board of governors
thursday, march 4, 2010 - 12:00am
1. approval of agenda
2. declaration of conflict of interest
3. chair's report
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of january 22, 2010
5. receipt of minutes of the board of governors' executive committee meetings
5.1 october 14, 2009
5.2 july 9, 2009
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
7. president's report
** university information session - dr. laurie hayes - promotion, tenure and renewal process**
8. standing committee reports
8.1 audit & risk management committee (mr. c. fernyc, chair)
8.2 finance & investment committee (ms. a. dumyn, chair)
8.2.2 approval of the revised trust & endowment management policy
moved that the board of governors approve the changes to the trust &endowment management policy.
8.2.3 approval of the revised use of excess borrowings policy
moved that the board of governors approve the changes to the use of excess borrowings policy.
8.3 governance committee (mr. c. bruce, chair)
8.3 motion tabled from the january 22, 2010
moved by mr. crooks, seconded dr. gottardo that the "strategic plan 2010-13 update" (including the 4 areas of plan) be included as a standard item on the board agenda for the next three years.
8.4 nominating committee (mr. d. campbell, chair)
8.5 northern ontario school of medicine committee (mr. g. labine, chair)
8.6 operations committee (mr. k. dahl, chair)
8.6.1 semi-annual report on occupational health and safety
moved that the semi-annual report on occupational health and safety be accepted.
8.7 senate liaison committee (dr. j. leggatt, chair)
8.8 student liaison committee (mr. t. halverson, chair)
8.9 university advancement committee (mr. c. clark, chair)
9. report of the alumni association (ms. v. cheng, alumni representative)
10. ratification of adjunct professors
moved that dr. david gauthier be ratified as an external adjunct professor to the department of geology for the term january 1, 2010 through december 31, 2013, as recommended by senate on january 29, 2010
moved that dr. michel beaulieu be ratified as an internal adjunct professor to the department of philosophy for the term january 1, 2010 through december 31, 2013, as recommended by senate on january 29, 2010.
moved that dr. iain davidson-hunt be ratified as an internal adjunct professor to the faculty of forestry & the forest environment for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014, as recommended by senate on february 26, 2010.
moved that dr. gordon putz be ratified as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of forestry & the forest environment retroactive to july 1, 2009 through june 30, 2013, as recommended by senate on february 26, 2010.
11. approval of board of governors' meeting schedule for 2010/11
moved that the proposed schedule for 2010/11 board of governors' meetings be approved as circulated.
items for information
12. items reviewed and/or approved (on february 3, 2010) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
12.1 financial update (information only)
12.2 review of faculty employment equity policy
13. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union (mr. d. grad)
14. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board (mr. g. labine)
15. report of the northern ontario school of medicine (dr. r. strasser)
16. report of the board of governors' representative to senate (mr. k. dahl)
17. board of governors' meeting date change
- the june 17, 2010 board meeting has been moved to june 4, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. to coincide with the orillia campus convocation. the board meeting will take place at the orillia campus.
18. in camera meeting
moved that the meeting move in camera.
1.approval of agenda
moved by ms. ryan, seconded by mr. heroux that the agenda be approved with the following additions/amendments: new item #12 - approval of the re-appointment of the chair of curriculum years iii & iv, faculty of business administration; new item #13 under items for information - appointment of acting director in school of kinesiology; and renumber the remaining items.
carried unanimously.
2. declaration of conflict of interest
none were declared.
3. chair's report
mr. cleghorn began by thanking all governors who attended the presidential
announcement. he informed members that dr. stevenson has been provided with an lu email account which governors may use. mr. cleghorn was pleased to announce that both the men's hockey and basketball teams had made it to the play-offs. he wished the teams good luck in their respective play-offs.
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of january 22, 2010
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. clark, seconded by mr. labine that the minutes of the board of governors' meeting of january 22, 2010 be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
5.receipt of minutes of the board of governors' executive committee meetings
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
5.1 october 14, 2009
moved by ms. ryan, seconded by mr. morris that the minutes of the board executive committee meeting of october 14, 2009 be received as circulated.
carried unanimously.
5.2 july 9, 2009
moved by dr. leggatt, seconded by mr. bruce that the minutes of the board executive committee meeting of july 9, 2009 be received as circulated.
carried unanimously. arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
7. president's report
dr. gilbert referred to his report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. he noted the following 2 changes to his report: following suzanne fortier, remove exclamation mark and in the third paragraph the recruitment trip to chile was not "cancelled" only "postponed".
dr. leggatt introduced dr. laurie hayes, vice-president (academic), who provided a presentation on promotion, tenure and renewal.
8. standing committee reports
8.1 audit & risk management committee
mr. fernyc, chair of the audit & risk management committee, reported that the committee had not met since the last board meeting.
8.2 finance & investment committee
ms. dumyn, chair of the finance & investment committee, spoke to the report of the finance & investment committee which had been circulated with the agenda. she drew members' attention to the two amended policies.
8.2.2 approval of the revised trust & endowment management policy
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by ms. ryan that the board of governors approve the changes to the trust & endowment management policy.
carried unanimously.
8.2.3 approval of the revised use of excess borrowings policy
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. labine that the board of governors approve the changes to the use of excess borrowings policy.
carried unanimously.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by ms. cheng that the report of the finance & investment committee be accepted.
ms. dumyn reported that the 2011/12 tuition fees and ancillary fees had not been discussed at the last finance & investment committee, therefore, they would be dealt with at the april board meeting.
carried unanimously
8.3 governance committee - proposed by-law amendments
mr. bruce, chair of the governance committee, informed members that the committee had met on february 24, 2010. he reviewed the report which had been distributed at the beginning of the meeting.
mr. bruce reported that a board member had requested the governance committee to consider a standing policy for the board and all standing committees that minutes of all meetings be prepared within 2 business days of the meeting and then circulated to the committee chair and committee members for review. administration has agreed to review and report on their commitment for delivery.
mr. bruce reported that the governance committee also discussed a referral which dealt with the review of in camera minutes on a pin-protected website. he noted that the committee appreciated the suggestion but noted that if the pin-protected website was compromised, privacy issues could arise from information being leaked, therefore, the current practice for distribution of in camera minutes will be unchanged.
mr. bruce advised members that a third request had been referred to the governance committee which was to consider amending the membership of standing committees to include voting non-governors. at present, all standing committee memberships read "non-governors, non-voting, may be appointed as necessary to provide expertise or task-related support". the university advancement committee's membership goes on further to read "should there be a request by this committee for a voting non-governor member to be appointed, that request must be forwarded to the nominating committee and approved by the board of governors". mr. bruce reported that the governance committee agreed that the nominating committee recommends board appointments depending on the variety of skills the individual brings to the board, therefore, the committee did not think it was necessary to allow voting non-governors on standing committees, with the exception of the university advancement committee to assist with fundraising.
motion tabled from the january 22, 2010
moved by mr. crooks, seconded dr. gottardo that the "strategic plan 2010-13 update" (including the 4 areas of plan) be included as a standard item on the board agenda for the next three years.
mr. bruce reminded governors of the tabled motion regarding the strategic plan 2010-13. he informed governors that the item had been discussed at the committee meeting, but the committee had referred it to the board executive committee for a broader view and further discussion. following the executive's input, the item will be referred back to the governance committee.
moved by mr. c. bruce, seconded by ms. ryan that the report of the governance committee be accepted.
mr. crooks inquired if the governance committee had considered the creation of a listing of standing board policies. mr. bruce reported that all board policies are available on the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
carried unanimously.
8.4 nominating committee
mr. campbell, chair of the nominating committee, informed governors that the committee's report would be dealt with in camera.
8.5 northern ontario school of medicine (nosm)
mr. labine informed members that the committee had not met since the last meeting but would be meeting in late march.
8.6 operations committee
mr. dahl, chair of the operations committee, highlighted the committee's report which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. dahl drew members' attention to item 6 of the committee's report. mr. dahl advised the board that the committee is recommending to the governance committee that the orillia assistant vice-president (administration & finance) be added as a non-voting member of the operations committee.
moved by mr. dahl, seconded by mr. sevean that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
mr. pawlowski advised members that the operation committee's report had been prepared following the january meeting, therefore, the report is dated. he noted that as of february 25th, all work on the braun building has been halted, due to a difference of opinion between city hall and the insurance company, as to whether current building codes apply.
carried unanimously.
8.6.1 semi-annual report on occupational health and safety
moved that the semi-annual report on occupational health and safety be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.7 senate liaison committee
dr. leggatt, chair of the senate liaison committee, informed members that the committee had met once since the last meeting. dr. leggatt drew members' attention to the undergraduate program review for the faculty of engineering which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting, noting that the review had been presented to he senate liaison committee. dr. leggatt reported that a survey had been distributed to all senators requesting their suggestions for future board information sessions to be held at senate meetings. dr. leggatt mentioned that senate has requested the nominating committee to present on the nomination process and how board members are elected.
moved by dr. leggatt, seconded by ms. cheng that the verbal report by the senate liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.8 student liaison committee
mr. halverson, chair of the student liaison committee, noted that the committee's report had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. t. halverson, seconded by mr. sevean that the report of the student liaison committee by accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.9 university advancement committee
mr. clark, chair of the university advancement committee, advised members that the committee's report had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. clark, seconded by mr. halverson that the report of the university advancement committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9. report of the alumni association
ms. cheng, alumni association representative, highlighted the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by ms. v. cheng, seconded by ms. ryan that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
10.ratification of adjunct professors
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. leggatt that dr. david gauthier be ratified as an external adjunct professor to the department of geology for the term january 1, 2010 through december 31, 2013, as recommended by senate on january 29, 2010.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. ryan that dr. michel beaulieu be ratified as an internal adjunct professor to the department of philosophy for the term january 1, 2010 through december 31, 2013, as recommended by senate on january 29, 2010.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. leggatt that dr. iain davidson-hunt be ratified as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of forestry & the forest environment for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014, as recommended by senate on february 26, 2010.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. gottardo that dr. gordon putz be ratified as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of forestry & the forest environment retroactive to july 1, 2009 through june 30, 2013, as recommended by senate on february 26, 2010.
carried unanimously.
11. approval of board of governors' meeting schedule for 2010/11
moved by dr. hayman, seconded by ms. cheng that the proposed schedule for 2010/11 board of governors' meetings be approved as circulated.
the chair noted that "saturday, june 4, 2010" should read "saturday, june 4, 2011".
carried unanimously.
12. approval of re-appointment of the chair of curriculum years iii & iv, faculty of business administration
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. fernyc that professor r. isotalo be re-appointed chair of curriculum, years iii and iv, faculty of business administration, for the three year period from july 1, 2010 to june 30, 2013.
carried unanimously.
items for information
13. appointment of acting director in school of kinesiology
dr. gilbert reported that dr. jane taylor had been appointed as the acting director in the school of kinesiology from january 1, 2010 to june 30, 2010.
14. items reviewed and/or approved (on february 3, 2010) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
the chair drew members' attention to the items which had been circulated from the february 3, 2010 board executive meeting, noting that the documents for information only.
14.1 financial update (information only)
14.2 review of faculty employment equity policy
15. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union
ms. ryan, on behalf of mr. grad, reviewed the lusu report which had been circulated with the agenda. she was pleased to announce that the new lusu vice-president (finance) had been elected from the orillia campus. ms. ryan informed governors that the new vice-president (finance) would have to relocate to thunder bay, adding that the lusu by-laws currently state that lusu executives are required to work out of the thunder bay lusu office.
16. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board
mr. labine highlighted the report of the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. labine advised members that the search for the new ceo, tbrhsc, is progressing, and an announcement may be made in early april, with the new ceo in place for june 1, 2010.
17. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
mr. cleghorn informed governors the nosm board of directors has not met since the board's last meeting.
a governor expressed their concern that the northern ontario school of medicine had not submitted a report. the chair noted that the secretary of the board would contact the dean and request regular reports.
18. report of the board of governors' representative to senate
mr. dahl, board of governors' representative to senate, updated members on the january and february senate meetings, adding that senate agendas, minutes, and backup documentation can be viewed on the senate website. mr. dahl highlighted the following items from the senate meetings:
- senate approved the early childhood education articulation agreement with confederation college. this agreement establishes the procedure for admission of qualified graduates from confederation college's early education diploma program to the concurrent bachelor of arts/bachelor of education program, primary/junior division offered at the faculty of education, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
- substantial revisions to the senate scholarship and bursaries committee's terms of reference. these changes will broaden the scope and knowledge of the committee and deal with issues of succession planning;
- terms of reference of the senate honorary degrees committee had been revised to include 1 orillia representative;
- new program approved in faculty of forestry and the forest environment an hb environmental management and in the department of interdisciplinary studies an hbasc in environmental sustainability at the orillia campus new degree and revision of an existing degree (hb environmental management).
mr. dahl concluded by informing governors that at the february 2010 senate meeting, the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee provided a report, which he thought would be of interest to the board, therefore, he requested the board secretary to circulate the report to all board members via email.
19. board of governors' meeting date change
the june 17, 2010 board meeting has been moved to june 4, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. to coincide with the orillia campus convocation. the board meeting will take place at the orillia campus.
mr. cleghorn announced that research & innovation week was a great success and congratulated dr. wang for his dedication to the event.
a question arose regarding the timing of the approval of tuition fees. ms. dumyn informed governors that normally the board addresses tuition fees at the march board meeting, but mtcu did not provide the guidelines in time to do so. the finance & investment committee will bring forward their recommendation to the april board meeting. the governor was still concerned with the april timing since many 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
will not be on campus at that time. ms. dumyn reported that she would discuss their concerns with mr. pawlowski. ms. dumyn concluding by reassuring the governor that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
will be informed that tuition fees will be discussed at the april board meeting.
mr. cleghorn reported that the council of chairs of ontario universities had recently met with the honourable john milloy. following the meeting, a letter was drafted and signed by all ontario board chairs and forwarded to the honourable john milloy which referenced the funding issues.
20. in camera meeting
moved by ms. ryan, seconded by dr. leggatt that the meeting move in camera.
carried unanimously.
the meeting, which began at 4:05 p.m., was adjourned at. 5:45 p.m., on a motion by dr. hayman and seconded by. ms. cheng.
research and innovation week (february 20-26) was a great success. from a kick-off event in the intercity shopping centre on saturday, february 20th to the graduate student awards ceremony event on friday, february 26th, there were lectures, films, posters, and panel presentations by researchers and graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
as well as a presentation by the president of nserc, suzanne fortier.
a major research partner of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
, the thunder bay regional research institute (tbrri) received over $6m in operating funds from the provincial government. the university has an agreement in principle with tbrri to jointly recruit up to eight research chairs.
an international recruitment trip to chile, which was to occur this month, has been postponed due to the recent earthquake that severely damaged infrastructure in the country. dr. hayes was to explore potential liaisons with chilean universities with the chile mission organized by aucc, cbie and accc, in concert with the federal government.
the faculty of forestry and the forest environment is preparing a name change to natural resources management with considerable concomitant curricular revision. this is part of the faculty’s response to declining enrolment. senate will act on the name change proposal at its next meeting.
rfps for the residence and cafeteria at the orillia campus are currently being solicited. construction is expected to get underway early this summer for completion in time for fall 2011.
a water line break on the roof of kenora house resulted in the flooding of offices in that building. some of these offices were being used by faculty from the braun building relocated because of the fire. they have been moved again to the conference services centre in residence. everyone hopes their next move is to a reconstructed wing of the braun building.
both the federal and provincial budgets are to be released this month. in fact, the federal budget is being announced at the time of this board meeting. there are unlikely to be any surprises in the budgets as both levels of government are struggling with substantially increased debt loads. the good news is that there is acknowledgment that post-secondary education and especially research and innovation fostered by the university sector are essential to the future well-being of ontario and canada. so while it will be difficult for government to provide much in the way of new funding, there is recognition that the sector needs to be protected against any funding cuts.