board of governors

friday, june 15, 2007 - 12:00am
board of governors' meeting #07-229
friday, june 15, 2007
11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - tamblyn dedication (lake tamblyn) and luncheon (faculty lounge)
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - candid discussion with the president - atac 5035
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - annual board photograph - lake tamblyn
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - board meeting - senate chambers
6:30 p.m. - dinner invite to board members and tamblyn family - valhalla inn, courtyard & viking room
1. approval of agenda
2. declaration of conflict of interest
3. chair's report
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of april 27, 2007
5. receipt of minutes of board executive committee meeting of april 4, 2007
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
7. standing committee reports
7.1 audit committee (mr. d. heroux, chair)
7.2 finance & investment committee (ms. a. dumyn, chair)
7.2.1 approval of proposed operating budget for 2007/08
moved that the board of governors approve the 2007/08 operating budget aggregating $91.738 million of income and $93.474 million of expenditures as recommended by the finance and investment committee.
7.2.2. approval of revised purchasing policy
moved that the board of governors approve the changes to the purchasing policy.
7.3 governance committee (mr. h. cardwell, chair)
7.4 nominating committee (mrs. j. dojack, chair)
7.4.1 nomination of board of governors' representatives on the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors
moved that _____ and _____ be re-appointed to the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors for a three-year term, effective september 2007 to september 2010.
moved that _____ and _____ be appointed to the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors for a three-year term, effective september 2007 to september 2010.
7.5 operations committee (mr. k. cleghorn, chair)
7.6 senate liaison committee (dr. k. brown, chair)
7.7 student liaison committee (mr. j. moore, chair)
7.8 university advancement committee (mr. d. wallace, chair)
8. report of the alumni association (mr. d. heroux, alumni representative)
9. recommendation for tenure and simultaneous promotion (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that dr. h. el-ocla be recommended for tenure and simultaneous promotion to associate professor, effective july 1, 2007, as recommended at the december 2006, promotion, tenure and renewal committee meeting.
10. approval of the board of governors' representative to the search committee for the dean of education
moved that _____ be appointed as the board of governors' representative to the search committee for the dean of education
11. ratification of adjunct professors (dr. f. gilbert)
movedthat dr. martin a. katzman, dr. j. david cassidy be ratified as adjunct professors in the master of public health program, faculty of professional schools effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommended by senate on april 23, 2007.
moved that dr. martin a. katzman and dr. edouard s. st-pierre be ratified as adjunct professors in the department of psychology, faculty of social sciences & humanities effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommend by senate on june 4, 2007.
moved that dr. mary breunig and dr. tim o'connell be ratified as adjunct professors in the faculty of education effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommended by senate on june 4, 2007.
movedthat dr. neelam khaper, dr. brian ross, dr. zacharias suntres, dr. marina ulanova (all of the nosm) and dr. tamara varney of the department of anthropology be ratified as internal adjunct professors in the department of biology effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommended by senate on june 4, 2007.
12. approval of chair appointment - department of graduate studies and research in the faculty of education (dr. g. gilbert)
moved that dr. constance russell be appointed as chair of the department of graduate studies and research in the faculty of education for a three-year period from july 1, 2008 to june 30, 2001.
items for information
13. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (mr. r. longtin)
14. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board
15. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
16. items of information at the may 14, 2007 board executive committee meeting
16.1 financial update
16.2 appointment of acting chair - dr. william wilson, department of geography
17. in camera meeting
moved that mr. pawlowski remain for the in camera meeting.
1.approval of agenda
moved by mr. mckinnon, seconded by mr. davies that the agenda be approved with the following additions: item #10, approval of the board of governors' representatives to the search committees for the dean of education and dean of science & environmental studies, item #12, change june 30, 2001 to june 30, 2011; new item #17 - appointment of acting directors; and renumber remaining item.
carried unanimously.
2. declaration of conflict of interest
none were declared.
3.chair's report
mr. campbell began by welcoming mr. richard longtin, lusu president, (on teleconference) to his first board meeting.
mr. campbell thanked board members who attended the tamblyn dedication earlier in the day. he recognized mr. bill tamblyn for his contributions to lakehead.
the chair acknowledged the hard work and dedication of lakehead's staff and faculty which were shown at the may 2007 convocation. he also thanked all governors who attended the convocation ceremonies.
mr. campbell invited governors to attend the 2007 lakehead celebrates to be held on thursday, october 11th in the hangar, noting that this function was aligned with the board of governors' annual meeting on friday, october 12th.
4.approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of april 27, 2007
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. cardwell, seconded by mr. wallace that the minutes of the board of governors' meeting of april 27, 2007 be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
5. receipt of minutes of the board executive committee meeting of april 4, 2007
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mrs. dojack, seconded by mr. pile that the minutes of the board of governors' executive committee meeting of april 4, 2007 be received as circulated.
carried unanimously. arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
7.standing committee reports
7.1audit committee
mr. heroux, chair of the audit committee, reported that the committee had not met since the april 27, 2007 board meeting.
7.2finance & investment committee
ms. dumyn reviewed the report of the finance & investment committee which had been circulated with the agenda.
7.2.1 approval of proposed operating budget for 2007/08
ms. dumyn reported that the 2006/07 updated budget projected an operating surplus of $0.376 million compared to the budgeted surplus of $0.092 million. she stated that this increase in surplus is due primarily to the unanticipated flow of government grants, adding that the projected accumulated surplus at april 30, 2007 is $3.601 million. ms. dumyn explained that the budget is based upon revenues related to enrolment of 6,100 full time 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ; 300 of these 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are expected to be at the orillia campus. she noted that student applications, as well as the number of confirmed 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , indicate that budgeted enrolment is realistic. ms. dumyn advised members that the total revenue for the year is estimated to be $91.738 million and the total expenditures are estimated to be $93.474 million. she commented that the budgeted revenues include a one-time year end grant from the government in the amount of $3.571 million (received in 06/07 but deferred to 07/08) and the final installment for the unfunded bius. the budgeted expenditures include monies being invested in graduate student growth and in the orillia campus operations. these two investments will position the university for the future and are being partially funded by interest earned from the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 endowment.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by dr. brown that the board of governors approve the 2007/08 operating budget aggregating $91.738 million of income and $93.474 million of expenditures as recommended by the finance and investment committee.
mr. davies noted that if the university had not received a one-time year end grant from the government in the amount of $3.571 million, then the deficit would have been $5.3 million. mr. pawlowski reported that the one-time year end grant did improve the university's deficit situation. mr. pawlowski reminded governors that the budgeted expenditures include a large investment in graduate student growth and in the orillia campus operations. he mentioned that 20 new faculty positions may be filled in anticipation of growing lakehead's graduate programs, as well as, a number of new graduate assistants will be hired. mr. pawlowski advised members that the bulk of the $5.3 million, which mr. davies mentioned, can be attributed to growing the graduate programs here in thunder bay and in orillia. dr. gilbert reported that if the graduate student numbers do not increase, then lakehead would have a systemic deficit, adding that administration will monitor the situation.
ms. dumyn informed the board that a five-year business plan for the university will be developed this fall by the finance & investment committee.
dumyn/brown motion was carried unanimously.
7.2.2 approval of revised purchasing policy
ms. dumyn drew members' attention to the purchasing policy which had been circulated with the agenda. ms. dumyn reported that the level of spending for which three quotes are required was increased to $5000 and above. she noted that new sections to the policy were added to include deposits and prepayments, conflict of interest, gifts and gratuities, exceptions to competitive pricing, sustainability and emergency situations.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. wallace that the board of governors approve the changes to the purchasing policy.
carried unanimously.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. robson that the report of the finance and investment committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.3governance committee
mr. cardwell, chair of the governance committee, mentioned that the committee had not met since the last board meeting.

7.4nominating committee
mrs. dojack, chair of the nominating committee, reported that the committee had met on a number of occasions since the last board meeting. the committee had assembled to discuss board nominations and board representatives to the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors.
7.4.1 nomination of board of governors' representatives on the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors
moved by mrs. dojack, seconded by mr. labine that dr. john augustine and dr. john whitfield be reappointed to the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors for a three-year term, effective september 2007 to september 2010.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. cardwell, seconded by mr. mckinnon that mrs. dojack and ms. tracy buckler be appointed to the northern ontario school of medicine board of directors for a three-year term, effective september 2007 to september 2010.
carried unanimously.
moved by mrs. dojack, seconded by mr. cardwell that the report of the nominating committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.5operations committee
mr. cleghorn, chair of the operations committee, mentioned that the report of the committee had been circulated with the agenda. mr. cleghorn informed members that the committee had reviewed the latest draft of the harassment & discrimination policy & procedures, noting that this version had incorporated the changes suggested by lakehead's legal counsel and had been endorsed by the harassment & discrimination working committee. mr. cleghorn reported that the harassment & discrimination policy & procedures must be vetted by the administrative executive committee before final approval is sought from the board of governors. mr. cleghorn concluded by requesting board members to thoroughly review the policy when it is brought forward to the board in the fall.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. dahl that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
[dr. degagn joined the meeting via teleconference.]
7.6 senate liaison committee
dr. brown, chair of the senate liaison committee, reported that the committee had met once since the last board meeting. dr. brown advised the board that the committee has proposed that the secretary of senate prepare a summary of action taken by senate and other senate related items of information following senate meetings for distribution to the board of governors. dr. brown reported that the same type of report is prepared by the board secretary following board meetings and presented at senate meetings. dr. brown concluded by informing members that the senate action taken and item of information report will be implemented in the fall.
moved by dr. brown, seconded by mr. dahl that the verbal report of the senate liaison committee be accepted.

carried unanimously.
7.7 student liaison committee
mr. moore, chair of the student liaison committee, noted that the committee had not met since the april 27, 2007 board meeting.
7.8 university advancement committee
mr. wallace, chair of the university advancement committee, addressed the committee's report, which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. wallace advised members that the advancement committee is working with aboriginal leaders to create an aboriginal bursary campaign. he mentioned that once the aboriginal management council has given their approval, letters will be sent to prospective donors. mr. wallace concluded by requesting the board to forward potential donor's names to the advancement committee.
moved by mr. wallace, seconded by mr. marostica that the report of the university advancement committee be accepted.
carried unanimously. of the alumni association
mr. heroux, alumni representative, spoke to the report of the alumni association which had been circulated with the agenda. mr heroux reminded members of the 2007 alumni scholarship classic which has been scheduled for august 16, 2007 at chapples golf course.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9.recommendation for tenure and simultaneous promotion
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. wallace that the recommendation of the president concerning the tenure and simultaneous promotion to associate professor, effective july 1, 2007, as recommended at the december 2006, promotion, tenure and renewal committee meeting be approved.
carried unanimously.
10.approval of the board of governors' representatives to the search committees for the dean of education and dean of science and environmental studies
moved by mr. dumyn, seconded by mr. cleghorn that mr. gil labine be appointed as the board of governors' representative to the search committee for the dean of education.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. davies that ms. ann dumyn be appointed as the board of governors' representative to the search committee for the dean of science and environmental studies.
carried unanimously.
11.ratification of adjunct professors
movedby dr. gilbert, seconded by mrs. dojack that dr. martin a. katzman, dr. j. david cassidy be ratified as adjunct professors in the master of public health program, faculty of professional schools effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommended by senate on april 23, 2007.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mrs. dojack that dr. martin a. katzman and dr. edouard s. st-pierre be ratified as adjunct professors in the department of psychology, faculty of social sciences & humanities effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommend by senate on june 4, 2007.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mrs. dojack that dr. mary breunig and dr. tim o'connell be ratified as adjunct professors in the faculty of education effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommended by senate on june 4, 2007.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mrs. dojack that dr. neelam khaper, dr. brian ross, dr. zacharias suntres, dr. marina ulanova (all of the nosm) and dr. tamara varney of the department of anthropology be ratified as internal adjunct professors in the department of biology effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011, as recommended by senate on june 4, 2007.
carried unanimously.
12.approval of chair appointment - department of graduate studies and research in the faculty of education
dr. gilbert reviewed the career & education summary which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. mckinnon that dr. constance russell be appointed as chair of the department of graduate studies and research in the faculty of education for a three-year period from july 1, 2008 to june 30, 201
dr. gilbert explained that dr. russell's term begins july 1, 2008 since she will be on sabbatical from july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2008. during the time of dr. russell's sabbatical, dr. teresa socha will serve as acting chair.
carried unanimously.
items for information of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union
mr. longtin, president of lusu, presented the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union report, which had been circulated with the agenda.
14. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board
mr. labine spoke to the report, which had been circulated with the agenda.
15. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
mr. campbell noted that the northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) report to the board had been circulated with the agenda.
16.items of information at the may 14, 2007 board executive committee meeting
the chair noted the following items of information which had been brought forward to the executive committee of the board at its meeting of may 14, 2007:
16.1 financial update
16.2 appointment of acting chair - dr. william wilson, department of geography
17. appointment of acting directors
dr. gilbert informed the board of governors that dr. michel bedard, director, master of public health program, has an approved sabbatical for the period of january 1, 2008 to june 30, 2008; therefore, professor glenna knutson will serve as acting director. he also stated that dr. bob payne, director, school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism, recently submitted his resignation effective july 1, 2007; therefore, dr. brent cuthbertson will serve as acting director. camera meeting
moved by mr. goodwin, seconded by mr. davies that mr. pawlowski remain for the in camera meeting.
carried unanimously.
the meeting, which began at 4:05 p.m., was adjourned at 4:45 p.m., on a motion by mr. robson, and seconded by mr. marostica.