amc meeting

monday, october 23, 2006 - 12:00am

aboriginal management council

agenda - october 23, 2006

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

atac 3004

1. welcome & opening prayer

2. introductions and opening remarks from chair

3. approval of agenda

4. approval of minutes for aug. 28, 2006 and sept. 25, 2006

5. business arising from previous meeting

a) verbatim transcript - apology letter from dr. hayes

b) nap report on recommendations - table to nov. 27, 2006

c) memorandum of understanding - item from advisors meeting 10/11/06

advisorsrecommendation to amc: to strike a subcommittee of amc to guide the discussions with con college on an mou for access programming.

d) bylaw change: alternate member for member-at-large

e) aboriginal initiatives review - update on job description anddiscussion of questions from the appendix to advisors minutes oct. 11, 2006:
motion: that the word associate be removed from the job title associate vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) and that the job be realigned and the title changed to vice provost (aboriginal initiatives)

clarify reporting path of aboriginal initiatives -
internal and external
consider interim appointment until position is filled
permanently - discuss at amc first then bring item to the
dean's council
clarify job priorities of the associate vice-provost
(aboriginal initiatives)

discuss performance measures

f) acceptance of the revised amc strategic plan:

recommendation from the advisors committee: ensure approval of the amc strategic plan and appoint new members to the strategic plan monitoring committee to monitor implementation of the plan and to make sure that amc plan coincides with lu's strategic plan 2005-2010, clarifying what the review policy and timelines are for lu strategic plan implementation.

6. new business:

advisors committee meeting oct. 11, 2006:

a) reappoint amc senate academic committee:

motion: to appoint 3 people to the joint amc/sac subcommittee, send a letter to sac advising of amc membership and arrange a meeting of the joint committee before the next amc meeting.

b) mechanism to coordinate the internal affairs of

aboriginal faculty and staff:
recommendation to amc: that the following dates and
time be set as get-together dates for aboriginal faculty and
staff: last thursday of every month from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. on october 26, 2006, november 30, 2006, january 25,
2007, february 22, 2007, march 29, 2007, and april 26,
2007 in the little dining room. people can bring their own
lunch or buy it in the faculty lounge and bring a teat to
share if they so wish.
c) native access program report:
recommendation to amc: following response of dr. hayes
to nap coordinator's report, discuss mechanisms to
provide direction to the university on the native access
program - steering committee, subcommittee of amc, etc.
recommend to the university administration that an
evaluation of nap be conducted immediately to ensure
effective delivery of future programming.

d) provincial centre of excellence for curriculum
development and aboriginal teacher education.

e) h.b.ed. (aboriginal education)

7. adjournment


aboriginal management council meeting

october 23, 2006

atac 3004

2:00 to 4:00 p.m.


dr. f. gilbert, president

t. pile, chair m.n.o.

p. capon, matawa first nations

c. hartviksen, nnep, advisors committee co-chair

m. maracle, lunsa

c. mcguire, o.m.a.a.

r. ranger, f.w.f.n.

b. vermette, member-at-large


s. bebonang, ntep

dr. e. gardner, aboriginal education

dr. d. hunt, nosm

dr. l. lovett-doust, s&es

c. neckoway, nlip

dr. j. o'sulllivan, faculty of ed.

dr. r. robson, interim chair, i.l.

p. smith, research ethics, advisors committee co-chair

l. wabange, acss


d. wawia, faculty of education

1. opening prayer: d. wawia opened the meeting with a prayer.

2. introductions: everyone introduced themselves.

3. approval of agenda: to accept the agenda as amended.
moved by f. gilbert, seconded by c. hartviksen. carried.
a) item 6 b), change spelling error teat to treat
4. approval of minutes: the council again deferred approval of the minutes of august 28, 2006 to the next meeting in november 27, 2006 to seek clarification on comments made by dr. hayes.
motion: to approve the minutes of september 25, 2006 as
amended. moved by m. maracle, and seconded by f. gilbert.


5d) change the second paragraph to read: some members were concerned and upset that dr. gilchrist's two-year contract was not renewed.

change the second last sentence of paragraph 5d) to: he further explained that while she had made some significant contributions, she had not met all expectations of the position.
5e)should read: he asked for a letter from dr. hayes asking clarification of what she meant regarding the finnish management council. tim pile reviewed the response letter from dr. hayes.
5. business arising from previous minutes:

a) verbatim transcript: this item was deferred until dr. hayes is available to hear the recording.t. pile stressed that the original tape of august 28, 2006 must be brought to the meeting so that the group can listen to the full context of the discussion and not just a portion of it.dr. hayes had asked to listen to the tape of the conversation coming up to the point of what was discussed as well as what was discussed after her statement.dr. hayes can then write her response appropriately because she had responded to something that she wasn't aware of in her letter dated september 14, 2006 to amc.the members couldn't react to the complaint until the tape is heard to be sure of what was said exactly.

b) native access program report on recommendations: this item was deferred until dr. hayes is available to make her report.

c-i) memorandum of understanding with negahneewin college : the advisors committee had met and discussed the mou. t. pile had not been able to meet with b. small from confederation college .rather than having a one on one meeting, a committee was struck to oversee the mou.c. hartviksen, b.vermette, and t. pile volunteered for the mou committee.
motion: to strike a subcommittee of amc to guide the discussions with confederation college on a memorandum of understanding.moved by p. capon and seconded by r. ranger. carried.

c-ii) acceptance of bylaw change member-at-large: at the last meeting, there was consideration of a bylaw change that had to take place concerning an alternate member for the member-at-large position. f. gilbert advised that the 30 day notice can't simply be in the minutes, but that all members must be notified in writing that there will be a bylaw change motion to be considered at the next meeting. k. wynn will provide a written notice dated october 23, 2006.
notice of motion: to amend the bylaws to add an alternate position for member-at-large.
d)aboriginal initiatives review: the aboriginal initiatives review committee met to review the position of the associate vice-provost (ai). a recommendation to change the job title and reporting structure of the position to have the same level of appointment as vice-provost (student affairs) was brought forwardfor consideration:
motion: amc recommends to remove the word associate from the job title associate vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) and that the job be realigned and the title changed to vice-provost (aboriginal initiative). moved by b. vermette, and seconded by r. ranger. carried. dr gilbert abstained.
dr. gilbert clarified the reporting function of the avp (ai) position.

1. the avp(ai) reports to the vice-provost (student affairs) for student services

2. the position reports to vice-president (academic) for academic purposes.

3. the only interaction between the president and avp (ai) is through amc.

dr. gilbert was not convinced that the reporting structure of the avp (ai) should go directly to the president.he explained that for external affairs and community relationships, the amc secretariat is the link that provides communication between the aboriginal communities and the president.the position reports directly to student affairs because it has responsibilities in certain areas that cross over to student services.interaction for academic purpose occurs between vice-president and the avp (ai).
the president's involvement with amc/ai is strictly informational and communicational.the amc sits separate from other university functions and provides input from external communities. amc recommends actions to the president. the president responds to avp (ai) and amc.the president acts as a conduit from the amc secretariat for any actions that take place in the university.the avp (ai) position has equal stature at the deans council.this voice is heard as an equal voice and not a voice that is greater or less have the person reporting to the president is saying that this position has more importance than any other in the institution.there was discussion about the unique role of the avp (ai) in that it is not like any other department, but interacts with all faculties and departments on aboriginal issues.
f. gilbert stated that a process to clarify the title and structural change is underway.the position is to be advertised early november within two to three weeks.

other suggestions from the discussion were:

discuss having an interim director during the search for the avp (ai).

when the draft job description is done, pass it around to amc for review.

discuss hiring of a director of aboriginal initiatives or executive assistant tothe avp (ai)

e) amc strategic plan: the motion to accept the revisions of the strategic plan was deferred to the next meeting in november 27, 2006.some revisions were made earlier that have not been incorporated into the main document. p. capon, p. smith, and k. wynn will make certain that the changes are included in the final document for distribution to all members and advisors.once amc moves to accept the strategic plan, a recommendation will be sent to aec to accept it as part of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 strategic plan.

6) new business:

a) senate academic committee: the following people volunteered on the new amc/sac subcommittee: c. mcguire, b. vermette, and c. hartviksen. k. wynn will send a letter to l. hayes or the sac chair.
motion: to appoint 3 people to the joint amc/sac subcommittee, send a letter to sac advising of amc membership and arrange a meeting of the joint committee before the next amc meeting.
b) h.b.ed. aboriginal education: handouts:a letter asking the amc chair to provide a support letter for new honours bachelor of education (aboriginal education) proposed program, and information on the program were circulated to everyone for review and comment.dr. o'sullivan said that sac/amc sub/committee asked for amc to give direction to the representatives on the committee to support the program as opposed to a support letter.this item will be brought to the next meeting for discussion.this item is to be referred to senate in november and placed on senate's agenda in january 2007.
c) native access program report: tabled to next meeting
in nov. 27, 2006.
advisors recommendation to amc: that following the response of dr. hayes to nap coordinator's report, discuss mechanisms to provide direction to the university on the native access program - steering committee, subcommittee of amc, etc. recommend to the university administration that an evaluation of nap beconducted immediately to ensure effective delivery of future programming.
d) provincial centre of excellence for curriculum development and aboriginal teacher education:tabled to next meeting in november 27, 2006.
meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.