board of governors

wednesday, april 16, 2008 - 12:00am
1. approval of agenda
2. declaration of conflict of interest
3. chair's report
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of february 28, 2008
5. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
6. president's report
** university information session - mr. carlo mariglia, bdo dunwoody - enterprise risk management **
7. standing committee reports
7.1 audit & risk management committee (mr. d. heroux, chair)
7.2 finance & investment committee (ms. a. dumyn, chair)
7.2.1 approval of proposed tuition fees for 2008/09
moved that the board of governors approve the proposed tuition fees for 2008/09 as recommended by the finance and investment committee.
7.3 governance committee (mr. k. cleghorn, chair)
7.3.1 proposed amendments to the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development terms of reference
moved that the proposed amendments to the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development terms of reference be approved.
7.4 nominating committee (mrs. j. dojack, chair)
7.5 nosm committee (mr. g. labine)
7.6 operations committee (mr. h. cardwell, chair)
7.6.1 approval of university establishment
moved that the board of governors approve the university establishment to comprise an upper limit of 325 faculty members and 440 support staff.
7.7 senate liaison committee (dr. m. mcpherson, chair)
7.8 student liaison committee (ms. k. kempton, chair)
7.9 university advancement committee (mr. a. crooks, chair)
8. report of the alumni association (mr. d. heroux, alumni representative)
9. approval of adjunct professors (dr. gilbert)
moved that dr. lesley lovett-doust be ratified as an adjunct professor in the department of biology, retroactive to july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommended by senate on february 29, 2008.
moved that dr. kristin burnett be ratified as an adjunct professor in the department of indigenous learning, effective july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2012, as recommended by senate on february 29, 2008.
moved that dr. jay shores be approved as an adjunct professor in the faculty of education, retroactive to january 1, 2008 to december 31, 2012, pending approval at senate on april 25, 2008.
moved that dr. kathryn black be approved as an internal adjunct professor in the faculty of education, retroactive to january 1, 2008 to december 31, 2012, pending approval at senate on april 25, 2008.
10. approval of chair and director appointments (dr. gilbert)
moved that professor mark nisenholt be reappointed chair of the department of visual arts for a three-year period, effective july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2011.
moved that professor karen poole be reappointed director of the school of nursing for a three-year period, effective july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2011.
11. appointment of board of governors' member to the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development (mr. t. pile)
moved that mr. kurt dahl be appointed to the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development.
items for information
12. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (mr. r. longtin)
13. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
14. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board (mr. g. labine)
15. report of the board of governors' representative to senate (mr. k. dahl)
16. in camera meeting
1. approval of agenda
moved by mr. pile, seconded by mr. robson that the agenda be approved with the addition of a lusu presentation following the bdo dunwoody presentation; addition of item #7.2.2 - approval of student athletic fee; addition of new item #12 - recommendation for tenure and simultaneous promotion; and renumber items of information.
carried unanimously.
2. declaration of conflict of interest
none were declared.
3. chair's report
mr. campbell informed members that prior to the board meeting, the executive committee and the confederation college board of governors held a joint meeting, adding that deputy minister philip steenkamp, mtcu, was the guest speaker.
mr. campbell announced that the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 senate research committee had named philosophy chair and professor dr. todd dufresne, one of the nation's foremost experts on sigmund freud, as its distinguished instructor.
mr. campbell concluded by informing governors that dr. mike degagn would be resigning from the board following the meeting. he thanked dr. degagn for his support and dedication to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of february 28, 2008
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by ms. kempton, seconded by mr. labine that the minutes of the board of governors' meeting of february 28, 2008 be approved as circulated.
ms. dumyn reported that under item #9, the title of the ad hoc committee should be changed from "aboriginal management" to "aboriginal development". she also noted that this change was also required in the next paragraph.
carried with corrections.
5. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
6. president's report
the president reviewed his report which had been distributed at the beginning of the meeting.
[mr. mckinnon joined the meeting.]
mr. david heroux, chair of the audit and risk management committee, introduced mr. carlo mariglia, senior manager, bdo dunwoody llp. he delivered a presentation on enterprise risk management.
mr. matthew granville, lusu vice-president (finance) delivered a presentation regarding the proposed tuition fees for 2008/09.
7. standing committee reports
7.1 audit & risk management committee
mr. heroux reported that the committee had today met prior to the board meeting. he informed members that the committee reviewed 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's insurance policies, received a brief update from the auditors, and reviewed a management assurance letter with respect to compliance with all statuatory requirements. mr. heroux noted that management declares that 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is in compliance with all statuatory requirements including filing of the 2007 charity information return and all employee deductions, gst and pst collections and the employee health tax.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. pile that the verbal report of the audit & risk management committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.2 finance & investment committee
ms. dumyn reviewed the report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. she reported that the committee had met on april 15, 2008. at the meeting, gluskin sheff & associates inc. presented a "portfolio review" of the five university investment accounts for the eleven months ending march 31, 2008. ms. dumyn also reported that the committee reviewed the statement of cash flow which projects approximately $12.675m cash balance at april 30, 2008 prior to the allocation of an additional $2.240m cash held with gluskin sheff & associates inc. this projection is approximately $3.4m in excess of the previous cash flow projection because in march 2008 the university received $2.4m grant monies above the 2007/08 budgeted grants as well as $1m in miscellaneous research grants. she noted that approximately $4m long term debt payments are due mid-may 2008 leaving $9.734m for summer operations.
7.2.1 approval of proposed tuition fees for 2008/09
ms. dumyn advised members that theschedules of proposedtuition fees for 2008/09were attached to the report. she reported that the finance & investment committee had reviewed the scenario if tuition fees were not increased. ms. dumyn informed governors that if tuition fees were not increased, as set out in the committee's report, then the university would experience a $1.6m impact to the operating budget.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. hoey that the board of governors approve the proposed tuition fees for 2008/09 as recommended by the finance and investment committee.
mr. labine inquired how 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's tuition fees compared to other ontario universities. dr. gilbert reported that lakehead has some of the lowest tuition fees in the province. he also noted that all ontario universities were increasing their tuition fees in accordance with the ministry's tuition fee policy, therefore, lakehead's fees would remain near the lowest in the province.
mr. granville, lusu, vice-president (finance) continued to oppose the tuition increase, noting that the president of the university of toronto had called for deregulation of tuition fees.
mr. robson requested administration to elaborate on the tuition fee increases noted in the ministry's tuition fee policy. mr. pawlowski stated that the tuition fee policy stated that the first year tuition fees for most undergrad programs can be increased by 4.5% and the tuition fees for continuing years in these programs can be increased by 4%. he reported that the first year tuition fees for professional programs such as commerce and engineering can be increased by 8% while the tuition fees for continuing years in these programs can be increased by 4%. mr. pawlowski concluded by informing governors that the tuition fees for most graduate programs can be increased by 8%, adding that lakehead has only increase its graduate program by 4%.
mr. cleghorn suggested that the board of governors' student liaison committee meet with the lusu executive and develop a strategy to meet with the local mpps.
dr. gilbert reported that the provincial government has been very cognizant about the tuition fee increases and has a parallel policy in place, student access guarantee. this policy guarantees education for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in need and the recent budget provided increased financial support for books, and travelling expenses to university.
dumyn/hoey motion was carried (3 opposed).
7.2.2 approval of proposed student athletic fee for 2008/09
ms. dumyn reported that the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union has approved that an additional $5.00 be added to the student athletic fee to establish a sinking fund for deferred maintenance at the cj saunders and hangar buildings.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. robson that the board of governors approve an additional $5.00 be added to the student athletic fee to establish a sinking fund for deferred maintenance at the cj saunders and hangar building.
a governor inquired as to the cost of repairing the pool. ms. dumyn reported that the total cost to repair to the pool is estimated at approximately $1.3m, and in addition .7m is estimated to repair the change rooms and provide new circulation format in the saunders building.
carried unanimously.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. cleghorn that the report of the finance & investment committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.3 governance committee
mr. cleghorn reported that the governance committee has met once since the last board meeting to consider by-law recommendations from the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development, and to discuss feedback received from governors regarding the board self assessment survey, governance survey and board retreat survey. he stated that two board members responded to the request for input. mr. cleghorn advised members that the one comment related to the agenda for future retreats, adding that the governance committee will consider the comments during the course of planning of the next retreat. the other comment related to periodic review of board approved policies. he advised members that the board approved policies have been referred to the responsible member of administration for consideration as to the ongoing applicability of the policy, as well as the appropriate review cycle. the members of administration have been asked to report back by july 1, 2008. the governance committee will advise the board of the responses received from the members of administration.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. cardwell that the report of the governance committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.3.1 proposed amendments to the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development terms of reference
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. cardwell that the proposed amendments to the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development terms of reference be approved.
carried unanimously.
7.4 nominating committee
mrs. dojack reported that the committee had met twice since the last board meeting. she informed members that the committee has been reviewing board nomination forms and scheduling interviews for potential new board members.
7.5 nosm committee
mr. labine reviewed the report of the nosm committee which had been circulated with the agenda. he reported that the committee had met on april 8, 2008. mr. labine drew members' attention to item 2 of the report, organizational alignment initiatives. he advised members that 4 associate deans had been hired for the lakehead campus, noting that one dean will be designated as the senior associate dean. mr. labine concluded by informing members that the ministry of health and long term care approved almost $1.5m in 2007/08 and almost $2.0m in 2008/09 to each of the regional hospitals in sudbury and thunder bay to address the cost of the increased medical learner days and the need to building teaching capacity. he noted that the money received is not permanent funding but interim funding.
moved by mr. labine, seconded by ms. kempton that the report of the nosm committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.6 operations committee
mr. cardwell reviewed the report of the operations committee which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. cardwell reported that the committee had met on two occasions since the last board meeting. he noted that deliberations took place regarding the orillia campus and the possible acquisition of port arthur collegiate institute from the school board. mr. cardwell noted that dr. gilbert had covered the on-line survey regarding the pool in his report and since the student referendum passed a refurbishing plan for the pool will be developed as soon as possible.
7.6.1 approval of university establishment
mr. cardwell reported that the committee periodically reviews the faculty and staff complement, and this was last done in 2002. at that time, the faculty establishment was set at 265 and the staff complement at 320 members. mr. cardwell stated that the university has grown significantly over the last number of years, and to not only more accurately reflect our current staffing configuration, but also to allow for future growth on both fronts, the upper limits suggested for 2008 going forward are 325 faculty and 440 support staff.
moved by mr. cardwell, seconded by mr. robson that the board of governors approve the university establishment to comprise an upper limit of 325 faculty members and 440 support staff.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. cardwell, seconded by mr. pile that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.7 senate liaison committee
dr. mcpherson reported that the committee had not met since the last board meeting. she informed governors that mr. andy crooks, chair of the university advancement committee, had provided an advancement presentation to senate on february 29, 2008 and that ms. dumyn, chair of the finance & investment committee, will be presenting at the april 25, 2008 senate meeting.
7.8 student liaison committee
ms. kempton reviewed the report of the student liaison committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. she informed governors that the committee met twice since the last board meeting, noting that the following presentations were provided to committee members: athletics ancillary fees and pool update by mr. tom warden, director of athletics; overview of existing student satisfaction surveys by ms. sarah browne, research analyst/survey specialist; and campus safety by mr. grant walsh, executive director, university services and ms. linda moffat (acting) manager of security services.
moved by ms. kempton, seconded by mr. mckinnon that the report of the student liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.9 university advancement committee
the university advancement committee did not submit a report.
8. report of the alumni association
mr. heroux reviewed the alumni association report which had been circulated with the agenda. he encouraged governors to attend the alumni awards dinner which will be held on thursday, may 29, 2008. he also reminded governors that orillia's convocation will be held on june 7, 2008 where the director of the alumni association of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , mr. rob jamieson will be presenting pins and degree frames to the inaugural graduates.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by ms. phipps that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9. approval of adjunct professors
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. dumyn that dr. lesley lovett-doust be ratified as an adjunct professor in the department of biology, retroactive to july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommended by senate on february 29, 2008.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. mcpherson that dr. kristin burnett be ratified as an internal adjunct professor in the department of indigenous learning, effective july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2012, as recommended by senate on february 29, 2008.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. mcpherson that dr. jay shores be approved as an internal adjunct professor in the faculty of education, retroactive to january 1, 2008 to december 31, 2012, pending approval by senate on april 25, 2008.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. flett that dr. kathryn black be approved as an internal adjunct professor in the faculty of education, retroactive to january 1, 2008 to december 31, 2012, pending approval by senate on april 25, 2008.
carried unanimously.
10. approval of chair and director appointments
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. kempton that professor mark nisenholt be reappointed chair of the department of visual arts for a three-year period, effective july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2011.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. mcpherson that professor karen poole be reappointed director of the school of nursing for a three-year period, effective july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2011.
carried unanimously.

following approval of the two appointments, a governor inquired as to the rationale of the board approving chair and director appointments. dr. gilbert advised members that the appointment of heads of all faculties, schools and departments is listed as one of the powers of the board in the board by-laws.
11. appointment of board of governors' member to the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development
moved by mr. pile, seconded by ms. dumyn that mr. kurt dahl be appointed to the ad hoc committee on aboriginal development.
carried unanimously.
mr. pile informed members that there will be a vacancy on the ad hoc committee, due to dr. degagn's resignation from the board. he requested board members to contact the board office if they are interested in serving on the ad hoc committee.
12. recommendation for tenure and simultaneous promotion
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. bruce that the recommendation of the president concerning the tenure and simultaneous promotion to associate professor of dr. charles xu, department of chemical engineering, be approved effective july 1, 2008.
carried unanimously.
items for information
13. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union
mr. longtin advised members that over 70% of the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who voted were in support of a $15 per semester increase to their athletic fees. the money will be used to refurbish the pool, modernize the change rooms and provide new circulatory patterns in the sanders field house. mr. longtin informed governors that on thursday, april 24, 2008 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. lusu is hosting a celebration of the recently passed referendum, noting that all proceeds raised at the event will be used directly to help offset the annual fee 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will pay to fix the pool area.
moved by mr. holt-hindle, seconded by ms. kempton that the board of governors register its opposition to the current provincial post secondary education funding formula by holding a three party meeting between the members of provincial parliament, the elected leadership of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union, and the executive committee of the board of governors.
during discussion surrounding this motion, governors once again suggested lusu meet with the student liaison committee to develop a strategy to meet with the local mpps regarding university tuition increases.
holt-hindle/kempton motion was defeated.
14. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
mr. campbell noted that the northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) report to the board had been circulated with the agenda.
15. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board
mr. labine spoke to the report, which had been circulated with the agenda.
16. report of the board of governors' representative to senate
mr. dahl, board of governors' representative to senate, updated members on the february and march senate meeting, adding that senate agendas, minutes, and backup documentation could be found on the senate website. mr. dahl highlighted the following items from the senate meetings:
february 2008
- items were referred to senate committees;
- various calendar changes were approved; and
- the intellectual property policy had been updated.
march 2008
- items were referred to senate committees;
- the establishment of an interdisciplinary studies department at the orillia campus had been approved; and
- the president's report included that a rumour had been circulating that the orillia campus was draining 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and resources from the thunder bay campus. these rumours were unfounded, and in fact statistics showed the opposite to be true.
17. in camera meeting
moved by mr. robson, seconded by ms. dumyn that mr. pawlowski remain for item # 5 of the in camera meeting.
carried unanimously.
the meeting, which began at 4:05 p.m., was adjourned at 6:30 p.m., on a motion by mr. mckinnon, and seconded by mr. pile.
mtcu funding
in all, $8.2m in capital funding to modernize science and engineering laboratories in the tamblyn building, deal with deferred maintenance issues, e.g. roofs, building envelopes, new space initiatives and a much needed sewer line has been committed to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .  this is most welcome funding from mtcu in that it will allow us to move forward on some very critical projects.
sanders field house
the thunder bay campus 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 voted by over 70% to support a $15 semester increase in their athletics fees.  this money will be used to refurbish the pool, modernize the change rooms and provide new circulatory patterns in the sanders field house.  the lusu executive and administration worked together on this initiative and the public process and the referendum results provided a clear policy direction for the pool.  i commend lusu for their efforts and for a further commitment to generate a $5 fee that will go into a sinking fund specifically to deal with athletic facilities’ needs in the future.
orillia campus
on april 5, at the university community colloquium, the orillia campus invited 100 members of various simcoe county communities to discuss the development of the campus’ first academic plan.
in plenary sessions and small group discussions the three proposed “roots” of the academic planning framework were examined:  educational sustainability, economic sustainability, and community sustainability.
ccae (canadian council for the advancement of education)
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 has won the 2008 prix d’excellence gold award in the best print ad or ad campaign category for its “do something” campaign. ccae will present the award at its annual conference in june.  last week tfo (télévision français ontario) aired a show that also looked at marketing by 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 that highlighted this campaign.