board of governors
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by ms. ryan that the report of the finance & investment committee be accepted.
report from the president
confirmations for fall 2010 were running about the same as for fall 2009. admissions and recruitment plus the various academic units have been working hard to improve the application/confirmation conversion rate. competition for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 is particularly keen among the ontario universities this year. the latest statistics (june 2) show about a 10% increase over last year at this time.
dr. mary lou kelley and holly prince of cerah were successful in securing a five-year $1.8m grant from cihr entitled "improving end-of-life care in first nations communities: generating a theory of change to guide program and policy development".
we are in the process of revising the law school proposal to meet the expectations of the task force on the accreditation of canadian common law degrees' report and its recommendations. we will submit this to the ad hoc committee of the federation of law societies of canada on the approval of new canadian law degree programs by june 30.
bill 16 directs the universities, and this has been confirmed through cou by the premier's office, that only performance based increments are possible provided there is a reasonable past history.
bill 168 (amendment to occupational health and safety act) includes violence and harassment in the workplace. our current policies cover the harassment section adequately but we will be developing an appropriate violence policy after a thorough risk analysis.
the university will be hosting the international under 17 baseball teams for 2 weeks on campus, at cost, as part of our contribution to support this community event.