amc meeting
monday, september 25, 2006 - 12:00am
aboriginal management council
atac 3004, monday, september 25, 2006
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
present: dr. f. gilbert, president
t. pile, chair, m.n.o.
p. capon, m.f.n
d. d. frenette, n.a n.
c. hartviksen, advisor ntep
b. mawakeesic, lunsa alternate
m. maracle, lunsa alternate
c. mcguire, o.m.a.a.
t. neganegijig, o.n.w.a
r. ranger, fwfn
advisors: dr. j. iseke-barnes, ccrc
dr. l. lovett-doust, s&es
dr. e. gardner, aboriginal education
o. mckenzie, nosom
dr. j. o'sullivan
l. wabange, acss
regrets: s. bebonang, ntep
dr. g. boire, g&is
d. l. gilchrist, avp (ai)
dr. l. hayes, vp(academic) & provost
p. smith, advisor
observers: p. fisher
a. genereaux, lunsa
b. johnson, lusu
m. waboose, mattawa first nations inc.
d. wawia, elder-in-residence
1.opening prayer: d. wawia said the opening prayer.
2. introductions: everyone introduced themselves. t. pile thanked p. capon, vice-chair for chairing the august annual general meeting.
3.approval of agenda: that the agenda be approved with amendments.
moved by m. maracle, and seconded by r. ranger. carried.
under business arising from previous meeting:
add: item 5(e) dr. hayes letter to p. capon
item 5(c) - change luna to lunsa
under new business:
add: item 6(c) dr. gilchrist
item 6(d) announcement advisor's meeting
item 6(e) amc representative on nosom aboriginal reference group
item 6(f) amc representative on the aboriginal education advisory council
4.approval of minutes: the council deferred the approval of minutes until k. wynn brings to the next meeting in october 23, 2006, the verbatim transcript of dr. hayes comments regarding the finnish management council.
a)no. 10 - aets & continuity of amc: dr. gilbert advised amc would not disappear if mtcu discontinues the aets funding. the role of amc is critical and important at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
. amc should clarify its role and make recommendations to the president's office.
b) include in no. 10, dr. hayes comments on the finnish management council: the following is a verbatim transcript from the agm august 28, 2006 regarding dr. hayes's comments on the advisor's role and original intent of amc.
participants on amc are observers... 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
aboriginal management council as its stakeholder involvement... (tape was not clear at this point)...that's why its relationship is to the president and not to anybody else. it reports that way. i assume things are evolving on the future role of advice and consent, in particular, aboriginal. it may change. i think that's what the origin was. the office was to advise on funding, not to the university structure. there isn't an icelandic management council. there is no finnish management council. thunder bay has more finnish than any place else in finland. it's because it's related to a particular government."
5. business arising from previous minutes:
a)nap report on recommendations: council will wait for dr. hayes to report on this item at the october 23, 2006 meeting.
b) mou negahneewin college and amc: council deferred this item until the next meeting on october 23, 2006. dr. gilbert said he had not seen the document. dr. gilchrist had written up a draft memorandum of understanding and had met with b. small. the amc wants to get a better understanding of the mou. t. pile agreed to follow up with b. small to get information on setup of a working group.
c) bylaw changes:
1) lunsa: this does not need a bylaw change. lunsa does not need to change their alternate representation.
2)member-at-large: council deferred acceptance of bylaw change to add member-at-large alternate until next meeting. k. wynn will write letter to b. vermette to confirm interest in serving as the member-at-large, and to provide notice that the position will be declared vacant for non-participation at meetings. amc will vote on the declaration at the next meeting.
d)aboriginal initiatives review: amc selected the following people for the aboriginal initiatives program review committee: c. mcguire, t. pile, m. maracle, and dr. e. gardner. an elder, dr. hayes, or dr. birkholz will be asked to join the committee. the committee agreed to meet within a week or two to look at the avp (ai) job description. the goal of the program review is to see if amc and ai are meeting its goals, and to make improvements where it's needed.
some members were concerned and upset that dr. gilchrist's two-year contract was not renewed. dr. f. gilbert explained that the evaluation committee followed the human resources process and that the evaluation process was fair. dr. gilchrist did not pass her probationary period. he further explained that while she had made some significant contributions, she had not met all expectations of the position. the president stated he would be happy to provide input to the aboriginal initiatives review committee, and that he should not be a part of the committee.
e)dr. hayes letter to p. capon: p. capon said someone offended by a statement dr. hayes made at the august 28th meeting approached him. he asked for a letter from dr. hayes asking clarification of what she meant regarding the finnish management council. tim pile read the response letter from dr. hayes. members asked to hear exactly what dr. hayes said. k. wynn will bring a verbatim transcript and the tape to the next meeting on october 23, 2006.
6. new business:
a)amc strategic plan and the aets statistics: council deferred this item until thestrategic plan monitoring committee meets and reports back to amc. so far, there is no information on the mtcu aets review.
b) university calendar: p. capon asked to have the calendar indicate when courses are available. the university still lists courses in the calendar even if they don't offer the courses. the president advised this is a faculty issue. the best place to find information is the on-line calendar.
c) advisors' meeting: the advisor's meeting will take place on october 11, 2006 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
d)northern ontario school of medicine: d. d. frenette volunteered to represent amc on the nosom aboriginal reference group.
motion: to accept d.d. frenette as the amc representative on the nosm advisory council. moved by p. capon, and seconded by f. gilbert. carried
e) aboriginal education: r. ranger volunteered to represent amc on the aboriginal education advisory council.
motion: to accept r. ranger as the amc representative on the aboriginal education advisory council. moved by p. capon, and seconded by f. gilbert. carried
meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.