board of governors

friday, october 12, 2007 - 12:00am
1. approval of agenda
2. declaration of conflict of interest
3. chair's report
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of june 15, 2007
5. receipt of minutes of board executive committee meeting of may 14, 2007
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
7. president's report
8. annual reports from the standing committees
- the audit committee will report under item 9.
- the nominating committee will report under item 10.

8.1 compensation committee (mrs. j. dojack, chair)
8.2 finance and investment committee (ms. a. dumyn, chair)
8.2.1 approval of revised 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension plan investment policy statement
movedthat the board of governors accept and approve the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension plan investment policy statement.
8.3 governance committee (mr. h. cardwell, chair)
8.3.1 proposed standing committee - northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) committee
moved that the board of governors approve the creation of the northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) standing committee and the terms of reference.
8.4 operations committee (mr. k. cleghorn, chair)
8.4.1 semi-annual report on occupational health and safety (mr. m. pawlowski)
moved that the semi-annual report on occupational health and safety be accepted.
8.5 senate liaison committee (dr. k. brown, chair)
8.6 student liaison committee (mr. j. moore, chair)
8.7 university advancement committee (mr. d. wallace, chair)
9. report of the audit committee (mr. d. heroux, chair)
moved that the board of governors accept and approve the 2006/07 financial statements of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and the auditors' report.
moved that the board of governors appoint bdo dunwoody as university auditors for the 2007/08 fiscal year.
10. report of the nominating committee (mrs. j. dojack, chair)
- the members of the 2006/07 nominating committee were:
mrs. j. dojack, chair, mr. bob baxter, mr. h. cardwell, , mr. b. labelle, ms. k. kempton, dr. m. mcpherson, mr. e. percy
10.1 moved that the following be elected/re-elected to the board of governors for the terms indicated:
mr. alex boulet 2007-08
mr. colin bruce 2007-10
mr. kevin cleghorn 2007-10
mrs. jackie dojack 2007-08
ms. ann dumyn 2007-10
ms. judy flett 2007-10
mr. len hoey 2007-10
mr. peter holt-hindle 2007-08
ms. krystin kempton 2007-08
dr. judith leggatt 2007-10
ms. maria phipps 2007-10
mr. tim pile 2007-10
mr. lynne sevean 2007-10
tba - lgic 2007-10

10.2 moved that the following be approved as officers of the board for 2007/08:
mr. don campbell chair
mrs. jackie dojack past-chair
mr. kevin cleghorn vice-chair
dr. fred gilbertpresident
ms. patti merriman secretary
10.3 moved that the members of the executive committee and the members of standing committees for 2007/08 be approved as recommended in the report of the nominating committee circulated with the agenda.
11. report of alumni association (mr. d. heroux, alumni representative)
12. appointment of board of governors' representative to the aboriginal
management council
moved that mr. mike degagn be appointed as the board of governors' representative to the aboriginal management council for a one year period, effective immediately to the 2008 annual meeting.
13. appointment of board of governors' representative to the vice-provost (student affairs) search committee
moved that be appointed as the board of governors' representative to the vice-provost (student affairs) search committee.
14. faculty appointments to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that the faculty names put forward in the memorandum of june 11, 2007 be appointed to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the 2008 annual meeting.
15. student appointments to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures (mr. r. longtin, lusu president)
moved that the student names put forward in the memorandum of august 30, 2007 be appointed to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the september 2008 annual meeting.
16. election of members (3 required) to the nominating committee
17. investment resolution
18. proposed date change for march 2008 april 2008 board meeting
moved that the board meeting scheduled for thursday, april 24, 2007 be changed to wednesday, april 16, 2007 to accommodate the attendance of the board chair and secretary at the national association of board chairs' and secretaries' conference in new brunswick.
moved that the board meeting scheduled for thursday, march 6, 2007 be changed to thursday, february 28, 2007.
19. annual report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension investment fund (mr. m. pawlowski)
moved that the report of the pension plan for professional staff of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 be accepted.
20. approval of revised 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 employee pension plan
moved that the board of governors approve the revised 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 employee pension plan.
21. ratification of adjunct professors (dr. gilbert)
moved that dr. e. epp and dr. p. raffo be ratified as adjunct professors in the department of history, faculty of social sciences and humanities, effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011.
moved that dr. j. roth be ratified as an internal adjunct professor in the deparment of english, faculty of social sciences and humanities, retroactive to august 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011.
items for information
22. annual report of the aboriginal management council (mr. t. pile)
23. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (mr. r. longtin, lusu president)
24. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board (mr. g. labine)
25. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
26. report of the board of governors' representative to senate (mr. k. dahl)
27. president's report on appeals under the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures and senate academic appeals (dr. f. gilbert)
28. item reviewed (on september 6, 2007) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
28.2 financial update (information only)
29. in camera meeting
approval of acting chair
moved by mr. robson, seconded by mr. dahl that mrs. jackie dojack, past-chair, be appointed as acting chair for the october 12, 2007 board meeting.
carried unanimously.
1. approval of agenda
moved by ms. kempton, seconded by mr. marostica that the agenda be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
2. declaration of conflict of interest
none were declared.
3. chair's report
mrs. dojack thanked all board members who were retiring at the annual meeting, noting that the board appreciated their hard work and commitment to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . mrs. dojack individually recognized each retiring member who was present with a small token of appreciation - dr. ken brown, mr. ron dysievick, mr. jeff moore, and mr. dennis wallace. she also added that mr. george davies and mr. colin anderson were retiring, but were unable to attend the meeting.
mrs. dojack indicated that mr. campbell, chair, could not be in attendance, but had prepared the following written report for the board:
in anticipation of the nominating committee's report, i would like to congratulate jackie dojack and the hard work of the entire nominating committee for a job well done again this year. our board continues to strengthen with both knowledge and diversity of its members.
thanks to all of you for allowing me to represent you as chair this past year. the continued success of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is very important to me as it is to you, and i hope i represented you well.
i am encouraged by a number of things as we enter this new board year.
all reports tell me that the lakehead celebrates event was an overwhelming success. i thank all of you for your support both organizing and purchasing tables. the cause is worth the effort.
we can all be proud of the progress that has been made this year at our new orillia campus. we, as a board, along with administration, need to continue to work to ensure that all stakeholders at the university clearly understand the strategic direction and the importance of success at the orillia campus and to support the initiative. we are very happy that dr. kim fedderson has returned to the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 family and we look forward to continued progress at orillia.
i am also encouraged by the progress made by the university in expanding our graduate student base this fall. this is coming at some cost, as we all know; however, it is money well spent and important as we continue to increase the value of the university and expand our research objectives.
additionally, i am looking forward to working with dr. gilbert and his team on a review of the status, progress and ongoing suitability of our overall strategic plan for the university this coming year. strategic determination is one of the most significant roles of our board and, as we will likely continue to be challenged by funding formulas and successful recruitment of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to the university, it remains important that our energies and finite resources remain focused on those things that will most benefit the university.
and, finally, it looks as though the thunderwolves hockey team have a winning attitude and are looking forward to another successful year. although i will not be available for the game, i hope we get a large turnout from board members. sport within the university, including hockey, volleyball, basketball and all other varsity sports, provide a familiar, real life face of the university into the community with the concepts of teamwork and success front and centre. these hardworking young people deserve our support and encouragement.
4. approval of minutes of the board of governors' meeting of june 15, 2007
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by dr. brown that the minutes of the board of governors' meeting of june 15, 2007 be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
5. receipt of minutes of the board executive committee meeting of may 14, 2007
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. percy, seconded by mr. wallace that the minutes of the board of governors' executive committee meeting of may 14, 2007 be received as circulated.
carried unanimously.
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
7. president's report
dr. gilbert reviewed his report which had been distributed at the beginning of the meeting.
8. annual reports from the standing committees
8.1 compensation committee
mrs. dojack informed members that the compensation committee report would be addressed during the in camera meeting.
8.2 finance and investment committee
ms. dumyn, chair of the finance and investment committee, reported that the annual report had been circulated with the agenda. ms. dumyn noted that administration has agreed to develop a 5 year operating plan which will include deferred maintenance and capital costs for the research building and the orillia campus site as appropriate. she concluded by informing members that the 5 year operating plan should be ready for review by the board in early 2008.
8.2.1 approval of revised 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension plan investment policy statement
ms. dumyn advised members that mr. dennison and she are the board of governors' representatives on the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension plan. ms. dumyn reported that the finance and investment committee reviewed the amended 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension plan investment policy statement which had been approved and recommended by the board of the professional pension plan and the employee plan advisory committee.
mr. dennison gave a brief overview of the changes to the investment policy statement. he noted that the roles and responsibilities of the pension board, the advisory committee, the investment advisor, the investment manager and the custodian are clearly set out in the amended policy. the plan's asset mix allocation was changed and the investment performance clearly stated. mr. dennison concluded by stating that the investment policy statement will be reviewed annually by the pension board.
movedby ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. marostica that the board of governors accept and approve the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension plan investment policy statement.
carried with 1 abstention.
ms. kempton inquired as to when the proposal for the potential reallocation of the swimming pool space and renovation of the c.j. sanders fieldhouse would be completed. dr. gilbert reported that consultation with the university community will take place in january 2008; therefore, a proposal should go forward to the march 2008 board meeting.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. dennison that the annual report of the finance and investment committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.3 governance committee
mr. cleghorn, on behalf of the chair, stated that the annual report of the governance committee had been circulated with the agenda.
8.3.1 proposed standing committee - northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) committee
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. dudtschak that the board of governors approve the creation of the northern ontario school of medicine (nosm) standing committee and the terms of reference.
ms. dumyn inquired as to the amount of input which would be provided from the nosm board of directors. dr. gilbert reported that the membership included three members of the nosm board who have been appointed by 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , noting that some of these members may be current or retired 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 board members.
cleghorn/dudtschak motion was carried unanimously.
mrs. dumyn had expressed concern regarding issues from past board meetings that may not have been completed, adding that robert's rules were to have been circulated to all board members. she asked that consideration be taken for developing carry forward item foot noting on board agendas. the secretary noted this suggestion and will refer it to the governance committee for consideration. the secretary informed members that robert's rules had been ordered for all members, noting that she should be receiving them in the next week or two.
ms. dumyn questioned the creation of the board of governors' exiting survey. mr. cleghorn noted that the governance committee developed the survey, adding that if board members had suggestions, the governance committee would consider them.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by ms. kempton that the annual report of the governance committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
mr. cleghorn explained that all continuing members were required to sign the acknowledgement and undertaking of confidentiality which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. he noted that in june of 2006, the board of governors' by-laws were amended requiring all board members and non-board standing committee members to sign the document at the beginning of each year prior to participating in any board or committee meetings.
8.4 operations committee
mr. cleghorn, chair of the operations committee, noted that the annual report of the operations committee had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by mr. robson that the annual report of the operations committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.4.1 semi-annual report on occupational health and safety
mr. pawlowski reported that the occupational health and safety report had been circulated with the agenda. mr. pawlowski referred to the last page of the report, noting that no loss of time injuries have taken place to date and that the number of medical aid injuries per year was down.
moved by mr. wallace, seconded by mr. dudtschak that the semi-annual report on occupational health and safety be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.5 senate liaison committee
dr. brown, chair of the senate liaison committee, reviewed the report which had been circulated with the agenda. he drew members' attention to the section of the report which dealt with the implementation of the senate action taken and items for information report, noting that this item would be dealt with later on in the board agenda. finally, dr. brown expressed his appreciation to all committee members for their commitment throughout the year, adding a special thanks to ms. patti merriman, secretary of the committee.
moved by dr. brown, seconded by dr. mcpherson that the annual report of the senate liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.6 student liaison committee
mr. moore, chair of the student liaison committee, reviewed the report which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. moore concluded by expressing appreciation to all members of the committee for their hard work and dedication throughout the year.
moved by mr. moore, seconded by ms. kempton that the annual report of the student liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.7 university advancement committee
mr. wallace, chair of the university advancement committee, spoke to the report which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. wallace announced that the committee is moving forward in the development of a university advancement strategic plan.
moved by mr. wallace, seconded by mr. percy that the annual report of the university advancement committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9. report of the audit committee
mr. heroux, chair of the audit committee, reported that the annual report of the audit committee and the audited financial statements had been circulated with the agenda. mr. heroux advised members that the auditors did not encounter any significant internal control weaknesses that required the attention of either administration or the audit committee. he also explained that the committee approved the internally restricted funds, as outlined in note 12 of the financial statements, in the amount of $23.05m. mr. heroux concluded by thanking members of the audit committee for their dedication to the committee.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by ms. dumyn that the annual report of the audit committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. moore that the board of governors accept and approve the 2006/07 financial statements of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and the auditors' report.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. dahl that the board of governors appoint bdo dunwoody as university and pension fund auditors for the 2007/08 fiscal year.
discussion arose regarding the friendly amendment to the motion which included the addition of "pension fund". some board members thought it was important to keep the motions separate for the approval of university auditors and pension fund auditors.
moved by dr. brown, seconded by mr. crooks that the heroux/dahl motion be separated and the approval of the pension fund auditors be dealt with under item 19.
brown/crooks motion was carried with 1 opposed.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. dahl that the board of governors appoint bdo dunwoody as university auditors for the 2007/08 fiscal year.
mr. crooks expressed concern regarding the appointment of the university auditors. he questioned as to why the board had to approve bdo dunwoody as the university auditors for a one year term, since the board has already approved bdo dunwoody for an additional five-year term. mr. pawlowski explained that the auditor's contract is for a five-year term, but the by-laws state that the board is required to approve the university auditors on a yearly basis.
heroux/dahl motion was carried unanimously.
10. report of the nominating committee
dr. mcpherson, on behalf of the chair, reported that the annual report of the nominating committee had been circulated with the agenda. dr. mcpherson announced that mr. charles fox, lieutenant governor in council appointee, had resigned from the board due to professional commitments. she noted that a nomination had been submitted to the public appointment secretariat; therefore, a replacement should be approved by cabinet shortly. dr. mcpherson also reported that mr. carl goodwin, non-unionized, non-teaching staff representative, had resigned from the board. mr. goodwin had accepted a position with the city of thunder bay, therefore, he no longer qualifies as a staff representative on the board.
dr. mcpherson noted that short biographical notes on all new nominees to the board were enclosed with the board nominating committee report.
10.1 moved by dr. mcpherson, seconded by mr. robson that the following be elected/re-elected to the board of governors for the terms indicated:
mr. alex boulet 2007-08
mr. colin bruce 2007-10
mr. kevin cleghorn 2007-10
mrs. jackie dojack 2007-08
ms. ann dumyn 2007-10
ms. judy flett 2007-10
mr. len hoey 2007-10
mr. peter holt-hindle 2007-08
ms. krystin kempton 2007-08
dr. judith leggatt 2007-10
ms. maria phipps 2007-10
mr. tim pile 2007-10
mr. lynne sevean 2007-10
tba - lgic 2007-10
mcpherson/robson motion was carried unanimously.
10.2 moved by dr. mcpherson, seconded by mr. percy that the following be approved as officers of the board for 2007/08:
mr. don campbell chair
mrs. jackie dojack past-chair
mr. kevin cleghorn vice-chair
dr. fred gilbert president
ms. patti merriman secretary
carried unanimously.
10.3 dr. mcpherson drew members' attention to the audit committee membership, noting that "chair", following mr. david heroux's name should be deleted. she informed members that the by-laws state that the audit committee elects its own chair at the first meeting of the new board year.
moved by dr. mcpherson, seconded by ms. kempton that the members of the executive committee and the members of standing committees for 2007/08 be approved as recommended in the report of the nominating committee circulated with the agenda.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. crooks that university advancement standing committee membership be amended to include mr. dennis wallace as a non-governor, non-voting.
ms. dumyn also spoke to the idea of appointing mr. dennis wallace as chair of the university advancement committee.
mrs. dojack informed ms. dumyn that the by-laws state that the nominating committee proposes nominees for chairs of all standing committee except the audit committee and the nominating committee. after a lengthy discussion, she also noted that since all standing committee chairs serve on the executive committee, mr. wallace, as a non-governor, would not qualify to serve on the executive committee. mrs. dojack concluded by informing the board that mr. wallace's expertise will be greatly appreciated on the university advancement committee.
dumyn/crooks motion to amend was carried.
mcpherson/kempton motion was carried unanimously.
moved by dr. mcpherson, seconded by ms. kempton that the annual report of the nominating committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
11. report of alumni association
mr. heroux, alumni association representative, noted that the report of the alumni association had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. dennison that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
dr. gilbert noted that the past-president of the alumni association, ms. vonnie cheng, will be travelling to hong kong and singapore in january to visit alumni and to attend two alumni events. he stated that ms. cheng will also be accompanied by dr. gary boire, dean of graduate studies, who function as the international liaison officer.
heroux/dennison motion was carried unanimously.
12. appointment of board of governors' representative to the aboriginal
management council
moved by mr. cleghorn, seconded by ms. dumyn that dr. mike degagn be appointed as the board of governors' representative to the aboriginal management council for a one-year period, effective immediately to the 2008 annual meeting.
carried unanimously.
13. appointment of board of governors' representative to the vice-provost (student affairs) search committee
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. cleghorn that ms. krystin kempton be appointed as the board of governors' representative to the vice-provost (student affairs) search committee.
carried unanimously.
14. faculty appointments to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures
dr. gilbert introduced ms. karen roche as the new executive assistant to the president, secretary of senate and aboriginal management council secretary.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. brown that the faculty names put forward in the memorandum of june 11, 2007 be appointed to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the 2008 annual meeting.
carried with 1 abstention.
15. student appointments to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. kempton that the student names put forward in the memorandum of august 30, 2007 be appointed to the judicial panel for the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures for a one-year period, effective immediately to the september 2008 annual meeting.
carried unanimously.
16. election of members (3 required) to the nominating committee
mrs. dojack stated that the secretary had informed the board of governors, by memorandum of september 5, 2007, that mr. bob baxter (non-board member), dr. moira mcpherson, and mr. eamonn percy were continuing members of the nominating committee, as well as those who were ineligible for nomination this year. the memorandum also stated that mrs. dojack, past-chair would serve on the committee as chair. two members are to be elected for a two-year term and one student governor is to be elected for a one-year term, noting that one of this year's nominees could be a non-board person.
the chair called for nominations to the nominating committee.
dr. mcpherson nominated mr. david heroux.
ms. dumyn nominated mr. andy crooks.
mr. percy nominated mr. brian mckinnon.
mr. mckinnon nominated mr. doug robson.
ms. kempton nominated mr. alex boulet (student governor).
the chair called for further nominations. there were none. the chair noted that four board members were nominated for two positions, as well as the one student governor, mr. alex boulet had been nominated for the student seat.
mr. cleghorn asked for some clarification regarding the board of governors' interviewing process which the nominating committee partakes in. mr. cleghorn mentioned that he was aware that there were two out of town board members already on the nominating committee, and questioned how the committee would function if there was an additional one or two out of town members elected to the committee. he stated that it must be very difficult to perform a board interview via teleconference. mr. cleghorn also stated that if the out of town board members were required at the board interviews, this would prove to be very costly to the board. mrs. dojack reported that the board interviews which had taken place this past summer, did not include the out of town board members of the nominating committee.
moved by mr. dahl, seconded by mr. marostica that nominations close.
carried unanimously.
the chair informed the board that an election would take place to determine the two members who would be elected to the nominating committee. she requested board members to record the two board members they wished to nominate to the board nominating committee. she asked the board for permission to use two board observers as the scrutineers. the board agreed. mr. pawlowski and dr. kim fedderson acted as scrutineers. following the secret balloting process, mrs. jackie dojack announced that mr. david heroux and mr. brian mckinnon were awarded the highest number of votes. she also stated that mr. boulet, student governor, was acclaimed the student seat.
17. investment resolution
a memorandum from the secretary had been circulated, indicating that it was a requirement of the by-laws for the board members at the annual meeting to approve an investment resolution.
moved by mr. mckinnon, seconded by ms. dumyn that the president and the vice-president (administration & finance) shall be authorized to manage the investments of the university and to purchase, transfer, exchange, sell or otherwise dispose of or turn to account or realize upon securities, in accordance with the policies established by the board on the recommendations of the finance and investment committee, in accordance with the terms of reference of the committee, and the laws and statutes of the province of ontario and the government of canada. during the absence of either the president or the vice-president (administration & finance) any one of the signing officers shall be authorized as the second signature. during the absence of both the president and the vice-president (administration & finance) any two of the signing officers shall be authorized to perform the aforementioned activities until the annual meeting in 2008.
carried with 1 abstention.
18. proposed date change for march 2008 april 2008 board meeting
moved by mr. mckinnon, seconded by mr. moore that the board meeting scheduled for thursday, april 24, 2008 be changed to wednesday, april 16, 2008 to accommodate the attendance of the board chair and secretary at the national association of board chairs' and secretaries' conference in new brunswick.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by mr. dahl that the board meeting scheduled for thursday, march 6, 2008 be changed to thursday, february 28, 2008.
carried unanimously.
19. annual report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension investment fund
mr. pawlowski reviewed the draft 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension investment fund which had been circulated with the agenda, noting that one change had occurred. he reported that on page 5, under sections "professional and administrative staff plan" and "阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 employee pension plan" the following sentence should be added at the end of the each section"including the contribution for canada pension plan".
moved by mr. dennison, seconded by ms. dumyn that the report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension investment fund be accepted.
carried unanimously.
19.1 appointment of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension investment fund auditor
moved by mr. heroux, seconded by ms. dumyn that the board of governors appoint bdo dunwoody as the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 pension fund auditors for the 2007/08 fiscal year.
a question arose regarding the request for proposals (rfp) surrounding auditors for 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . mrs. dojack explained that the rfp process was the responsibility of the audit committee, noting that this responsibility was stated in the committee's terms of reference.
heroux/dumyn motion was carried unanimously.
20. approval of revised 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 employee pension plan
mr. pawlowski reviewed the revised 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 employee pension plan which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. dennison that
whereas 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 (hereinafter referred to as the "university") has established the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 employee pension plan (hereinafter referred to as the "plan") effective september 1, 1966;
and whereas the plan provides that it may be amended by the university;
and whereas the university wishes to amend the plan;
now therefore be it and it is hereby resolved that the plan shall be amended as follows:
effective july 1, 2007
1. section 2.27 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows:
""mandatory commencement date" means:
(a) for a member born in 1926 or earlier, the end of the calendar year in which he attains age 71;
(b) for a member born in 1927, the end of the calendar year in which he attains age 70;
(c) for a member born in 1928 and before 1936, the end of the calendar year in which he attains age 69; and
(d) for a member born in 1936 or later, the end of the calendar year in which he attains age 71.""
effective january 1, 2008
2. section 21.01(b) is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows:
"(b) one member from the technicians i, ii and iii group;"
dumyn/dennison motion was carried unanimously.
21. ratification of adjunct professors
dr. gilbert reported that dr. e. epp's name was to be removed for ratification as an adjunct professor, noting that dr. epp had been approved as a professor emeritus at the may 2007 senate meeting.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by ms. kempton that dr. p. raffo be ratified as an adjunct professor in the department of history, faculty of social sciences and humanities, effective july 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. mcpherson that dr. j. roth be ratified as an internal adjunct professor in the department of english, faculty of social sciences and humanities, retroactive to august 1, 2007 to june 30, 2011.
carried unanimously.
items for information
22. annual report of the aboriginal management council
mr. wallace, on behalf of mr. tim pile, amc representative, reviewed the annual report of the aboriginal management council.
23. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union
mr. longtin, lusu president, gave a verbal presentation on the following items:
orillia and building bridges- the executive has visited lusu orillia several times and had flown the orillia counterparts to thunder bay for a weekend camping trip of bonding at the sleeping giant and silver islet. they also visited several offices in the university while they were at lakehead.
the bike shack- the grand opening was held on september 17th. the shack can hold 172 bikes.
underpass- lusu recruited a student, in august, to paint the underpass.
lusu bus pass- there are 3,700 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 using the pass.
lusu has incurred the expense of bringing a wusc refugee student to thunder bay. the student's name is john and he is from sudan. mr. longtin treated the student to thanksgiving dinner and also brought him to a thunderwolves hockey game.
outpost renovations- the renovations included painting the bar, a new dance floor, new carpets, and new bench seating.
provincial election - voter turnout was much stronger this year. lusu hosted debates for both ridings. superior north had 150 people. atikokan had about 30 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .
lusu study - jack layton came to the lusu study and roughly 150 people attended.
braun building courtyard - the courtyard was revitalized by the lusu executive this summer. the executive planted everything from milkweeds to attract monarchs to hundreds of perennials.
adopt a rez program - each board member of lusu will be assigned a house in residence which will allow them to encourage more 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to get involved with lusu activities.
24. reports from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board
mrs. dojack noted that the reports from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre hospital board were circulated with the agenda.
25. report of the northern ontario school of medicine
mrs. dojack noted that the report of the northern ontario school of medicine had been circulated with the agenda.
26. report of the board of governors' representative to senate
mr. dahl, board of governors' representative to senate, informed board members that senate agendas, minutes, and back-up documentation are posted on the university website. mr. dahl reported the following from the october 5, 2007 senate meeting:
- the vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) had been approved as a voting member of senate; and
- the senate teaching and learning committee brought forward a report for information purposes regarding the policy on student evaluations.
in response to a question arising from the report provided by mr. dahl, dr. mcpherson, chair of the senate committee on teaching and learning, reviewed the spring and summer activities of a sub-committee of the sctl focused on the procedures governing student ratings of teaching at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . volunteers to sit on the task force were requested from among each of the faculties, deans council, sessionals and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and from interested offices on campus. discussions at the workshop were focused on re-visiting why we administer a survey to capture student ratings of instructors at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , access to student ratings, the validity and reliability of the student survey instrument, and the distribution, collection and analysis process for the survey. based on feedback received during and after the workshop a number of recommendations will be addressed during the upcoming academic year.
27. president's report on appeals under the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures and senate academic appeals
the president's report on appeals under the code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures and senate academic appeals had been circulated with the agenda.
28. item reviewed (on september 6, 2007) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
the chair noted the following item for information for the board.
28.2 financial update (information only)
29. in camera meeting
the meeting, which began at 4:10 p.m., was adjourned at 6:15 p.m., on a motion by ms. kempton, and seconded by mr. percy. the meeting moved in camera.

orillia campus

a permanent site for the branch campus has been selected.  a business plan, incorporating the capital campaign plan, is being developed for the board and for discussions with orillia city council.  dr. kim fedderson will be the campus dean.
law school
the senate ad hoc committee met during the summer and last month finalized the proposed curriculum, admissions policy and draft course outlines for some of the courses.  the curriculum is being reviewed by the ontario law deans and an associate dean at the university of victoria.
the lakehead district school board and the university have signed a letter of intent.  we are in the process of determining the extent of deferred maintenance issues at paci before making a formal proposal to the board to proceed with the exchange of land for the former high school.
research grants
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 researchers have been successful in obtaining two nserc strategic research grants valued at $950,000.  furthermore, the atikokan bioenergy research initiative has been funded at $2.1m.
both graduate and undergraduate enrolments are up.  the awareness campaigns, targeted recruitment by admissions and recruitment, increased resources for graduate education and the orillia campus have all contributed to the increases.  it means that we will meet our budget enrolment target for this year.  it also means that residences in thunder bay are at 100% capacity.
energy conservation
as a result of the success of the phase ii, energy conservation project, lakehead has been awarded $71,000 from the “energy wise program” of union gas.  the “energy wise program” is aimed at reducing demand and consumption of natural gas.  the total energy conservation project has exceeded original expectations and has resulted in savings in excess of 40% of our 2002 utility budget.  this project continues to augment our sustainability and the “greening” of lakehead.
academic searches
searches are under way for deans of education and science and environmental studies, the vice provost (student affairs), two canada research chairs, two ontario research chairs and for faculty at thunder bay and orillia for 2008.
lift awards
three 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 faculty have been honoured with leadership in faculty teaching awards.  drs. seth agbo (education), inderjit nirdosh (chemical engineering) and tom potter (outdoor recreation, parks and tourism) are the recipients and will be honoured october 16.