board of governors
friday, november 5, 2010 - 12:00am
1.welcome new members
nancy bouchard, erin carter, ken chase, katie spurvey, sharon-dale stone, david tamblyn, mark tilbury, murray walberg, eric zakrewski
2.need for in camera agenda items to be declared (ms. f. picherack)
3.approval of agenda
4.declaration of conflict of interest
5. chair's report
6.approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of october 1, 2010
7. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
8. president's report
8.1 strategic plan update - presentation on sustainability re: fundraising
(mr. l. gould)
(mr. l. gould)
** university information session - mr. chris mcleod, education officer/analyst
metis nation of ontario in the education & training branch - metis 101 **
9. annual reports from the standing committees
9.1 audit & risk management committee (mr. k. chase, chair)
9.2 compensation committee (mr. k. cleghorn)
9.3 finance and investment committee (mr. d. heroux, on behalf of the chair)
9.3.1 approval of 2010/11 operating budget guidelines
moved that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 operating budget guidelines as presented.
9.4 governance committee (ms. f. picherack, chair)
9.4.1 amendments to the by-law - terms of reference, articles 20b, 30b, and 30c.
moved that the board of governors approve the proposed revisions to the governance committee's terms of reference.
moved that the board of governors approve the amendments to articles 30b and 20b.
moved that the board of governors approve the amendment to article 30c.
9.5 operations committee (mr. k. dahl, chair)
9.6 nominating committee (mr. k. cleghorn)
9.7 nosm committee (mr. g. labine)
9.8 senate liaison committee (dr. c. gottardo, chair)
9.9 student liaison committee (ms. m. ryan, chair)
9.10 university advancement committee (mr. c. clark, chair)
10. report of alumni association (mr. m tilbury, alumni representative)
11. student appointment to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures (mr. m. snoddon, lusu president)
moved that the student name put forward in the memorandum of october 1, 2010 be appointed to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the 2011 annual meeting.
12. ratification of adjunct professors (dr. b. stevenson)
moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of health and behavioural sciences be ratified, as approved by senate on october 1, 2010:
- dr. william montelpare be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the school of kinesiology for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014;
- dr. kristen jacklin be appointed as an internal adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2013;
- dr. julija kelecevic be appointed as an internal adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2013;
- dr. marion maar be appointed as an internal adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2013;
- dr. nancy lightfoot be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014; and
- dr. henry kurban be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2013.
moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of natural resources management be ratified, as approved by senate on october 1, 2010:
- dr. wensheng qin be appointed as an internal adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014;
- dr. steve windels be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014;
- dr. jay r. malcolm be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014; and
- dr. preston mceachern be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.
13. ratification of professional associates (dr. b. stevenson)
moved that the following professional associates for the faculty of science & environmental studies be ratified, as approved by senate on october 1, 2010:
- mr. mark smyk be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013;
- mr. bill addison be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013; and
- mr. greg brumpton be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013.
items for information
14. items reviewed and/or approved (on july 22, 2010) by the board executive committee, on behalf of the board of governors
14.1 cashflow 2010/11
14.2 approval of chair appointment - dr. gary munro, political science
14.3 approval of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
pension investment fund financial statements
15. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union (mr. m. snoddon, lusu president)
16. report of the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board (mr. g. labine)
17. report of the northern ontario school of medicine (dr. r. strasser, dean, nosm)
18. report of the aboriginal management council (amc) (ms. n. bouchard)
19. report of the board of governors' representative to senate (mr. k. dahl)
20. in camera meeting
1. welcome to new members
mr. bruce welcomed new members- nancy bouchard, erin carter, ken chase, katie spurvey, sharon-dale stone, david tamblyn, mark tilbury, murray walberg, and eric zakrewski.
2.need for in camera agenda items to be declared
mr. bruce informed members that the "need for in camera agenda items to be declared" was a new agenda item and requested ms. picherack, chair of the governance committee, to explain the item.
ms. picherack reminded governors that the board by-laws had been amended last year to allow standing and ad hoc committees to go in camera but no process had been set out. ms. picherack reported that the governance committee had discussed this item at length and agreed that prior to a meeting of the board of governors, executive committee, and standing or ad hoc committees, the chair is responsible to request members to review the agenda and determine if there is a "need for in camera items to be declared.", adding that this item will be placed on all agendas prior to the "approval of the agenda".
the chair called for in camera items to be declared. no items were declared.
3.approval of agenda
moved by mr. clark, seconded by mr. labine that the agenda be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
4. declaration of conflict of interest
none were declared.
5. chair's report
mr. bruce wished to reflect over the past few days, commenting on the economic conference and the installation. he thanked administration and staff who were involved in the success of the events. he also wished to thank governors for their attendance and taking the time out of their busy schedules to attend the events.
mr. bruce reminded governors of a new award - the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
laskin award. he advised members that this award commemorates the memories of saul and bora laskin, two prominent early supporters of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
. at the recommendation of the priorities and planning group (ppg) and approval of the board of governors, each year at convocation, either in orillia or thunder bay, one award may be given to recognize significant achievement. mr. bruce reviewed the criteria for the award - major contributor to society in business, science, humanities, arts or public services, i.e. globally successful; major benefactor of the university; and nationally and/or a globally recognized individual. he informed the governors that the deadline for nominations were extended; therefore, nominations were due november 12.
mr. bruce also reminded the governors of another important award - the fellow of the university. he concluded by informing members that the criteria for the fellow can be reviewed under item #9.6 of the agenda, adding that the board secretary would be forwarding a letter to governors requesting nominations.
6. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of october 1, 2010the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by ms. flett, seconded by ms phipps that the minutes of the board of governors' meeting of october 1, 2010 be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
7. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
8 president's report
dr. stevenson reviewed the president's report which had been circulated with the agenda.
8.1 strategic plan update- presentation on sustainability re: fund-raising
mr. lee gould, vice-president (advancement), provided a presentation
to the board which dealt with how the office of university advancement will be involved in improving the university's long-term sustainability through fund-raising.
dr. christine gottardo, chair of the senate liaison committee introduced mr. chris mcleod, education officer/analyst metis nation of ontario in the education and training branch, who provided a report on metis 101.
9.annual reports from the standing committees
9.1audit & risk management committee
mr. chase reviewed the report and the 2010/11 action plan for the audit & risk management committee which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. chase, seconded by ms. phipps that the board of governors approve the action plan of the audit & risk management committee 2010/11 action plan as presented.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. k. chase, seconded by ms. picherack that the report of the audit & risk management committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
[ms. ryan joined the meeting]
mr. labine informed the chair that he would have to excuse himself from the meeting
and requested that item 9.7 be dealt with prior to 9.2.
9.7 nosm committee
mr. labine reported that the nosm committee had met on november 2, 2010; adding that the report and action plan had been circulated prior to the meeting.
moved by mr. labine, seconded by ms. flett that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 action plan of the nosm committee as presented.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. labine, seconded by mr. clarke that the report of the nosm committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
[mr. labine left the meeting.]
9.2compensation committee
mr. clark, on behalf of the chair, drew members' attention to the compensation committee report and the 2010/11 action plan which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. clark, seconded by mr. walberg that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 action plan of the compensation committee as presented.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. clark, seconded by mr. walberg that the report of the compensation committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.3 finance and investment committee
mr. heroux, on behalf of the chair, reviewed the committee's report and the 2010/11 action plan which had been circulated with the agenda.
9.3.1 approval of 2010/11 operating budget guidelines
mr. heroux referred to the operating budget guidelines. the ultimate goal is to ensure that the total expenditures of the university do not exceed the anticipated revenues. the enrolment target for 2011/12 is 7,000 full time 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (full time equivalents) and 700 part time (full time equivalents); this included enrolment of 1,100 fte at the orillia campus. an additional 100 fte international 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are being budgeted. revenue projections will be based on historical transfer payments; no additional grant revenue is anticipated in 2011/12. in accordance with the government policy, lakehead will increase tuition fees by an average of 5%. expenditures will be budgeted on the basis that the 2010/11 base budget will become the 2011/12 base budget and a 0% reduction.
mr. heroux referred to the operating budget guidelines. the ultimate goal is to ensure that the total expenditures of the university do not exceed the anticipated revenues. the enrolment target for 2011/12 is 7,000 full time 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (full time equivalents) and 700 part time (full time equivalents); this included enrolment of 1,100 fte at the orillia campus. an additional 100 fte international 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are being budgeted. revenue projections will be based on historical transfer payments; no additional grant revenue is anticipated in 2011/12. in accordance with the government policy, lakehead will increase tuition fees by an average of 5%. expenditures will be budgeted on the basis that the 2010/11 base budget will become the 2011/12 base budget and a 0% reduction.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by dr. gottardo that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 operating budget guidelines as presented.
carried unanimously.
9.3.2 2010/11 action plan
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. zakrewski that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 action plan of the finance & investment committee as presented.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. tilbury that the report of the finance & investment committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.4 governance committee
ms. picherack reviewed the report of the governance committee and the 2010/11 action plan which had been circulated with the agenda.
9.4.1 proposed revisions to the governance committee terms of reference
moved by ms. picherack, seconded by ms. spurvey that the board of governors approve the revised membership of the governance committee as presented.
carried unanimously.
9.4.2 2010/11 action plan
moved by ms. picherack, seconded by ms. spurvey that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 action plan of the governance committee as presented.
carried unanimously.
9.4.3 exiting interview survey
ms. picherack reviewed the exiting interview survey informing governors that a cover letter has been prepared to accompany the survey. she noted that the survey had been revised to allow retired members to submit the survey anonymously.
moved by ms. picherack, seconded by ms. carter that the board of governors' revised exiting interview survey be approved.
carried unanimously.
9.4.4 amendments to the by-law - terms of reference, articles20b, 30b, and 30c.
ms. picherack drew members' attention to the report which had been circulated with the agenda. she reminded governors that article 20b was amended to allow standing and ad hoc committees to conduct an in camera meeting during their meetings. ms. picherack reported that upon review of the by-laws, the governance committee observed that the in camera language in article 29d was slightly different that the language in article 20b. therefore, the committee is recommending that the language in article 20b be changed to reflect that in 29d. ms. picherack also reported that the committee is also recommending that article 30 be amended to include provisions for in camera meetings to be held by standing and ad hoc committees, using the same language as in 29d.
moved by ms. picherack, seconded by ms. spurvey that the board of governors approve the amendments to articles 20b and 30b.
carried unanimously.
ms. picherack, reported that the by-laws state that "all standing and ad hoc committee meetings of the board are bound by article 20. confedentiality of these by-laws". she noted that the committee is recommending that the by-laws be amended to read "members of standing and ad hoc committee meetings of the board are bound by article 20. confidentiality of these by-laws."
moved by ms. picherack, seconded by dr. gottardo that the board of governors approve the amendment to article 30c.
carried unanimously.
moved by ms. picherack, seconded by ms. phipps that the report of the
governance committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
ms. picherack concluded by informing governors that she had attended the new governors' board orientation session which was held on november 3. she reported that the session very informative and recommended governors to attend as a refresher session.
[mr. cleghorn joined the meeting]
9.5operations committee
mr. dahl, chair of the operations committee, reviewed the committee's report and the 2010/11 action plan which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. dahl, seconded by dr. hayman that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 action plan of the operations committee as presented.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. dahl, seconded by mr. clark that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.6nominating committee
mr. cleghorn drew members' attention to the nominating committee's 2010/11 action plan which had been circulated with the agenda.
9.6.1 2010/11 action plan
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. waite that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 action plan for the nominating committee as presented.
carried unanimously.
9.6.2 fellow of the university award criteria
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by ms. picherack that the revised fellow of the university award criteria be approved.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. tamblyn that the report of the nominating committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.8 senate liaison committee
dr. gottardo reviewed the senate liaison committee's 2010/11 action plan which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by dr. gottardo, seconded by dr. hayman that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 action plan for the senate liaison committee as presented.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gottardo, seconded by dr. stone that the report of the senate liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.9student liaison committee
ms. ryan reviewed the report and the 2010/11 action plan of the student liaison committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
moved by ms. ryan, seconded by ms. spurvey that the board of governors approve the 2010/11 action plan for the student liaison committee as presented.
carried unanimously.
moved by ms. ryan, seconded by ms. carter that the report of the student liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.10university advancement committee
mr. clark reported that the university advancement committee would be meeting on november 18, 2010. he noted that the committee would be reviewing the terms of reference and the 2010/11 action plan at that time.
moved by mr. clark, seconded by ms. phipps that the verbal report of the university advancement committee by accepted.
carried unanimously.
10. report of alumni association
mr. tilbury reviewed the report of the alumni association which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. tilbury, seconded by mr. heroux that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
11. student appointment to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures
moved by ms. carter, seconded by mr. cleghorn that the student name be put forward in the memorandum of october 1, 2010 be appointment to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the 2011 annual meeting.
carried unanimously.
12.ratification of adjunct professors
moved by dr. stevenson, seconded by mr. dahl, that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of health and behavioural sciences be ratified, as approved by senate on october 1, 2010:
- dr. william montelpare be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the school of kinesiology for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014;
- dr. kristen jacklin be appointed as an internal adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2013;
- dr. julija kelecevic be appointed as an internal adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2013;
- dr. marion maar be appointed as an internal adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2013;
- dr. nancy lightfoot be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014; and
- dr. henry kurban be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the master of public health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2013.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. stevenson, seconded by dr. gottardo, that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of natural resources management be ratified, as approved by senate on october 1, 2010:
- dr. wensheng qin be appointed as an internal adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014;
- dr. steve windels be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014;
- dr. jay r. malcolm be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014; and
- dr. preston mceachern be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.
carried unanimously.
13. ratification of professional associates
moved by dr. stevenson, seconded by dr. gottardo, that the following professional associates for the faculty of science & environmental studies be ratified, as approved by senate on october 1, 2010:
- mr. mark smyk be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013;
- mr. bill addison be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013; and
- mr. greg brumpton be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013.
carried unanimously.
items for information
14. items reviewed and/or approved (on july 22, 2010) by the board executive committee, on behalf of the board of governors
ms. merriman informed members that the following items had been addressed at the july 22, 2010 board executive committee meeting, noting that the backup documentation on the items had been circulated with the agenda.
14.1 cashflow 2010/11
14.2 approval of chair appointment - dr. gary munro, political science
14.3 approval of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
pension investment fund financial statements
15. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union
mr. snoddon, lusu president, spoke to his report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
16. report of the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board
mr. bruce informed members that the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board report had been included for information.
17. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
mr. bruce referred to the nosm report, noting that the report was enclosed for information.
18. report of the aboriginal management council (amc)
mr. bouchard reviewed the amc report which had been circulated with the agenda. the report dealt with strategic planning, nan treaty 9 and treaty 5 symposium, and the aboriginal research facilitator position.
19. report of the board of governors' representative to senate
mr. dahl, board representative to senate, reported that senate met on october 1, 2010. he provided the following update:
- dr. mary louise hill was the recipient of the 2009-10 distinguished instructor award;
- dr. monica flegel, dr. timothy kaiser, mr. camillo lento, dr. jane nicholas, dr. jenifer roth, and dr. charles xu were recipients of the contribution to teaching awards;
- the academic accommodation of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
with disabilities policy had been approved; and
- the provincial quality assurance framework would be implemented in january 2011.
20. in camera meeting
the meeting, which began at 1:35 p.m., was adjourned at 3:40 p.m., on a motion by ms. phipps and seconded by dr. hayman. the meeting moved in camera.
wireless technology
as mentioned in the last report, a campus-wide survey, involving 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
, faculty and staff was undertaken in september of this year as part of the consultative process on wireless. over 8500 votes were cast, representing more than 75% of eligible participants. they voted overwhelmingly in favor of introducing wifi at lakehead with 94%. although this was a survey and not a referendum, i am taking the results seriously and have asked my direct reports to begin to develop a sustainable and affordable plan for introducing wireless to the campus.
the official count date for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
for the fall term is november 1, 2010. while the final count has not yet been completed, indications are that lakehead has met its enrolment targets. in fact, the thunder bay campus has grown slightly over last year (approximately 2%) and orillia has substantially exceeded its targets. the total headcount for lakehead will be just over 8500.
research infosource provides regular comparisons of the research achievements of canadian universities.
task force on revenue allocation
the acting vice-president academic and provost recently announced the provost’s task force on revenue allocation. this eight member task force will be assigned the job of finding a method of allocating revenue, which gives credit to all the faculties for the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
they attract, and the courses they provide, in a transparent and effective manner. currently funds from the government, which are based on 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
and tuition fees, combine for by far the majority of the university’s revenue but there is no effective way of splitting the credit for that revenue between the faculties who attract the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
and the departments which provide the courses. the task force will be trying to find a formula that meets this goal. it has been asked to report by the end of march.
increasing external revenue
mr. lee gould, vice-president (advancement), gave a presentation about how the office of advancement is going to be involved in improving the university’s long-term sustainability through fundraising.
on october 20, the orillia campus hosted the orillia chamber of commerce's "business after five"--a local business networking meeting--at the new academic building. over 100 business owners and representatives participated. this event was followed by orillia mayoralty debate in the large lecture theatre in the new academic building. the debate was co-sponsored by soldier's memorial hospital and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
. this was the first "public" event in the theatre.
the federal government’s infrastructure funds, used by lakehead for a number of improvements, including reinforcing lake tamblyn and a new learning commons in the library, had a very specific deadline. projects had to be completed by spring 2011 or the funds would not be released. lakehead is proud to announce that all of our projects are completed or near complete. the installation ceremony was held in the recently renovated paci building and the learning commons is already being used by our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
. a grand opening for the learning commons is being planned for january 27, 2011.
orillia hasn’t even paused for breath since opening its new building last month. construction for a student residence is proceeding at a rapid pace and is on schedule for completion late next summer while a request for proposals for the cafeteria/bookstore building at university avenue has gone out and a site visit for recommended proponents will occur in early november.
comprehensiveness of the academy
academic plan
the academic planning process was officially launched at the september meeting of the senate academic committee. plans are currently being developed to complete a full consultation process during the 2010-11 winter term.
report on differentiation
the higher education quality council of ontario (heqco) recently released a report recommending that universities specialize in the areas where they do best and that this specialization should be incorporated into their accountability structures with the government. this approach is very controversial and is already being opposed by the ontario council of university faculty associations and the ontario chapter of the canadian federation of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
. i will be discussing this report and its implications with the board several times over the next year.
research grants
research grants
a number of sshrc grants presented to lakehead faculty members and graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
over the last year were recently announced. the grants total $701,791.
thirteen 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
researchers have received nserc funding, with grants over the next five years totalling $1,761,341 across diverse areas of study, which span the faculties of natural resources management (formerly the faculty of forestry and the forest environment), science and environmental studies, and engineering.
findings from the ice hockey skill development and injury awareness program “play it cool,” a 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
research evaluation initiative that began six years ago, were recently showcased at the mayo clinic’s two-day sports medicine center ice hockey summit: action on concussion conference in rochester, minnesota. the play it cool research team is led by dr. bill montelpare and includes dr. moira mcpherson, dr. lori livingston, and dr. susan forbes (project manager) from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
, as well as researchers from york university, the university of toronto, the university of new brunswick, and acadia, queen’s, and brock universities.
research chairs
drs. philip fralick (geology) and harvey lemelin (outdoor recreation, parks and tourism) have been selected as the newest of six 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
research chairs.
lakehead recently signed a collaborative health research partnership affiliation agreement with thunder bay regional research partnership in april 2010. together we will create up to eight tenure-track research chair positions that will be held within various departments at lakehead. scientists who are appointed to these chair positions will have access to university and hospital research facilities and be aligned with a proposed graduate program in medical biophysics.
community research
connie nelson’s work with the food security network was highlighted in a recent book getting wisdom, describing the growth of community research and community service learning in canada. when one adds to this the number of sshrc grants that were related to community research, mary lou kelly and holly prince’s work on pastoral care that was highlighted last month and the work doug west and his colleagues are doing with their humanities 101 program it is very clear that lakehead’s teachers and researchers are becoming national leaders in finding new connections between the community and the academy.
on october 18, ambassador wenshen chen, chinese minister-counsellor of education affairs, visited lakehead's thunder bay campus and was escorted to various campus facilities by vice-president (research) dr. rui wang and president brian stevenson.
on october 18, ambassador wenshen chen, chinese minister-counsellor of education affairs, visited lakehead's thunder bay campus and was escorted to various campus facilities by vice-president (research) dr. rui wang and president brian stevenson.
aboriginal services
i have been invited to meet with the representatives from a number of aboriginal organizations over the last while and intend to continue this. it is stimulating and exciting as i begin to see the connections between the university and the aboriginal communities. for example: the office of aboriginal initiatives has been approached to partner with nan and indian and northern affairs to host a two day treaty 9 and treaty 3 symposium at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
on february 23 & 24, 2011 and we have recently created a position for an aboriginal research facilitator.