next advisors meeting.
e) research ethics committee: p. smith reported the reb/amc sub-committee has been working on protocol/guidelines for researchers doing research with aboriginal people. the first draft is almost completed and will be circulated to the university for feedback. dr. strasser said nosm started a process on a research forum to take place in the spring. he will ensure that the information is circulated to amc on the time and date the forum will happen.
5. business arising from the amc september 24, 2007 minutes:
a) amc retreat: this is the amc october 22nd meeting. discussion about the need to structure this retreat to get full benefits. focus will be on amc's strategic plan. the amc strategic monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile) will be meeting on oct. 12th to make recommendations and prioritize tasks in the strategic plan.
b) senate academic committee: new members will be reappointed at the next amc meeting. this item is to appear on the amc agenda for october 22, 2007. the advisors committee minutes will be sent to karen roche, new secretary to amc.
c) memorandum of understanding (mou) with confederation college: c. hartviksen would like to see regular reports on the mou from t. pile and l. hayes. clarification that we should drop reference to "mou" since there is no such thing in place. refer to it in future as "relationship with confederation college."
d) native access program steering committee: c. hartviksen reports that a committee has been struck to review the progress, evaluation, and funding of nap. the first meeting of the committee has been scheduled.
e) vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) transition team: discussion about who should be on the team. recommend to amc that the vp ai transition team be the strategic plan monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile), plus laurie hayes.
6. aets annual report: aboriginal program reports are due in december. vp ai will solicit reports from relevant programs. people inquired about the report prepared for mtcu on aets, "evaluation of the government of ontario's aboriginal education and training strategy (aets)" by educational policy institute. kathryn wynn will send copies to those who want to see it.
7. next meeting: wed, nov 14, 1:00 p.m., deans conference room
8. adjournment: the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
summary of recommendations to amc
that amc explore co-coordinating a complementary aboriginal research forum with the northern ontario school of medicine's efforts to hold an aboriginal health research forum.
that the framework for evaluating the amc strategic plan, developed by the strategic plan monitoring committee, be used by amc at its retreat meeting on oct. 22, 2007.
that, given that two former amc members appointed to the senate academic committee/aboriginal management council sub-committee no longer sit on amc--cora mcguire and bonnie vermette--two new members be appointed. the other volunteer for the committee is c. hartviksen.
that references to an "mou" with confederation college be dropped because there is no such mou. refer in future to "relationship with confederation college."
that the vp ai transition team be the strategic plan monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile), plus laurie hayes.
aboriginal management council
advisors' committee
minutes of october 10, 2007
susan bebonang, (native teacher education program)
connie hartviksen, (native nurses entry program)
dennis mcpherson (chair indigenous learning)
charlotte neckoway, (native language teachers program)
dr. ian newhouse (dean, faculty of professional schools)
dr. j. o'meara, (interim dean, faculty of education)
l. pelot (acting/aboriginal student/liaison/advisor)
beverly sabourin, (vice-provost aboriginal initiatives)
dr. peggy smith (research ethics board)
dr. roger strasser, (northern ontario school of medicine)
dr. sandra wolf, (aboriginal education faculty)
dr. g. boire, dean, graduate studies
dr. b. dadgostar, dean, faculty of business
dr. e. gardner, chair, aboriginal education
dr. l. hayes, vice-president (academic) & provost
g. laliberte, native access program lead facilitator
h. moynihan, engineering
dr. r. pulkki, dean, faculty of the forest and the forestry environment
1. introductions: introductions were made.
2. approval of agenda: all members consented to the approval of the agenda. there were no additional items.
3. review of the advisors committee terms of reference:
frequency of meetings: meetings of the advisors' committee will be held two weeks prior to amc meetings in time for the amc agenda.
committee composition: presently aboriginal faculty is not explicitly included in the advisors terms of reference. there were no objections to include aboriginal faculty as advisors on the amc advisors' committee. the advisors terms of reference should be updated to reflect this change. appendix a, official advisors, in amc's bylaw #1, membership and officers, will also need to be updated. ian pelletier is acting director for aboriginal affairs at nosm, replacing orpah mckenzie who is on sick leave.
elders: there was a discussion on whether or not to invite an elder from the elders council to attend meetings. b. sabourin will ask the elders for their feedback at the elders council meeting on thursday, october 11, 2007.
chair: advisors committee currently has co-chairs--peggy smith & connie hartviksen. the terms of reference state that the chair is to be chosen annually. renewal of chair position will be brought forward to the next advisors committee meeting on november 14, 2007.
4. review of january 17, 2007 minutes:
a) aboriginal initiatives budget: unspent funds have been rolled over to beverly sabourin's budget.
b) faculty/staff get-together: last year, faculty and staff had a get-together once a month. this year, the decision was made to leave it until it is brought up again.
c) posting minutes on the website: post minutes of the advisors committee meetings as well as the minutes of the elders council meetings. b. sabourin will approach the webmaster, tove tronslien, about creating a position that will work with aboriginal education, aboriginal initiatives, aboriginal cultural & support services, and indigenous learning to design and update all aboriginal-related websites. all departments were advised to do a list of needs and send to b. sabourin.
d) amc self declaration support letter: the letter was prepared for inclusion in letters of acceptance for fall 2007, but did not make the deadline. discussion about whether other programs, such as native language instructors program, should give the letter to nlip 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
. needs to be discussed with charlotte neckoway. need to have the letter circulated before fall 2008, for example for winter, intersession and summer session 2008. review letter at next advisors meeting.
e) research ethics committee: p. smith reported the reb/amc sub-committee has been working on protocol/guidelines for researchers doing research with aboriginal people. the first draft is almost completed and will be circulated to the university for feedback. dr. strasser said nosm started a process on a research forum to take place in the spring. he will ensure that the information is circulated to amc on the time and date the forum will happen.
5. business arising from the amc september 24, 2007 minutes:
a) amc retreat: this is the amc october 22nd meeting. discussion about the need to structure this retreat to get full benefits. focus will be on amc's strategic plan. the amc strategic monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile) will be meeting on oct. 12th to make recommendations and prioritize tasks in the strategic plan.
b) senate academic committee: new members will be reappointed at the next amc meeting. this item is to appear on the amc agenda for october 22, 2007. the advisors committee minutes will be sent to karen roche, new secretary to amc.
c) memorandum of understanding (mou) with confederation college: c. hartviksen would like to see regular reports on the mou from t. pile and l. hayes. clarification that we should drop reference to "mou" since there is no such thing in place. refer to it in future as "relationship with confederation college."
d) native access program steering committee: c. hartviksen reports that a committee has been struck to review the progress, evaluation, and funding of nap. the first meeting of the committee has been scheduled.
e) vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) transition team: discussion about who should be on the team. recommend to amc that the vp ai transition team be the strategic plan monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile), plus laurie hayes.
6. aets annual report: aboriginal program reports are due in december. vp ai will solicit reports from relevant programs. people inquired about the report prepared for mtcu on aets, "evaluation of the government of ontario's aboriginal education and training strategy (aets)" by educational policy institute. kathryn wynn will send copies to those who want to see it.
7. next meeting: wed, nov 14, 1:00 p.m., deans conference room
8. adjournment: the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
summary of recommendations to amc
that amc explore co-coordinating a complementary aboriginal research forum with the northern ontario school of medicine's efforts to hold an aboriginal health research forum.
that the framework for evaluating the amc strategic plan, developed by the strategic plan monitoring committee, be used by amc at its retreat meeting on oct. 22, 2007.
that, given that two former amc members appointed to the senate academic committee/aboriginal management council sub-committee no longer sit on amc--cora mcguire and bonnie vermette--two new members be appointed. the other volunteer for the committee is c. hartviksen.
that references to an "mou" with confederation college be dropped because there is no such mou. refer in future to "relationship with confederation college."
that the vp ai transition team be the strategic plan monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile), plus laurie hayes.