board of governors
friday, january 18, 2008 - 12:00am
reminder: the joint lusu/board/alumni dinner will be held at approximately 6:00 p.m. in the outpost immediately followed by a thunderwolves hockey game (7:30 p.m.) at the fort william gardens.
1.welcome to new member - judith leggatt
2. approval of agenda
3. declaration of conflict of interest
4. chair's report
5. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of november 22, 2007
6. receipt of minutes of board executive committee meeting of september 6, 2007
7. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
8. president's report
9. standing committee reports
9.1 audit committee (mr. d. heroux, chair)
9.2 finance & investment committee (ms. a. dumyn, chair)
9.3 governance committee (mr. k. cleghorn, chair)
9.3.1 proposed by-law amendments - audit committee
moved that the terms of reference of the audit committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
moved that the audit committee's name be changed to the "audit and risk management committee" as recommended by the governance committee.
9.3.2 proposed by-law amendment - student liaison committee
moved that the membership of the student liaison committee be amended to include the vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) as a non-voting member as recommended by the governance committee.
9.4 nominating committee (mrs. j. dojack, chair)
9.5 northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) committee (mr. g. labine, chair)
moved that the board of governors approve the northern ontario school of medicine committee 2007/08 action plan as presented.
9.6 operations committee (mr. h. cardwell, chair)
9.7 senate liaison committee (dr. m. mcpherson, chair)
9.8 student liaison committee (ms. k. kempton, chair)
9.9 university advancement committee (mr. a. crooks, chair)
10. report of the alumni association (mr. d. heroux)
11. recommendations for tenure and simultaneous promotion and renewal of probationary appointments (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that the recommendations of the president concerning tenure and promotion as well as renewal of probationary appointments effective july 1, 2008 be approved as circulated.
12. approval of chair and director(dr. f. gilbert)
12.1 faculty of science & environmental studies - department of physics
moved that dr. william sears be appointed as chair of the department of physics, july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2011.
12.2 faculty of professional schools- masters of public health program
moved that professor glenna knutson be appointed as director of the masters of public health program, effective july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2011.
13. appointment of board of governors' member to the aboriginal management council (amc) (mr. t. pile)
moved that be appointed to the aboriginal management council (amc) effective immediately until october 2008 to replace mr. mike degagn.
items for information
14. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union (mr. r. longtin)
15. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board (mr. g. labine)
16. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
17. report of the board of governors' representative to senate (mr. k. dahl)
18. item approved (on december 5, 2007) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
18.1 financial update (information only)
18.2 approval of pension plan for professional staff of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
- amendment 2007/01
19. in camera meeting
1. welcome to new members
mr. campbell, chair, welcomed new member dr. judith leggatt.
2. approval of agenda
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. cardwell that the agenda be approved with the following additions: add item "9.5.1 nosm administrative structure (mr. g. labine)" and item 12 should read "approval of chair and director", and the motion in item 12.2 should read "be appointed as director" not "be appointed as chair".
carried unanimously.
3. declaration of conflict of interest
none were declared.
[mr. t. pile joined the meeting.]
4. chair's report
mr. campbell reminded governors that following the board meeting, a joint lusu board/board/alumni association dinner would be taking place in the outpost. also, following the dinner, board members were invited to attend the thunderwolves hockey game. mr. campbell advised members that the board of governors' retreat which takes place on saturday, january 19, 2008 begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. at old fort william.
mr. campbell was pleased to announce that dr. lynn martin, assistant professor in 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
's master of public health (mph) program, had been recognized by the corporation of the city of thunder bay as a citizen of exceptional achievement (cea). the city's cea awards were established to officially recognize citizens, groups, and organizations in thunder bay who have achieved special accomplishments in the areas of culture, sports, and public service. the cea's official recognizing committee will recognize dr. martin for receiving a 2007 ministry of health career scientist award. dr. martin will work on a program of research related to "integration, equality, delivery, and outcomes in mental health services." as part of this project, the mental health needs and service utilization of vulnerable populations, including persons in rural areas and aboriginals will be examined. congratulations, dr. martin.
mr. campbell reported that the northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
announced the receipt of two grants from health forceontario (hfo) in excess of $650,000. the grants were awarded through hfo's interprofessional care/education or health-care projects that foster and build interprofessional teams.
mr. campbell advised members that the tentative approval by the orillia city council of their $10-million commitment to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
's permanent orillia campus is in the press now.
5. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of november 22, 2007
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by ms. flett that the minutes of the board of governors' meeting of november 22, 2007 be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
6. approval of minutes of the board executive committee meeting of september 6, 2007
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. bruce, seconded by ms. kempton that the minutes of the board executive committee meeting of september 6, 2007 be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
7. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
8. president's report
the president reviewed his report which had been distributed at the beginning of the meeting.
9. standing committee reports
9.1 audit committee
mr. heroux reported that the committee had met prior to the board meeting. he noted that the auditors, bdo dunwoody, had met with new committee members and provided them with an orientation session. mr. heroux concluded by informing members that bdo dunwoody would be on campus next week to begin the auditing process.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. pile that the verbal report of the audit committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.2 finance & investment
ms. dumyn, chair, noted that the committee had met on january 16, 2008, adding that the committee would be bringing forward a motion to the in camera session.
9.3 governance committee
mr. cleghorn drew members' attention to the governance committee's report which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. cleghorn reported that the committee had met twice since the last board meeting to discuss retreat planning and to review and recommend by-law changes referred by standing committees.
9.3.1 proposed by-law amendments - audit committee
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. pile that the terms of reference of the audit committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. heroux that the audit committee's name be changed to the "audit and risk management committee" as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
mr. cleghorn noted that the audit committee had also requested the governance committee to consider changing the committee's quorum from 4 members to 3 members. due to the additional task of risk management to the audit committee's terms of reference, the governance committee felt it would be inappropriate to reduce the quorum.
some governors voiced concern over the additional responsibility of risk management which was added to the committee. mr. heroux informed members that the audit committee will begin working on risk management and will evaluate the additional workload. mr. heroux noted that if the committee deems necessary, a recommendation can be forwarded to the governance committee to increase the membership of the audit and risk management committee.
9.3.2 proposed by-law amendment - student liaison committee
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. pile that the membership of the student liaison committee be amended to include the vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) as a non-voting member as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by dr. mcpherson that the report of the governance committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.4 nominating committee
mrs. dojack informed members that the nominating committee had met since the last board meeting, adding that the fellow award would be dealt with during the in camera session.
9.5 northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) committee
mr. labine, chair of the nosm committee, informed the board that the committee had its inaugural meeting on january 11, 2008. mr. labine reviewed the report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
moved by mr. labine, seconded by mr. hoey that the board of governors approve the northern ontario school of medicine committee 2008 action plan as presented.
carried unanimously.
9.5.1 nosm administrative structure
mr. labine reviewed the nosm administrative structure document which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. mr. labine reported that for the past three years, the administrative structure had included an east and a west vice-dean, adding that the new structure excluded these two positions. in response to a question, mr. labine informed members that as the new structure had not been implemented yet, it was not possible to determine the distribution of the associate deans between the two campuses. mr. labine noted the following motions which had been passed at the nosm committee meeting:
moved by dr. mcleod, seconded by mr. cardwell that dr. strasser and the nosm board of directors be informed that it is the expectation of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
board of governors that 40% of nosm senior executives be located at the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. boulet that nosm be requested to appoint one of the associate deans who is located at the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
campus as a senior associate dean.
mr. labine reported that the nosm committee is recommending that the board of governors also endorse the motions.
moved by mr labine, seconded by mr. cardwell that dr. strasser and the nosm board of directors be informed that it is the expectation of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
board of governors that 40% of nosm senior executives be located at the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
dr. mcpherson informed mr. labine that it was the intent of the nosm standing committee to have the motion include the wording "a minimum of " in front of "40% of nosm senior executive....".
moved by mr. labine, seconded by mr. cardwell that the motion be amended to read "that dr. strasser and the nosm board of directors be informed that it is the expectation of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
board of governors that a minimum of 40% of nosm senior executives be located at the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
motion to amend was carried.
labine/cardwell motion was carried as amended.
moved by mr. labine, seconded by mr. pile that nosm be requested to appoint one of the associate deans who is located at the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
campus as a senior associate dean.
carried unanimously.
mr. labine suggested that a letter be drafted from mr. don campbell, chair of the board of governors, to nosm regarding the two motions passed at the board meeting.
moved by mr. labine, seconded by dr. mcpherson that the report of the nosm committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.6 operations committee
mr. cleghorn reviewed the report of the operations committee which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. cleghorn mentioned that the committee had reviewed its terms of reference, noting that the terms were amended to more closely reflect the actual workings of the committee. the committee is recommending referral of the terms of reference to the governance committee.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. dahl that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.7 senate liaison committee
dr. mcpherson informed members that the senate liaison committee had met once since the last board meeting. she reported that dr. hayes had provided the committee with an update on current issues in senate and senate standing committees. dr. mcpherson mentioned that the committee had reviewed the list of information sessions to be presented to board and senate meetings. she concluded by informing members that mr. kurt dahl, board representative to senate, would be providing a senate report under items of information.
moved by dr. mcpherson, seconded by mr. dahl that the verbal report of the senate liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.8 student liaison committee
ms. kempton reviewed the report of the student liaison committee which had been circulated with the agenda. she advised members that the student liaison committee had identified two issues of concern by 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
, noting that at the december 10, 2007 committee meeting, two presentations were provided on these issues - sustainability and health ancillary fees.
moved by ms. kempton, seconded by ms. phipps that the report of the student liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.9 university advancement committee
mr. crooks, chair of the university advancement committee, reviewed the committee's report which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. crooks mentioned that prior to the board meeting, a committee meeting had been held. he was pleased to announce that the board of governors had given 100% financial support for the orillia campus fundraising campaign. he also stated that the vice-president (university advancement) search committee was in the process of scheduling interviews for the short-listing of candidates. mr. crooks also mentioned that the committee had amended its terms of reference and is recommending referral of the terms to the governance committee
moved by mr. crooks, seconded by mr. bruce that the report of the university advancement committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
10. report of the alumni association
mr. heroux, alumni association representative, noted that the report had been circulated with the agenda. mr. heroux advised members that the annual alumni open would be taking place on thursday, august 14, 2008 at whitewater golf course and country club, noting that for the 25th year celebration of the alumni open, alumni's goal is to raise $25,000 for bursaries.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by ms. kempton that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
11. recommendations for tenure and simultaneous promotion and renewal of probationary appointments
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. leggatt that the recommendations of the president concerning tenure and promotion as well as renewal of probationary appointments effective july 1, 2008 be approved as circulated.
recommendations for renewal of probationary appointments
dr. j. carney, biology
dr. m. flegel, english
dr. a. guttman, english
dr. w. melville, education
dr. e. mohamedelhassan, civil engineering
dr. m. ilie, mathematical sciences
dr. t. varney, anthropology
dr. b. ismail, mechanical engineering
dr. c. xu, chemical engineering
recommendations for tenure and simultaneous promotion to associate professor
dr. a. conly, geology
dr. r. koster, outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
dr. r.h. lemelin, outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
dr. j. liu, sociology
dr. z. mao, electrical engineering
dr. c. van barneveld, education
dr. k. yu, economics
dr. m. zahaf, business administration
dr. r. anisca, mathematical sciences
dr. l. hutchison, forestry and the forest environment
dr. n. sayed, business administration
dr. j.y. bernard, history
dr. s. pound, english
dr. t. randall, geography
dr. b. stolar, english
dr. r. ariss, sociology
dr. a. serenko, business administration
carried unanimously.
12. approval of chair & director
dr. gilbert reviewed the two career and education summaries which were circulated with the agenda.
12.1 faculty of science & environmental studies - department of physics
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. kempton that dr. william sears be appointed as chair of the department of physics, july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2011.
carried unanimously.
12.2 faculty of professional schools- masters of public health program
moved dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. holt-hindle that professor glenna knutson be appointed as director of the masters of public health program, effective july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2011.
carried unanimously.
13. appointment of board of governors' member to the aboriginal management council (amc)
mr. pile reported that, at this time, he did not have a nomination to bring forward.
following the board meeting, mr. alex boulet informed mr. pile that he would let his name stand for nomination, therefore, the following motion was approved during the january 18, 2008 in camera meeting.
moved by mr. pile, seconded by mr. mckinnon that mr. alex boulet be appointed to the aboriginal management council (amc) effective immediately until october 2008 to replace mr. mike degagn.
carried unanimously.
items for information
14. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union
mr. longtin, president of lusu, reviewed the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union report, which had been circulated with the agenda.
15. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board
mr. labine spoke to the report, which had been circulated with the agenda.
16. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
mr. campbell noted that the northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) report to the board had been circulated with the agenda.
17. report of the board of governors' representative to senate
mr. dahl, board of governors' representative to senate, updated members on the december senate meeting, adding that senate agendas, minutes, and backup documentation can be found on the senate website. mr. dahl informed members that the at the december 2007 senate meeting the graduand list has been approved, he noted that senate had approved the master of business administration, and that it is lakehead's intention that this program will replace the master of management. mr. dahl concluded by reporting that the majority of the items that are being brought forward to senate at this time deal with new regulations and referral of calendar changes to senate standing committees.
18. item approved (on december 5, 2007) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
the chair noted that item 18.2 had been approved by the executive committee of the board at its meeting of december 5, 2007:
18.1 financial update (information only)
18.2 approval of pension plan for professional staff of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
- amendment 2007/01
19. in camera meeting
moved by mr. robson, seconded by mr. pile that mr. pawlowski remain for item # 5 of the in camera meeting.
carried unanimously.
the meeting, which began at 3:35 p.m., was adjourned a 4:45 p.m., on a motion by mr. heroux, and seconded by mr. boulet.
academic searches
candidates for the dean of science and environmental studies, dean of education, vice-provost (student affairs) and the ombudsperson are in the process of being interviewed.
the search committee for the vice-president (university advancement) has held its first meeting.
lot 5 building
construction is complete on the engineering/forestry lab building in lot 5. academic programming for the winter semester is under way. a naming opportunity has been attained and an announcement will be made in the near future.
citizen of exceptional achievement
dr. lynn martin, assistant professor in the master of public health program, was recognized by the city of thunder bay as a citizen of exceptional achievement. dr. martin earlier had received a 2007 ontario ministry of health and long term care career scientist award. a component of dr. martin’s research on “integration, equality, diversity and outcomes in mental health services” has a focus on the mental health needs and service utilization of vulnerable populations, including persons in rural areas and aboriginals.