board of governors

thursday, june 18, 2009 - 12:00am
1.approval of agenda
2. declaration of conflict of interest
3. chair's report
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of april 16, 2009
5. receipt of minutes of the board executive committee meeting of december 3, 2009
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
** university information session - mr. hugh briggs, director of physical - 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's deferred maintenance **

7. standing committee reports
7.1 audit & risk management committee (mr. j. dennison, chair)
7.2 finance & investment committee (ms. a. dumyn, chair)
7.2.1 approval of proposed operating budget for 2009/010
moved that the board of governors approve the 2009/10 operating budget aggregating $95.289 million of income and $98.600 million of expenditures.
7.3 governance committee (mr. d. campbell, chair)
7.4 nominating committee (mr. d. campbell, chair)
7.4.1 nomination of replacement member due to resignation
moved that mr. cam clark be elected to finish the term of an elected member to the board of governors, commencing june 18, 2009 to the annual meeting of 2011, due to the resignation of ms. darlene palmer.
7.4.2 nomination of board of governors' representatives on the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors
moved that ms. helen cromarty and dr. neil mcleod be reappointed to the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors for a three-year term, effective september 2009 to september 2012.

7.5 nosm committee (mr. g. labine)
7.6 operations committee (mr. c. bruce, chair)
7.7 senate liaison committee (dr. j. leggatt, chair)
7.7.1. proposed action plan for improved communication between senate and the board of governors
7.8 student liaison committee (mr. p. holt-hindle, chair)
7.9 university advancement committee (mr. a. crooks, chair)
8. report of the alumni association (ms. v. cheng, alumni association representative)
9. ratification of adjunct professor (dr. f. gilbert)
movedthat dr. robert dekker be ratified as an adjunct professor in the faculty of forestry, effective july 1, 2009 to december 31, 2013, as recommended by senate on april 17, 2009.
10. appointment of chair of the department of software engineering (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that dr. rachid benlamri be appointed chair of the department of software engineering for a three-year period effective july 1, 2009 to june 30, 2012.
11. recommendation for promotion and tenure (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that the following be recommended for promotion to professor, effective july 1, 2009, as recommended at the april 2009, promotion, tenure and renewal committee meeting:
dr. a. carastathis, music
dr. c. gottardo, chemistry
dr. a. dean, mathematical sciences
dr. p. hollings, geology
dr. r. jickling, education
dr. a. tayebi, electrical engineering
moved that the following be recommended for tenure, effective july 1, 2009, as recommended at the april 2009, promotion, tenure and renewal committee meeting:
dr. g. pyle, biology
dr. l. livingston, health & behavioural sciences
12. appointment of dean of the faculty of graduate studies (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that dr. philip hicks be appointed as dean of the faculty of graduate studies for a 5 year term, effective july 1, 2009 to june 30, 2014.
13. approval of the 2010-2013 strategic plan (dr. f. gilbert)
items for information
14. board members retiring in 2009
15. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (mr. d. grad)
16. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
17. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board (mr. g. labine)
18. report of the board of governors' representative to senate (mr. k. dahl)
19. items reviewed and/or approved (on may 5, 2009) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
20.1 financial update (information only)
19.2 approval of department chair - dr. l di matteo
19.3 northern ontario school of medicine foundation
19.3 presidential search committee membership
20. in camera meeting
moved that mr. michael pawlowski remain for items 5 & 6 of the in camera agenda.
1.approval of agenda
moved by mr. labine seconded by mr. pile that the agenda be approved with the following additions:
11.1 appointment of director of the school of kinesiology
11.2 appointment of chair of the dept of psychology
carried unanimously.
2.declaration of conflict of interest
dr. leggatt declared a conflict of interest with item #7.2.1 - approval of proposed operating budget for 2009/10.
3.chair's report
mr. cleghorn reported that he had attended all events pertaining to convocation; reported marvellous event; also thanked bruce and susan waite for hosting his visit in orillia. he noted that he had gained an even deeper appreciation for the orillia campus and the orillia location.
mr. cleghorn congratulated dr. rui wang as recipient of the prestigious canadian society of pharmacology and therapeutics (cspt) award. the cspt has named dr. wang the 2008 recipient of the pfizer senior scientist award. the pfizer award is the highest award the cspt gives to a basic research scientist in canada, and is given for significant contributions to the advancement and extension of knowledge in the field.
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of april 16, 2009
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by dr. leggatt, seconded by mr. campbell that the minutes of the board of governors' meeting of april 16, 2009 be approved as circulated.
a governor noted that in item #11, laverne smith's title should be "dr."
carried unanimously with correction.
5. receipt of minutes of the board executive committee meeting of december 3, 2009
moved by mr. dahl, seconded by mr. pile that the minutes of the board of executive committee meeting of december 3, 2008 be received as circulated.
carried unanimously.
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
dr. j. leggatt introduced mr. hugh briggs, director of physical plant, to discuss deferred maintenance.
mr. briggs presented a powerpoint presentation on deferred maintenance at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . university vice-presidents in the province, through cou at the direction of the mtcu, developed a committee to examine the state of deferred maintenance at universities across the province. between 2001 and 2005, 19 universities participated by auditing 20% of their assets every year. vfa canada provided software tools for cost analysis and "what if" scenarios which permitted universities to evaluate the anticipated costs of deferred maintenance over time. the resulting report provided the province with information on the state of deferred maintenance at universities. the report concluded that although universities are managed well, universities are unable to fund the necessary capital improvements. based on the report, the province provided one-time funding of $91 m to the ontario system. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 has received deferred maintenance funding in excess of $6.2 m to date.
at this time the university receives just under $500,000 annually for deferred maintenance based on space usage. the results of the life-cycle audit completed in 2008/09 indicated that 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 had an fci at 21% (which is poor) and would require $30 m as one-time funding with a continuance of $12 m annually to address deferred maintenance.
in 2008/09, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 received $8 m for deferred maintenance. this funding was used to repair roofs and exterior envelopes, replace the entrance area to the agora, maintain elevators, upgrade fume hoods in the centennial building labs, and upgrade ramps. the recent $17 m funding received for infrastructure will be used to continue on these types of projects.
7. standing committee reports
the chair noted that 4 participants were on the phone lines but unable to participate due to technological difficulty with the phones.
7.1 audit & risk management committee
mr. cleghorn requested that this item be postponed until later in the meeting when the phone problem is resolved.
7.2 finance & investment committee
ms. dumyn reported that the investment strategy was reviewed by committee, adding that the summary had been included in board package.
ms. dumyn reported that mr. jeff moody and mr. tim stinson of gluskin sheff & associates inc. attended the may 2009 finance & investment committee meeting, where they presented a portfolio review of the five university investment accounts. as well, they reviewed three new bond funds of fixed income credit, two with credit arbitrage strategies, and recommended some reallocation of assets in the investment accounts.
7.2.1 approval of proposed operating budget for 2009/010
ms. dumyn noted that the budget presented is a balanced budget but that the board should be aware that $3.311 m from the accumulated surpluses from the previous year was used to balance the budget.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. bruce that the board of governors approve the 2009/10 operating budget aggregating $95.289 million of income and $98.600 million of expenditures.
it was noted that the interest estimate is zero for 2009/10. since bonds make up 50% of the portfolio and market is improving, it is anticipated that some interest will be realized but it will likely take the remainder of the year to recover from the loss because the endowment fund dipped below $30 m under the recent market downfall. it may take 2 years to build the equity back up to where it was previously.
dr. leggatt noted senate voted to not support the budget.
a question was asked whether there are statutory provisions that require a balanced budget from the university. it was noted that the bog brought forward a motion about 7 years ago stating that it will not accept deficit budget from administration. that motion provides the guidance for any proposed budgets. the current board also stated support for that motion.
it was noted that even with the cuts in the budget this year there was still a $3 m shortfall which was covered by the surplus carried forward. given that the surplus has been used up, next year the challenge to provide a balanced budget will be even more difficult.
carried (1 abstention)
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. hoey that the finance & investment committee report be accepted.
carried (1abstention)
7.3 governance committee
mr. campbell reported that the committee has not met since the last board meeting.
7.4 nominating committee
7.4.1 nomination of replacement member due to resignation
moved by mr. campbell, seconded by mr. heroux that mr. cam clark be elected to finish the term of an elected member to the board of governors, commencing june 18, 2009 to the annual meeting of 2011, due to the resignation of ms. darlene palmer.
carried unanimously.
mr. campbell informed the board that the committee is continuing to work on appointments for the standing committees for next year.
7.4.2 nomination of board of governors' representatives on the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors
moved by mr. campbell, seconded by mr. labine that ms. helen cromarty and dr. neil mcleod be reappointed to the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors for a three-year term, effective september 2009 to september 2012.
carried unanimously.
7.5 nosm committee
mr. labine reported that the committee had met on april 27, 2009 and discussed the relationship agreement for 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , laurentian university and nosm. the agreement will be referred to the executive committee.
7.6 operations committee
mr. bruce summarized the items from the operations committee report. he noted that the university has been provided with estimates to repair the damages from the braun building fire. there is a difference of opinion on the repairs that are necessary and therefore, how much it will cost to make the repairs. the committee will be continuing this discussion since the difference involves millions of dollars.
mr. bruce advised members that the tender for construction of the academic building on the orillia campus was awarded to ellis-don corporation. he also noted that a tender call for the design and construction of a 250-bed residence complex, as well as rfp for a cafeteria are currently being developed.
moved by mr. labine, seconded by mr. pile that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.7 senate liaison committee
7.7.1. proposed action plan for improved communication between senate and the board of governors
moved by dr. leggatt, seconded by ms. cheng to refer to the finance and investment committee that the chair of the senate budget committee become a non-voting member of the board finance and investment committee.
dr. leggatt noted that adding the chair of the senate budget committee would address the problem identified in input related to transferring information between the senate and board, noting that it would strengthen communications.
it was suggested that this should be debated at the governance committee, adding that the finance & investment committee could engage individuals as necessary.
moved by dr. leggett, seconded by ms.cheng that the motion be amended to refer to the governance committee, not the finance & investment committee.
carried as amended.
[teleconference members were connected to the meeting.]
moved by dr. leggatt, seconded by ms. cheng to refer to the governance committee that once a year, scheduled in tandem with a board meeting that out of town board members are likely to attend, have a social event in which board members and senators can get to know each other in an informal setting.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. leggatt, seconded by dr. hoey to refer to the governance committee that the board of governors invite the chairs of key senate committees (e.g. senate academic committee, senate undergraduate studies committee, senate teaching and learning committee, senate research committee, and senate budget committee) to the portion of the annual board retreat usually attended by deans and vice-presidents.
carried. 1 opposed.
a question was asked about what linkages exist between senate and the board. dr. leggatt noted that although the governance of the university is bicameral there are places where the two overlap and there is a need to keep the lines of communication open between the two governing bodies.
it was noted that the reporting role of representative member from senate on the board is implicit in the appointment. the proposed wording related to "any board initiatives that have implications for academic programming or for the finances of the university should be presented to senate..." was discussed. it was noted that the types of information reported should be clearly articulated stipulating that in-camera discussions would not be relayed to senate.
moved by mr. crooks, seconded by ms. dumyn to refer entire proposed senate liaison committee action plan to the governance committee for consideration.
carried. 2 opposed.
at the may 29th meeting dr. l. hayes presented the undergraduate review of the department of physics. the report is being approved and filed by the department chair. the department of physics is in good standing.
moved by dr. leggatt, seconded by mr. bruce that the report of the senate liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
the chair noted that the board would now deal with item 7.1.
7.1 audit and risk management report
moved by mr. dennison, seconded by ms. picherack that the report of the audit and risk management report be accepted.
carried unanimously.
it was noted that the committee should consider reviewing existing whistle blower policies in the city of thunder bay.
mr. cleghorn congratulated mr. peter holt-hindle for the poulin award and president's graduate award which he received at convocation.
7.8 student liaison committee
mr. holt-hindle reviewed the report of the student liaison committee noting that engagement is always welcome. the committee lacked quorum for its april meeting and the keynote speaker cancelled at the last minute. the committee's action plan has been updated for next year.
moved by mr. holt-hindle, seconded by mr. campbell that the student liaison committee report be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.9 university advancement committee
the university advancement committee's report had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. it was noted that mr. paul weber's assistance is an example of the interconnectedness that influences and helps the orillia campaign. a request was made for board members to identify people who could influence and help with contacts for fund-raising for the orillia campaign. university advancement staff would make the requests for the donations but additional contacts are needed.
moved by mr. crooks, seconded by mr. bruce that the report of the university advancement committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9. report of the alumni association
ms. cheng updated the board of governors on the recent activities of the alumni association. the gta chapter kickoff event was held on june 11th in toronto - over 130 people attended; 120 alumni attended; v. cheng thanked dr. gilbert for his excellent informative presentation and to the staff and volunteers for their hard work on this successful event.
she noted that the alumni recognition dinner was a success. three outstanding alumni (mr. terry robinson, dr. thomas ryan, and mr. poh lam tan) were recognized at the dinner.
the alumni association will be participating in the 25th anniversary celebration of the native language teaching event by supporting up to $800 for a speaker at that event.
the new alumni website will be up and running soon. the new gta chapter website is live.
moved by ms. cheng, seconded by ms. dumyn that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
10. ratification of adjunct professor
movedby dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. sevean that dr. robert dekker be ratified as an adjunct professor in the faculty of forestry & the forest environment, effective july 1, 2009 to december 31, 2013, as recommended by senate on april 17, 2009.
a question arose regarding the length of the adjunct term. the secretary will check if this is consistent with the motion passed by senate. if an adjustment is necessary it will be made by the executive committee.
carried unanimously
11. appointment of chair of the department of software engineering
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. phipps that dr. rachid benlamri be appointed chair of the department of software engineering for a three-year period effective july 1, 2009 to june 30, 2012.
carried unanimously.
11.1 appointment of director of the school of kinesiology
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. dumyn that dr. joey farrell be appointed director of the school of kinesiology for a three-year period effective july 1, 2009 to june 30, 2012.
carried unanimously.
11.2 appointment of chair of the dept of psychology
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. dumyn that dr. gordon hayman be reappointed chair of the department of psychology for a three-year period effective july 1, 2009 to june 30, 2012.
carried unanimously.
12. recommendation for promotion and tenure
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. leggatt that the following be recommended for promotion to professor, effective july 1, 2009, as recommended at the april 2009, promotion, tenure and renewal committee meeting:
dr. a. carastathis, music
dr. c. gottardo, chemistry
dr. a. dean, mathematical sciences
dr. p. hollings, geology
dr. r. jickling, education
dr. a. tayebi, electrical engineering
carried unanimously.
moved dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. picherack that the following be recommended for tenure, effective july 1, 2009, as recommended at the april 2009, promotion, tenure and renewal committee meeting:
dr. g. pyle, biology
dr. l. livingston, health & behavioural sciences
carried unanimously.
13. appointment of dean of the faculty of graduate studies
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. holt-hindle that dr. philip hicks be appointed as dean of the faculty of graduate studies for a 5 year term, effective july 1, 2009 to june 30, 2014.
carried unanimously.
14. approval of the 2010-2013 strategic plan
dr. gilbert summarized the objectives of the proposed strategic plan 2010-2013. he noted that the plan will provide the academic and administrative structure necessary to ensure the sustainability of the institution, the comprehensiveness necessary to meet the mandate of this board such as the proposed law school, the commitment to research growth and the commitment to diversity particularly the commitment to aboriginal education. the proposed plan incorporates the elements of the approved academic plan (2005-2010) and the approved research plan (2007-2012) as well as reference to the re-development of these plans as they expire.
moved by mr. bruce, seconded by mr. heroux to adopt the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 strategic plan 2010-2013.
in response to a question it was noted that the section related to redirecting ancillary fees (on page 10) differs from the current practice.
a board member noted that the proposed scholarship funding on page 11 would, at current max rate of return, require the university to generate $1.2 m from endowments and this would involve a tremendous amount of work on top of the work necessary for fund-raising related to the orillia campaign.
dr. gilbert was asked for an update on the proposed law school. he reported that a letter dated june 12, 2009 had been received from the federation of the law societies of canada. an ad hoc committee will be reviewing any new proposals for law schools in canada and that 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's proposal will be reviewed by this committee. the ad hoc committee will be providing feedback to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 following the review of the proposal.
a question was raised on how progress on the strategic plan goals and objectives will be measured. dr. gilbert noted that the process would be the same as is used now whereby those responsible will submit annually a summary of action taken. items with deadline dates will be monitored throughout the life of the strategic plan.
it was noted that academic matters are addressed in the comprehensiveness section of the proposed plan. a board member asked if the concerns raised by senate were about one specific area or several areas. dr. gilbert noted that the concerns were related to several areas particularly transparency in the process and minimum class sizes. he noted that quite a few different matters were discussed at senate and that the wording of a few sections was revised during the senate meeting. he offered that the strategic planning committee had met since the senate meeting without his involvement and has agreed that it would revisit the proposed strategic plan after meeting with individuals requesting further input and revisions to the plan.
the board expressed concern that the timing in the motion proposed by dr. gottardo since senate does not meet until october. work would be undertaken by the strategic planning committee in october and a revised plan would be prepared for the november senate meeting. this would delay the approval of the strategic plan by senate until its december meeting. this would delay the approval of the strategic plan by 6 to 7 months.
the board discussed the implications of having or not having a strategic plan in place while conducting a presidential search and the implications of approving a strategic plan without senate approval. the board would prefer to have a strategic plan approved by both senate and the board of governors, if possible.
the board emphasized the importance of the initiatives contained in this plan as they relate to the approval of the 2009/10 operating budget. the board noted that if the strategic plan initiatives are not instituted early in the academic year, the required actions will be delayed and prolong the financial difficulties the university is experiencing.
a bog member requested a more robust definition of sustainability. although substantive expectations were presented on environmental sustainability in this document during the first draft, objections were raised during the comment period that this was overly emphasized by its placement in the document. a board member commented that the focus should be on resilience and providing direction that positions the university for the future.
dr. gilbert was asked to summarize the key differences between this proposed strategic plan and previous plans. he noted the single largest difference is that this plan is designed to ensure a balanced budget can be achieved and that the upcoming research strategic plan and the upcoming academic plan would be guided by this document.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by ms. picherack that the board of governors approves the strategic plan, that it is renamed a draft strategic plan, and that it is subject to ratification by this board following input by senate in october.
it was noted that senate would not be approving the plan until its meeting in december. the board of governors discussed the timeline emphasizing the need to move the approval process forward to an earlier date.
concern was expressed about why the strategic plan does not have senate approval. dr. gilbert noted that the changes were not substantive and that the modifications can be made.
an amendment was considered to approve the strategic plan based on senate approval of the motion proposed by dr. gottardo in october.
since the amendment to rename the plan a "draft" plan and postpone approval to the october meeting fundamentally changes the motion, it was ruled out of order.
moved by dr. leggatt, seconded by mr. sevean to defer the approval of the strategic plan 2010-2013 until the january 2010 board meeting.
motion was defeated. (4 in favour, opposed 13)
an amendment to add a preamble to the original motion was considered.
moved by mr. bruce, seconded by mr. labine that an amendment in the form of a preamble be added to the original motion; the amendment would read "the strategic plan is a living document. it is constantly open to input and seeks the benefit of the input from all partners."
it was reiterated that some of the initiatives have impact on budget development and some need to begin immediately. this preamble would ensure that senate has the opportunity to make revisions but emphasizes the importance of not waiting until the fall to begin this process.
it was noted that the only way any action could be taken sooner would be by the senate executive committee since that committee acts on behalf of senate during the summer months. the senate executive committee could consider calling a special meeting of senate to consider the strategic plan in september.
point of order was raised that the original motion required a vote prior to consideration of another motion.
the chair called the vote on the motion "whereas the strategic plan is a living document and it is constantly open to input, and seeks the benefit of the input from all partners, now therefore, the board of governors adopts the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 strategic plan 2010-2013."
bruce/heroux motion was defeated (9 in favour, 9 opposed, the chair voted against the motion.)
moved by mr. waite, seconded by mr. heroux to bring the proposed strategic plan 2010-2013 to the board of governors' september meeting with input from the strategic planning committee.
carried (11in favour, 6 opposed. 2 abstentions)
items for information
15. board members retiring in 2009
the chair reported that this document was for board's information.
16. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union
mr. david grad summarized the work currently being undertaken by lusu and noted that lusu has begun planning for next year.
17. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
mr. cleghorn noted that the northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) report to the board had been circulated with the agenda.
18. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board
mr. labine spoke to the report, which had been circulated with the agenda.
19. report of the board of governors' representative to senate
there was no further report provided for senate
20. items reviewed and/or approved (on may 5, 2009) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
the chair noted the following items of information which had been brought forward to the executive committee of the board at its meeting of may 5, 2009:
20.1 financial update (information only)
20.2 approval of department chair - dr. l. dimatteo - economics
20.3 northern ontario school of medicine foundation
20.3 presidential search committee membership
21. in camera meeting
moved by mr. pile, seconded by dr. leggatt to have ms. karen roche remain for the in camera meeting for the purpose of taking the minutes.
carried unanimously.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by ms. phipps that mr. michael pawlowski remain for all items of the in camera agenda.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. bruce, seconded by mr. pile that the meeting be adjourned.
carried unanimously.