monday, april 23, 2007 - 12:00am
atac 3004
aboriginal management council meeting
april 23, 2007
atac 3004, 2:00 to 4:30 p.m.
present: dr. f. gilbert, president
d. l hayes, vice-president (academic) & provost
c. goodwin, board of governors
p. capon, matawa first nations
m. maracle, lunsa alternate
g. martin, arco
t. pile, chair m.n.o.
r. ranger, fwfn, uoi
p. smith, advisors committee
r.wesley, lunsa
advisors:dr. l. lovett-doust, s&es
m. hardy, aboriginal education
h. moynihan, eng.
l. wabange, acss
regrets: s. bebonang, ntep
d.d. frenette, n.a.n
dr. e. gardner
c. hartviksen, nnep
c. neckoway, nlip
guests:r. perrier, manager, undergraduate recruitment
j. smith, director, admissions recruitment
1. opening prayer: m. maracle opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. introductions: everyone introduced themselves with the chair welcoming everyone.
3. approval of agenda: to accept the agenda as amended. moved by g. martin, and seconded by r. ranger. carried.
add to 6 d): policy development for research for aboriginal peoples
4.approval of minutes: to approve the minutes of february 26, 2007, as amended. moved by c. goodwin, and by seconded f. gilbert. carried
change item 5b). it should read dr. gilbert advised that the person selected to represent amc on senate preferably should be someone from within the university rather than from the community as that person would connect and relate to what's going on within the university.
change item 5c). it should say f. gilbert advised the amc secretary should contact all aboriginal faculty members to see who has interest in serving on the undergraduate scholarship & bursaries committee.
to approve the minutes of november 27, 2006 as amended. moved by dr. hayes, and seconded by r. wesley. carried.
corrections to item 5(b), nap report on recommendations: change the first paragraph to read: dr. hayes submitted a three page written report in response to the recommendations on native access outlined in c. hartviksen's report. the long term plan for access is still under discussion. dr. hayes said it's not clear how nap will fit into the sage program. arising from previous minutes:
a) admissions: aboriginal recruitment: a handout outlining key efforts and quick facts of the office of admissions & recruitment was distributed. r. perrier and j. smith generally talked about the activities and procedures of the admissions and recruitment at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . the recruitment officers visit many high schools and communities in ontario across canada except aboriginal high schools and first nation communities. close relationships are formed with all perspective 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to attract them to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . lakehead does not specifically visit first nation communities and high schools because some aboriginal high schools don't offer academic subjects that lead to a university. r. perrier works with all aboriginal offices in providing information on upcoming career fairs. aboriginal coordinators attend various career fairs off campus, locally and regionally.
dr. hayes mentioned there was additional funding given to aboriginal initiatives to enable travel to northern communities. lakehead will explore ways to work on recruitment once the vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) arrives. there was a discussion on improving ways to get 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to self-identify, and measurement of success rates. p. smith recommended that packages that are going out from the admissions office to include an amc letter outlining why 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 should self-identify, and to introduce the aboriginal management council.
motion: moved by p. smith, and seconded by dr. gilbert that the admissions office include a letter from amc that expresses the importance of the student self-identification form to encourage 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to self-identify, and to introduce the aboriginal management council.
b) science & arts gateway to education (sage )report: dr. hayes took the lead in providing an update on the native access program. nap is part of the sage program. in the past, nap was administered by the dean of the social sciences and humanities and the program led to a general b.a. this year, academic advising is involved in helping 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 choose more diverse curricular paths. some 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are interested in going into science, education, and business. eleven out of fourteen applicants completed nap this year. three applicants opted out due to personal reasons. courses offered were science, math, english, indigenous learning, and study skills. extra support was provided by having the study skills teacher going to class with the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who were in a cohort. applications for fall 2007 are now being accepted. this year, interviews will be part of the admissions process. applications are posted on the admissions office website. pictures of the nap graduation celebration will also be posted on the aboriginal initiatives website. after the presentation, a discussion of other issues followed.
6. new business:
a) nomination of amc chair: motion: p. smith nominated t. pile for chair. m. maracle seconded the nomination. t. pile accepted the nomination, and won by acclamation. t. pile will now serve as the amc chair for a second 3 year term. f. gilbert moved to close nominations, and r. ranger seconded the motion.
motion: to accept t. pile as the amc chair for term august 2007 to august 2010. carried.
b) transitions: dr. hayes reported on a number of changes that were happening at lakehead. l. wabange is going on maternity leave at the end of july, 2007 and will return january 21, 2008. dr. hayes is working on transitions for the acss office. the hiring committee for the vice-provost (aboriginal) initiatives is underway. interviews will be held in june.
c) negahneewin college and amc: t. pile gave information on what members should expect to talk about at the amc special meeting on may 8, 2007 regarding the relationship between negahneewin college and amc on access programs. amc wants to open lines of communication and discuss the memorandum of understanding to find get more ideas on what the relationship should look.
d) research policy: p. smith, research ethics committee said it s a requirement for anyone who is doing research with human subjects to go through a protocol and get consent from people and to make sure they understand the project you're working on. p. smith asked to strike a subcommittee and work with amc to set up policies. dr. gilbert advised polices are already in place at lakehead. k wynn will look for information and pull up policies. r. ranger, g. martin, and l.wabange volunteered to sit on the committee.
7. reports: m. hardy gave a verbal update on ntep, nlip, and aboriginal education. l. wabange reported on activities of the aboriginal cultural & support services office.
meeting adjourned.

advisors committee

wednesday, october 10, 2007 - 12:00am
little dining room
aboriginal management council
advisors' committee
minutes of october 10, 2007
susan bebonang, (native teacher education program)
connie hartviksen, (native nurses entry program)
dennis mcpherson (chair indigenous learning)
charlotte neckoway, (native language teachers program)
dr. ian newhouse (dean, faculty of professional schools)
dr. j. o'meara, (interim dean, faculty of education)
l. pelot (acting/aboriginal student/liaison/advisor)
beverly sabourin, (vice-provost aboriginal initiatives)
dr. peggy smith (research ethics board)
dr. roger strasser, (northern ontario school of medicine)
dr. sandra wolf, (aboriginal education faculty)
dr. g. boire, dean, graduate studies
dr. b. dadgostar, dean faculty of business
dr. e. gardner, chair, aboriginal education
dr. l. hayes, vice-president (academic) & provost
g. laliberte, native access program
h. moynihan, engineering
dr. r. pulkki, forestry and the forest enviroment
1. introductions: introductions were made.
2. approval of agenda: all members consented to the approval of the agenda. there were no additional items.
3. review of the advisors committee terms of reference:
frequency of meetings: meetings of the advisors' committee will be held two weeks prior to amc meetings in time for the amc agenda.
committee composition: presently aboriginal faculty is not explicitly included in the advisors terms of reference. there were no objections to include aboriginal faculty as advisors on the amc advisors' committee. the advisors terms of reference should be updated to reflect this change. appendix a, official advisors, in amc's bylaw #1, membership and officers, will also need to be updated. ian pelletier is acting director for aboriginal affairs at nosm, replacing orpah mckenzie who is on sick leave.
elders: there was a discussion on whether or not to invite an elder from the elders council to attend meetings. b. sabourin will ask the elders for their feedback at the elders council meeting on thursday, october 11, 2007.
chair: advisors committee currently has co-chairs--peggy smith & connie hartviksen. the terms of reference state that the chair is to be chosen annually. renewal of chair position will be brought forward to the next advisors committee meeting on november 14, 2007.
4. review of january 17, 2007 minutes:
a) aboriginal initiatives budget: unspent funds have been rolled over to beverly sabourin's budget.
b) faculty/staff get-together: last year, faculty and staff had a get-together once a month. this year, the decision was made to leave it until it is brought up again.
c) posting minutes on the website: post minutes of the advisors committee meetings as well as the minutes of the elders council meetings. b. sabourin will approach the webmaster, tove tronslien, about creating a position that will work with aboriginal education, aboriginal initiatives, aboriginal cultural & support services, and indigenous learning to design and update all aboriginal-related websites. all departments were advised to do a list of needs and send to b. sabourin.
d) amc self declaration support letter: the letter was prepared for inclusion in letters of acceptance for fall 2007, but did not make the deadline. discussion about whether other programs, such as native language instructors program, should give the letter to nlip 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . needs to be discussed with charlotte neckoway. need to have the letter circulated before fall 2008, for example for winter, intersession and summer session 2008. review letter at next advisors meeting.
e) research ethics committee: p. smith reported the reb/amc sub-committee has been working on protocol/guidelines for researchers doing research with aboriginal people. the first draft is almost completed and will be circulated to the university for feedback. dr. strasser said nosm started a process on a research forum to take place in the spring. he will ensure that the information is circulated to amc on the time and date the forum will happen.
5. business arising from the amc september 24, 2007 minutes:
a) amc retreat: this is the amc october 22nd meeting. discussion about the need to structure this retreat to get full benefits. focus will be on amc's strategic plan. the amc strategic monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile) will be meeting on oct. 12th to make recommendations and prioritize tasks in the strategic plan.
b) senate academic committee: new members will be reappointed at the next amc meeting. this item is to appear on the amc agenda for october 22, 2007. the advisors committee minutes will be sent to karen roche, new secretary to amc.
c) memorandum of understanding (mou) with confederation college: c. hartviksen would like to see regular reports on the mou from t. pile and l. hayes. clarification that we should drop reference to "mou" since there is no such thing in place. refer to it in future as "relationship with confederation college."
d) native access program steering committee: c. hartviksen reports that a committee has been struck to review the progress, evaluation, and funding of nap. the first meeting of the committee has been scheduled.
e) vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) transition team: discussion about who should be on the team. recommend to amc that the vp ai transition team be the strategic plan monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile), plus laurie hayes.
6. aets annual report: aboriginal program reports are due in december. vp ai will solicit reports from relevant programs. people inquired about the report prepared for mtcu on aets, "evaluation of the government of ontario's aboriginal education and training strategy (aets)" by educational policy institute. kathryn wynn will send copies to those who want to see it.
7. next meeting: wed, nov 14, 1:00 p.m., deans conference room
8. adjournment: the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
summary of recommendations to amc
that amc explore co-coordinating a complementary aboriginal research forum with the northern ontario school of medicine's efforts to hold an aboriginal health research forum.
that the framework for evaluating the amc strategic plan, developed by the strategic plan monitoring committee, be used by amc at its retreat meeting on oct. 22, 2007.
that, given that two former amc members appointed to the senate academic committee/aboriginal management council sub-committee no longer sit on amc--cora mcguire and bonnie vermette--two new members be appointed. the other volunteer for the committee is c. hartviksen.
that references to an "mou" with confederation college be dropped because there is no such mou. refer in future to "relationship with confederation college."
that the vp ai transition team be the strategic plan monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile), plus laurie hayes.
aboriginal management council
advisors' committee
minutes of october 10, 2007
susan bebonang, (native teacher education program)
connie hartviksen, (native nurses entry program)
dennis mcpherson (chair indigenous learning)
charlotte neckoway, (native language teachers program)
dr. ian newhouse (dean, faculty of professional schools)
dr. j. o'meara, (interim dean, faculty of education)
l. pelot (acting/aboriginal student/liaison/advisor)
beverly sabourin, (vice-provost aboriginal initiatives)
dr. peggy smith (research ethics board)
dr. roger strasser, (northern ontario school of medicine)
dr. sandra wolf, (aboriginal education faculty)
dr. g. boire, dean, graduate studies
dr. b. dadgostar, dean, faculty of business
dr. e. gardner, chair, aboriginal education
dr. l. hayes, vice-president (academic) & provost
g. laliberte, native access program lead facilitator
h. moynihan, engineering
dr. r. pulkki, dean, faculty of the forest and the forestry environment
1. introductions: introductions were made.
2. approval of agenda: all members consented to the approval of the agenda. there were no additional items.
3. review of the advisors committee terms of reference:
frequency of meetings: meetings of the advisors' committee will be held two weeks prior to amc meetings in time for the amc agenda.
committee composition: presently aboriginal faculty is not explicitly included in the advisors terms of reference. there were no objections to include aboriginal faculty as advisors on the amc advisors' committee. the advisors terms of reference should be updated to reflect this change. appendix a, official advisors, in amc's bylaw #1, membership and officers, will also need to be updated. ian pelletier is acting director for aboriginal affairs at nosm, replacing orpah mckenzie who is on sick leave.
elders: there was a discussion on whether or not to invite an elder from the elders council to attend meetings. b. sabourin will ask the elders for their feedback at the elders council meeting on thursday, october 11, 2007.
chair: advisors committee currently has co-chairs--peggy smith & connie hartviksen. the terms of reference state that the chair is to be chosen annually. renewal of chair position will be brought forward to the next advisors committee meeting on november 14, 2007.
4. review of january 17, 2007 minutes:
a) aboriginal initiatives budget: unspent funds have been rolled over to beverly sabourin's budget.
b) faculty/staff get-together: last year, faculty and staff had a get-together once a month. this year, the decision was made to leave it until it is brought up again.
c) posting minutes on the website: post minutes of the advisors committee meetings as well as the minutes of the elders council meetings. b. sabourin will approach the webmaster, tove tronslien, about creating a position that will work with aboriginal education, aboriginal initiatives, aboriginal cultural & support services, and indigenous learning to design and update all aboriginal-related websites. all departments were advised to do a list of needs and send to b. sabourin.
d) amc self declaration support letter: the letter was prepared for inclusion in letters of acceptance for fall 2007, but did not make the deadline. discussion about whether other programs, such as native language instructors program, should give the letter to nlip 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . needs to be discussed with charlotte neckoway. need to have the letter circulated before fall 2008, for example for winter, intersession and summer session 2008. review letter at next advisors meeting.
e) research ethics committee: p. smith reported the reb/amc sub-committee has been working on protocol/guidelines for researchers doing research with aboriginal people. the first draft is almost completed and will be circulated to the university for feedback. dr. strasser said nosm started a process on a research forum to take place in the spring. he will ensure that the information is circulated to amc on the time and date the forum will happen.
5. business arising from the amc september 24, 2007 minutes:
a) amc retreat: this is the amc october 22nd meeting. discussion about the need to structure this retreat to get full benefits. focus will be on amc's strategic plan. the amc strategic monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile) will be meeting on oct. 12th to make recommendations and prioritize tasks in the strategic plan.
b) senate academic committee: new members will be reappointed at the next amc meeting. this item is to appear on the amc agenda for october 22, 2007. the advisors committee minutes will be sent to karen roche, new secretary to amc.
c) memorandum of understanding (mou) with confederation college: c. hartviksen would like to see regular reports on the mou from t. pile and l. hayes. clarification that we should drop reference to "mou" since there is no such thing in place. refer to it in future as "relationship with confederation college."
d) native access program steering committee: c. hartviksen reports that a committee has been struck to review the progress, evaluation, and funding of nap. the first meeting of the committee has been scheduled.
e) vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) transition team: discussion about who should be on the team. recommend to amc that the vp ai transition team be the strategic plan monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile), plus laurie hayes.
6. aets annual report: aboriginal program reports are due in december. vp ai will solicit reports from relevant programs. people inquired about the report prepared for mtcu on aets, "evaluation of the government of ontario's aboriginal education and training strategy (aets)" by educational policy institute. kathryn wynn will send copies to those who want to see it.
7. next meeting: wed, nov 14, 1:00 p.m., deans conference room
8. adjournment: the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
summary of recommendations to amc
that amc explore co-coordinating a complementary aboriginal research forum with the northern ontario school of medicine's efforts to hold an aboriginal health research forum.
that the framework for evaluating the amc strategic plan, developed by the strategic plan monitoring committee, be used by amc at its retreat meeting on oct. 22, 2007.
that, given that two former amc members appointed to the senate academic committee/aboriginal management council sub-committee no longer sit on amc--cora mcguire and bonnie vermette--two new members be appointed. the other volunteer for the committee is c. hartviksen.
that references to an "mou" with confederation college be dropped because there is no such mou. refer in future to "relationship with confederation college."
that the vp ai transition team be the strategic plan monitoring committee (p. capon, b. sabourin, dr. e. gardner, dr. p. smith, s. bebonang, c. hartviksen, m. maracle and t. pile), plus laurie hayes.

advisors committee

wednesday, october 10, 2007 - 12:00am
little dining room
advisors committee
agenda for october 10, 2007
little dining room
1. introductions
2. approval of agenda
3. review advisors committee terms of reference: should aboriginal faculty be explicitly listed under committee composition? do we want an elder from the elders council to attend our meetings? chair: to be chosen annually.
4. review advisors committee minutes, january 17, 2007
5. review amc minutes, september 24, 2007
business arising from previous minutes
a) amc retreat: how to organize to get the most out of it
b) amc strategic plan monitoring committee
c) senate academic committee/amc sub-committee
d) mou with con college
e) native access program steering committee
f) vp aboriginal initiatives transition team
6. aets annual report
7. other business

amc agenda

monday, november 26, 2007 - 12:00am
atac 3004
aboriginal management council
agenda -november 26, 2007
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
atac 3004
1. welcome & opening prayer
2.introductions and chair's opening remarks
3. approval of agenda
4.approval of minutes
5. business arising from previous meeting:
a) amc strategic plan 2005-2010 monitoring chart (b. sabourin)
b) targets for aboriginal graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 : gary boire - faculty of graduate studies
c) revised secretariat/secretary policy
6. paul capon, matawa first nations
7. new business:
a) report from b. sabourin, vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives)
b) recommendations from the november advisors committee meeting:
1. that the three sac appointees to the joint sac/amc sub-committee include only one student, rather than two.
2. that the joint sac/amc sub-committee terms of reference and action items include the following:
to ensure that relevant items from the amc strategic plan are incorporated into the academic plan
to devise and recommend ways to implement these items at the faculty, departmental and classroom level
to monitor the implementation of the common elements of the academic plan and amc strategic plan
review the amc strategic plan and the academic plan
identify common elements in both plans
develop a plan for the implementation of these elements
monitor and revise these elements as needed, with the approval of both sac and amc
c) presenters for the january meeting
d) update from lunsa
8. adjournment:

aboriginal management council meeting
november 26, 2007
atac 3004
2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
present: dr. f. gilbert, president
dr. l. hayes, vice-president
b. sabourin, vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives)
p. capon, matawa first nations
d. burgart, lunsa
b. johnson, lunsa
g. martin, arco
p. smith, research ethics, advisors committee co-chair
dr. g. boire, dean, faculty of grad studies
dr. b. dadgostar, dean, business administration
dr. e. gardner, aboriginal education
d. mcpherson, i.l.
dr. j. o'meara, dean, faculty of education
l. pelot, acss
s. bebonang, ntep
d.d. frenette, nan
c. neckoway, nlip
i. peltier, nosm
t. pile, chair m.n.o.
r. ranger, f.w.f.n.
dr. r. strasser, founding dean, nosm
dr. s. wolf, aboriginal education
guest: murray waboose
1. welcome and opening prayer: p. capon, acting chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting. g. martin opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. conflict of interest: there was no declaration of conflict of interest.
3. approval of agenda: moved: (b. johnson/g. martin) to approve the agenda with the following amendments:
    • 7 c) presentations for january
    • lunsa update
4. approval of minutes: moved: (p. smith/g. martin) to accept the october 22, 2007 minutes of the aboriginal management council meeting as distributed.
5. business arising from the previous meeting
a.) amc strategic plan monitoring chart: b. sabourin, vice provost (aboriginal initiatives) explained the handouts that members had received. one was the revised version from the last meeting and the other a condensed version for clarity.
a list of aboriginal initiatives priorities was distributed and discussed. the list was revised and renumbered with the following additions:
6 c. graduate studies recruitment
8. indigenous learning centre - capital funding and set up sub-committee.
1. access to opportunities - l. hayes and b. sabourin are working on the access & opportunities strategy proposal. the money will have to be spent in the current academic year. e. gardner will review material and provide an update on what is currently being done in the education program such as brochures, etc.
lu will be applying for the access to opportunities grants in 3 categories: health-- native nurses entry program; education - for recruitment to theh.b.ed (aboriginal education); and transition--to increase aboriginal graduate student enrolment and retention.
2. native access program
short-term - b. sabourin and l. hayes are working on sage funding.
long-term- b. sabourin will provide information in april on goals, mission, and best way to deliver the program. b. johnson will forward some names of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who have been through the access program to be on this committee.
aets - to be completed in january. faculty heads were contacted to forward material about applicable projects in their departments.
3. report on amc strategic plan - due january 19, 2008 (review current lu strategic plan and add amc additions and progress on each goal and objective.
4. deans survey - inventory on aboriginal academic programming. surveys will be presented to the deans' council this wednesday and emailed to the department heads.
5. promotion/recruitment
aboriginal initiatives website and development of cultural promotional materials are being updated.
aboriginal recruiter - b. sabourin is working with recruiters to ensure recruiters are aware of approaches that will attract aboriginal 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and looking into getting an aboriginal recruiter. communities to visit have not yet been identified.
graduate studies recruitment - b. sabourin discussing with aboriginal graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 what positive experiences they have had and what attracted them to lu. b. sabourin will be working with g. boire for ways to increase graduate student enrolment through the access to opportunities potential funding.
6. cross-cultural education
a lunch program seminar series is planned to promote aboriginal cultural awareness. the presenters will be faculty from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
7. discuss with vp research goal 1. objective 2 under research and scholarly activity. research ethics board will work on this after the meeting with the vp research.
8. indigenous learning centre - set up sub-committee to raise capital funding. it was noted that amc can obtain advice from the advancement office. the transition team will assist b. sabourin with this.
moved: (p. smith/b. johnson) that amc supports the list of aboriginal initiatives' priorities as revised. carried
b.) targets for aboriginal graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 : gary boire - faculty of graduate studies
g. boire noted that prior to this no mechanism was in place to examine statistics related to aboriginal graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . it was noted that one of the best ways to recruit is to treat the current 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 very well.
g. boire plans to meet with graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and discuss what can be done to improve their experience. additionally, celebrating successes can be a recruitment tool. one consideration is setting up a section on the website for aboriginal alumni. aboriginal graduate education has plans to discuss how to increase enrolment.
some interest has been expressed in having a transition program for those interested in the master's degree program. the intent would be to provide a qualifying program that would provide the material necessary to meet rigorous requirements.
a mentoring system may prove useful to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 concerned about their abilities to meet the demands of graduate programs.
potential second and third year aboriginal 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 could be targeted with graduate student recruitment efforts.
c.) revised secretariat/secretary policy - will be addressed at the january meeting.
6. paul capon and murray waboose matawa first nations - slide handout distributed.
mr. p. capon discussed the matawa first nation communities. many of these communities are remote access communities. to encourage education in these areas, new approaches to education are being implemented. the matawa first nations are "committed to supporting each other and working together as a regional group in order to build community strength for the future."
the first nations are working on community-based education programming. the main objectives are: quality; accessible; and community-based. mr. waboose is facilitating with communities working collectively as communities move from provincial and federal schools to local control of the education system. communities are forming partnerships where one community delivers primary school and another delivers secondary school education.
the regional strategic plan for the next five years is being reviewed and a steering committee comprised of education directors is being re-established. the matawa first nations is working toward improving stakeholder relations by improving communications including an updated website which will be launched soon as well as encouraging isolated communities to take advantage of e-learning and video-conferencing. as part of the overall planning, both administrator capacity and teaching capacity are being developed while maintaining the uniqueness of the community. specialty services will be improved to provide additional services related to speech and language and psychologists.
7. new business
a) report from the vice-provost aboriginal initiatives - b. sabourin:
b. sabourin will be meeting with 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 enrolled in business administration to discuss how to improve recruitment and retention.
b. sabourin represented 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 at the aboriginal university education roundtable in winnipeg in november. members agreed to accelerate efforts to improve the success of first nations, metis, and inuit 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in canadian universities. the communiqu released after that meeting will be distributed to amc members. it was noted that the goals discussed during this meeting were the same goals that amc has been discussing.
amc discussed representation on an orillia advisory committee. contact should be made with sault college and with independent bands. although some bands are represented by the office of the treaty commissioner, it would be necessary to determine which bands will need separate representation.
statistics related to self-declaration at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 were discussed. it was determined that there were a total of 521 self-identified aboriginal 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ; 48 self-identified graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . summer 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 were not included in these statistics.
b) recommendations from the november advisors' committee meeting:
amc discussed the terms of reference for the sac/amc joint committee.
moved: (p. smith/e. gardner) the following recommendations will be forwarded to the senate academic committee secretary:
1. that the three sac appointees to the joint sac/amc sub-committee include only one student, rather than two.
2. that the joint sac/amc sub-committee terms of reference and action items include the following:
to identify common elements in the amc strategic plan and the academic plan
to develop a plan to monitor implementation of the common elements in the amc strategic plan and the academic plan at the faculty, departmental, and classroom level
to revise these elements as needed, with the approval of both sac and amc
to ensure that relevant items from the amc strategic plan are incorporated into the academic plan
(b. johnson abstained)
c) presenters for the january meeting - d.d. frenette, 1st choice; b. johnson, 2nd choice. the secretary will make arrangements with one of these members.
d) lunsa update:
b. johnson noted that lunsa had chosen a theme for the annual pow-wow "respecting the past, empowering the future" and it was scheduled for march 14-16 to cap off aac's elders conference.
the new lunsa executive is working with acss to bring "movie nights" to the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . other activities included selling lunsa t-shirts and planning the december winter feast on dec 6th.
b. johnson suggested recruiting 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 through e-mentoring whereby 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 are connecting with high school 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the community.
8. adjournment:
moved: (b. johnson/f. gilbert) that the meeting be adjourned. carried
______________________ __________________________
tim pile, chair karen roche, secretary

amc meeting

monday, september 24, 2007 - 12:00am
atac 3004
aboriginal management council
agenda - september 24, 2007
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
atac 3004
1. welcome & opening prayer
2.a)welcome/ introductions
beverly sabourin, vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) - brief remarks
new faculty in education, dr. laura buker, dr. sharon wolf
b) conflict of interest
3. approval of agenda
4. approval of minutes
5. business arising from previous meeting
a) strategic plan - prioritizing tasks
- what is achievable - short term objective - long term objective
6. new business:
b) plan october amc meeting - presentations by amc members:
i) what organization they represent - (mandate, goals, objectives)
ii) reason for membership on amc - how their organizations fits in with 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
7. reports:
a) amc annual report
b) senate representative
c) board of governors & ad hoc committee
d) aboriginal education
e) native nurses entry program
f) native access program
8. other business
a) membership - onwa, omaa
aboriginal management council meeting
monday, september 24, 2007
2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
atac room 3004
present: dr. f. gilbert, president
p. capon, matawa first nations
d. d. frenette, nishnawbe first nation
b. johnson, lunsa
t. pile, chair, metis nation of ontario
r. ranger, fort william first nation/union of ontario indians
b. sabourin, vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives)
dr. p. smith, advisors committee
r. wesley, lunsa
advisorss. bebonang, native teacher's education program
dr. g. boire, dean, graduate & international studies
l. buker, aboriginal education
dr. e. gardner, chair, aboriginal education
c. hartviksen, native nurses entry program
d. mcpherson, chair, indigenous learning
h. moynihan, engineering
l. pelot, aboriginal cultural & support services
dr. s. wolf, aboriginal education
g. martin, arco
c. neckoway, nlip
mark ettinger, fort william first nation
1. welcome and opening prayer: t. pile welcomed everyone to the meeting. r. ranger opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. welcome/introductions:
a) t. pile introduced beverly sabourin, vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) and the new faculty in education: ms. laura buker and dr. sandra wolf.
b) conflict of interest - there were no conflicts of interest
3. approval of agenda:
moved (b. johnson/p.smith) that the agenda be approved as amended. carried
4. approval of minutes:
it was noted that members would like to have copies of the minutes for approval available at each meeting. moved: (p. capon/f.gilbert) that the amc meeting notes april 23, 2007 be approved. carried.
moved: (p. capon/f. gilbert) that the amc meeting notes may 28, 2007 be approved with the following amendment: #5 dr. gilbert was disappointed that the meeting provided no opportunity for discussion. carried
5. business arising from the previous meeting:
f. gilbert will forward minutes from the aboriginal university education roundtable in winnipeg to the secretary for posting on the lakehead website
gloria hendricks-laliberte is facilitating the native access program.
f. gilbert requested further information on how the self declaration letter was received. the letter was sent out to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . action: b. sabourin will update the amc on the self declaration letter.
the animki bursary was electronically approved by amc members. action: b. sabourin will update the amc on the status of this bursary.
c. hartviksen requested further information on the mou with negahneewin college.
p. smith noted that kathryn wynn will be assisting at the amc advisors' meeting. the advisors' meeting will be held 2 weeks prior to the amc meeting to facilitate getting agendas and information to the amc. l. buker and s. wolf will be invited to the advisors' meetings.
the sage program is posted on the agora on-line page of the lu website
c. hartviksen noted that the transition team was to be in place to assist the new vice-provost (aboriginal affairs) but that group has not met
a) strategic plan - prioritizing tasks
the strategic plan appendix i was displayed on the screen for members' input on establishing priorities and setting short-term and long-term goals.
the council concluded that the following action needs to be taken to determine the current status of the academic programming strategic goals:
b. sabourin will begin compiling information on aboriginal programs including courses offered and descriptions. s. wolf, through the advisory committee, offered to compile aboriginal research that is being done. the transition team will evaluate and analyze current programs and identify areas such as graduate programs that do not have aboriginal applicants
action: b. sabourin will contact the vice-provost of student affairs to determine aboriginal student retention and success patterns into existing 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 programs (action #6)
the following action has been undertaken on research & scholarly activity:
the research and ethics committee is working on the aboriginal research ethics policy
joint sub-committee has had 3 meetings and protocol is being developed
the following items were noted:
amc will expand on what "aboriginal research" means
action: b. sabourin will obtain information from the vp research on aboriginal research conducted at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , funding, topics, projects, etc.
consideration will be given to a symposium on aboriginal research projects being conducted at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 including nosm research. partnerships will be fostered by inviting outside organizations to attend.
action: b. sabourin will meet with the authors of the aboriginal management council strategic plan 2005-2006 (t. pile, s. bebonang, e. gardner, p. capon, p.smith) and the transition team to prioritize the list of tasks prior to setting short and long term objectives
6. new business:
plans were discussed for the format of the october amc meeting. two organizations will make a presentation at each meeting throughout the year. amc members will present the following information about the organizations they represent:
what organizations they represent - (mandate, goals, objectives)
reason for membership on amc - how their organization fits in with 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
the metis nation of ontario and the fort william first nations will give presentations on their organizations at the october 22nd meeting.
the october meeting is scheduled as a luncheon meeting from 12 noon to 4:30 pm.
7. reports:
a) amc annual report - t. pile and b. sabourin are working on this report and will have it completed for approval electronically by the amc members prior to the board of governors meeting on october 12.
b) senate representative - c. hartviksen reported that she has attended four senate meetings and summarized some of the key areas addressed during that time. c. hartviksen noted that she is on the senate academic committee as well although it has not met.
c) board of governors & ad hoc committee - the upcoming board of governors meeting is scheduled for october 12. the ad hoc committee will be meeting with amc.
d) aboriginal education - e. gardner reported that the native language instructors program was very successful. there were 12 new entries this year. the honours bachelor of education will be reviewed by the ontario college of teachers on november 13. letters of support are welcome. l. buker and s. wolf are new to aboriginal education.
e) native nurses program - c. hartviksen reported that the native nurses program had not yet heard the call for proposals to access funding. there were 19 new 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . c. hartviksen has plans to attend two pow wows and anyone wishing to share tables or wish to have their information distributed there, may contact c. hartviksen.
f) native access program - b. sabourin presented l. hayes report. seventeen 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 applied to the native access program; nine were accepted. attendance has been 90%.
g) lunsa - r. wesley reported that the elections for lunsa are in october. he is not running for a lunsa position but will assist the new council.
8. other business:
a) membership onwa - b. sabourin visited onwa recently and reported that onwa was not interested in remaining a member on amc. onwa has limited resources and is focussed on other issues at this time. a letter will be sent to onwa asking them to confirm that they no longer wish to be a member of the amc and reiterating that amc will stay in contact with onwa to keep the communication open between the organizations.
b) omaa will be removed from the members list of the amc since that organization no longer exists.
moved (d. d. frenette/p. smith) that onwa and omma be removed from the membership list and that communication be maintained between onwa and amc. carried
9. adjournment:
moved (b. johnson/r. wesley) that the meeting be adjourned. carried.
karen roche