board of governors
friday, january 22, 2010 - 12:00am
1. approval of agenda
2. declaration of conflict of interest
3. chair's report
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of november 12, 2009
5. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
6. standing committee reports
6.1 audit & risk management committee (mr. c. fernyc, chair)
6.2 finance & investment committee (ms. a. dumyn, chair)
6.3 governance committee - proposed by-law amendments (mr. c. bruce, chair)
6.3.1 confidentiality amendments
moved that the board of governors approve the proposed amendments to articles 1q, 13e, 20, 29d, and 30 as circulated.
6.3.2 finance & investment committee terms of reference amendments
moved that the board of governors approve the proposed amendments to the finance & investment committee terms of reference as circulated.
6.3.3 operations committee terms of reference amendments
moved that the board of governors approve the proposed amendments to the operations committee terms of reference as circulated.
6.3.4 university advancement committee membership amendments
moved that the board of governors approve the proposed amendments to the university advancement committee membership as circulated.
6.4 nominating committee (mr. d. campbell, chair)
6.4.1 replacement members for the finance & investment committee
moved that ________ and _______ be elected to the finance & investment committee to complete the terms of mr. anthony leblanc and mr. andy crooks, respectively.
6.4.2 replacement of chair for the university advancement committee
moved that ________ be elected chair of the university advancement committee, until the 2010 annual board meeting, to replace mr. anthony leblanc.
6.5 northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) committee (mr. g. labine, chair)
6.6 operations committee (mr. k. dahl, chair)
6.7 senate liaison committee (dr. j. leggatt, chair)
6.8 student liaison committee (mr. t. halverson, chair)
6.9 university advancement committee
moved that the board of governors approve the action plan for 2009/10 as presented by the university advancement committee.
7. report of the alumni association (ms. v. cheng)
8. recommendations for tenure and simultaneous promotion and renewal of probationary appointments (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that the recommendations of the president concerning tenure and promotion as well as renewal of probationary appointments effective july 1, 2010 be approved as circulated.
9. approval of chair appointment - department of lifelong learning (dr. f. gilbert)
movedthat dr. donald kerr be appointed as the chair in the department of lifelong learning, faculty of education, for a three year period, effective december 1, 2009 to june 30, 2012.
10. ratification of adjunct professors (dr. f. gilbert)
movedthat the following be approved as external adjunct professors, effective july 1, 2009 to june 30, 2013, as recommended by senate on december 4, 2009:
- dr. jackie dawson, school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
- dr. emma stewart, school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
- dr. rongzhou man, faculty of forestry and the forest enviroment.
items for information
11. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union (mr. d. grad)
12. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board (mr. g. labine)
13. report of the northern ontario school of medicine (dr. r. strasser)
14. report of the board of governors' representative to senate (mr. k. dahl)
15. appointment of acting chair - dr. paul berger, faculty of education (for information only)
16. in camera meeting
1.approval of agenda
moved by mr. bruce, seconded by ms. ryan that the agenda be approved with the following amendments/additions: item 6.3.1 - motion should read "...articles 1q, 13e, 20, 29d, and 30b as circulated.", item 9 - motion should read "december 2009 to june 30, 2012."
mr. crooks requested that a "strategic plan update" be added to the agenda as a regular item. mr. cleghorn advised mr. crooks that the board officers would discuss this request.
bruce/ryan motion was carried unanimously.
2.declaration of conflict of interest
none were declared.
3.chair's report
the board chair reminded governors that following the board meeting, a joint board/alumni/lusu dinner was to be held in the outpost and at 8:00 p.m., members were invited to attend the men's basketball game at the fieldhouse. he also reminded governors of the board retreat being held on saturday, january 23, 2010 at whitewater golf course.
4.approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of november 12, 2009
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. clarke, seconded by mr. campbell that the minutes of the board of governors' meeting of november 12, 2009 be approved as circulated.
the following two corrections were noted: under item 8.5.1, the motion did not included a "mover" and the numbering in item 8 was incorrect.
carried with two corrections. arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
6. standing committee reports
6.1audit & risk management committee
mr. fernyc, chair of the audit & risk management committee, reported that the committee had not met since the last board meeting.
6.2 finance & investment committee
ms. dumyn, chair of the finance & investment committee, spoke to the report of the finance & investment committee which had been circulated with the agenda. she mentioned that the committee had reviewed the following policies: the capital debt policy; the trust & endowment management policy; the trust & endowment funds, statement of investment policies and guidelines for; and the excess borrowings policy, use of. slight changes were suggested for both the trust endowment management policy and the excess borrowings policy. the revised policies will be reviewed at the next finance & investment committee meeting.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by dr. leggatt that the report of the finance & investment committee be accepted
carried unanimously
6.3 governance committee - proposed by-law amendments
mr. bruce, chair of the governance committee, drew members' attention to the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
6.3.1 confidentiality amendments
mr. bruce reported that the governance committee is recommending to the board that the by-laws be amended to allow all board members, officers of the university, and non-board committee members to view and discuss the business, including resolutions, conducted by standing and ad hoc committees. currently, this particular information cannot be repeated or discussed outside of the meeting except with members of the committee. the committee is also recommending that, if needed, standing and ad hoc committee hold in camera meetings at the end of the meeting so that confidential information may be dealt with.
moved by mr. c. bruce, seconded by ms. dumyn that the board of governors approve the proposed amendments to articles 1q, 13e, 20, 29d, and 30 as circulated.
carried unanimously.
6.3.2 finance & investment committee terms of reference amendments
moved by mr. c. bruce, seconded by ms. phipps that the board of governors approve the proposed amendments to the finance & investment committee terms of reference as circulated.
carried unanimously.
6.3.3 operations committee terms of reference amendments
moved by mr. c. bruce, seconded by mr. dahl that the board of governors approve the proposed amendments to the operations committee terms of reference as circulated.
carried unanimously.
6.3.4 university advancement committee membership amendments
moved by mr. c. bruce, seconded by ms. ryan that the board of governors approve the proposed amendments to the university advancement committee membership as circulated.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. c. bruce, seconded by ms. ryan that the report of the governance committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
6.4 nominating committee
mr. campbell, chair of the nominating committee, informed members that the committee met on january 19, 2010. he drew members' attention to the report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
6.4.1 replacement members for the finance & investment committee
moved by mr. mckinnon, seconded by ms. cheng that don campbell and cam clarke be elected to the finance & investment committee to complete the terms of mr. anthony leblanc and mr. andy crooks, respectively.
carried with 1 abstention.
6.4.2 replacement of chair for the university advancement committee
moved by mr. campbell, seconded by mr. mckinnon that cam clarke be elected chair of the university advancement committee, until the 2010 annual board meeting, to replace mr. anthony leblanc.
carried with 1 abstention.
moved by mr. campbell. seconded by mr. labine that the report of the nominating committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
dr. leggatt inquired about an email dr. guttman sent to the board chair regarding the university equity committee. the secretary noted that dr. guttman's request would be discussed at the february board executive committee meeting.
6.5 northern ontario school of medicine (nosm)
mr. labine informed members that the committee had not met since the last meeting.
6.6 operations committee
mr. dahl, chair of the operations committee, highlighted the committee's report which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. c. bruce, seconded by dr. gottardo that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
mr. campbell requested further information regarding the vehicle fire which occurred over the holidays. mr. pawlowski reported that the vehicle had been parked in the loading zone behind the bookstore, adding that parking is prohibited in this area. the vehicle was plugged in and the block heater shorted causing the fire. mr. campbell inquired if there are any legal proceedings underway. mr. pawlowski reported that lakehead's insurance will cover the cost of the fire, and in turn the insurance company will potentially recover the costs from the individual's insurance company.
carried unanimously.
6.7 senate liaison committee
dr. leggatt, chair of the senate liaison committee, informed members that the committee had met once since the last meeting. dr. leggatt reminded governors that the senate liaison committee, as part of its mandate to ensure appropriate communication between the university's two governing bodies, organizes occasional information sessions at both board and senate meetings. dr. leggatt reported that she had recently emailed all senators inviting them to provide input into what specific board presentations senators would like to see and find useful. she will update the board at the next meeting. dr. leggatt also noted that the board/senate social event will take place in the fall of 2010.
moved by dr. leggatt, seconded by mr. mckinnon that the verbal report by the senate liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
6.8 student liaison committee
mr. halverson, chair of the student liaison committee, reviewed the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. t. halverson, seconded by mr. fernyc that the report of the student liaison committee by accepted
carried unanimously.
6.9 university advancement committee
mr. clark, chair of the university advancement committee, spoke to the committee's report which had been circulated with the agenda. he drew members' attention to the advancement plan for 2009-2015.
moved by mr. clark, seconded by mr. bruce that the board of governors approve the action plan for 2009/10 as presented by the university advancement committee.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. clark, seconded by mr. labine that the report of the university advancement committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7. report of the alumni association
ms. cheng, alumni association representative, highlighted the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by ms. v. cheng, seconded by ms. phipps that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8. recommendations for tenure and simultaneous promotion and renewal of probationary appointments
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. halverson that the recommendations of the president concerning tenure and promotion as well as renewal of probationary appointments effective july 1, 2010 be approved as circulated.
recommendations for renewal of probationary appointments
dr. kristin burnett, history
dr. martha dowsley, anthropology and geography
dr. rupert klein, psychology
dr. changquan jiao, business administration
dr. derek kivi, kinesiology
dr. ali manzak, electrical engineering
dr. lynn martin, public health
prof. karen mcqueen, nursing
dr. jane nicholas, history
dr. antony j. puddephatt, sociology
dr. jennifer roth, women's studies
dr. chander shahi, forestry and the forest environment
dr. robert stewart, geography
prof. shane strickland, nursing
dr. xuenqen wang, business administration
dr. elaine wiersma, public health
dr. sandra wolf, education
dr. hui zhang, business administration
recommendations for tenure and simultaneous promotion to associate professor
dr. michel beaulieu, history
dr. r. paul berger, education
dr. kevin crowe, forestry and the forest environment
dr. lida fan, social work
dr. monica flegel, english
dr. anna guttman, english
dr. timothy hardie, business administration
dr. douglas hayes, english
dr. dean jobin-bevans, music
dr. tim kaiser, anthropology and interdisciplinary studies
dr. nandakumar kanavillil, biology and interdisciplinary studies
dr. robert mawhinney, chemistry
dr. brian mclaren, forestry and the forest environment
dr. juan pernia, civil engineering
dr. edward rawana, psychology
dr. tamara varney, anthropology
gilbert/halverson motion was carried unanimously.
ms. dumyn requested information to be provided to governors regarding the process for promotion, tenure, and renewal. she noted that a presentation to the board would assist governors to clearly understand the career progression within the university. the request was referred to the senate liaison committee.
9. approval of chair appointment - department of lifelong learning
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. leggattthat dr. donald kerr be appointed as the chair in the department of lifelong learning, faculty of education, for a three year period, effective december 1, 2009 to june 30, 2012.
carried unanimously.
10. ratification of adjunct professors
movedby dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. leggatt that the following be approved as external adjunct professors, effective july 1, 2009 to june 30, 2013, as recommended by senate on december 4, 2009:
- dr. jackie dawson, school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
- dr. emma stewart, school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
- dr. rongzhou man, faculty of forestry and the forest environment.
carried unanimously.
11. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union
in mr. grad's absence, mr cleghorn informed members that the report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union had been circulated with the agenda.
12. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board
mr. labine highlighted the report of the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board which had been circulated with the agenda.
13. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
mr. labine drew members' attention to the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
14. report of the board of governors' representative to senate
mr. dahl, board of governors' representative to senate, updated members on the december senate meeting, adding that senate agendas, minutes, and backup documentation can be found on the senate website. mr. dahl noted that the report of nosm stated that graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
taking their licensing exams had received excellent results . the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
ranked 6th in the country and first in the country in the clinical section which had been emphasized in the nosm program. mr. dahl also informed governors that an articulation agreement was approved regarding the biotechnology technologist diploma from algonquin college and the honours bachelor of science degree program from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
15. appointment of acting chair - dr. paul berger, faculty of education (for information only)
dr. gilbert informed members that dr. paul berger had been appointed acting chair of aboriginal education in the faculty of education, effective january 1, 2010 to august 31, 2010.
the chair asked mr. crooks if he would like to discuss his request regarding the strategic plan 2010-2013 update to be included as a regular board agenda item.
moved by mr. crooks, seconded by dr. gottardo that the "strategic plan 2010-2013 update" (including the 4 areas of the plan) be included as a standard item on the board agenda for the next three years.
dr. gilbert advised governors that lakehead has a mechanism in place through the administrative executive committee for tracking the strategic plan, adding that reporting normally takes place semi-annually.
after a lengthy discussion, the chair suggested that the request be referred to the governance committee. mr. bruce, chair of the governance committee, asked governors to articulate, via email to the board secretary, as to how they foresee the updates being presented to the board.
moved by mr. crooks, seconded by dr. gottardo that the motion be tabled to the march 4, 2010 board meeting and that the strategic plan item be referred to the governance committee.
16. in camera meeting
the meeting, which began at 4:05 p.m., was adjourned at. 5:00 p.m., on a motion by ms. ryan and seconded by mr. dudtschak. the meeting moved in camera.