board of governors

friday, january 20, 2006 - 12:00am
board of governors' meeting #06-220
friday, january 20, 2006 at 3:30 p.m. in the senate chambers
a g e n d a
the board of governors' joint board/lusu/alumni dinner will be held in the outpost at 5:30 p.m. following the joint dinner, board members are invited to attend the thunderwolves hockey game, which commences at 7:30 p.m. at the fortwilliamgardens.
1. approval of agenda
2. declaration of conflict of interest
3. chair's report
4. minutes of the board of governors' meeting of november 11, 2005
5. receipt of minutes of board executive committee meeting of august 4, 2005
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
7. president's report
** university information session - dr. walter epp - cida, educational reform in the balkans and teaching at the university of pristina**
8. standing committee reports
8.1 audit committee (mr. b. baxter, chair)
8.2 finance & investment committee (mr. h. cardwell, chair)
8.2.1 revised trust and endowment policy
moved that the board of governors approve that the trust & endowment policy be superceded for purposes of investing the funds of the debenture endowment, specifically omitting the reference to the asset allocation; the finance and investment committee and the fund managers will determine the asset mix.
8.2.2 controls and signing authority policy
moved that the board of governors approve the changes to the controls and signing authority policy.
8.3 governance committee - proposed amendments to the by-laws
(mrs. j. dojack, chair)
moved that the terms of reference of the audit committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
moved that the terms of reference of the compensation committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
moved that the terms of reference of the operations committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
moved that the terms of reference of the senate liaison committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
8.4 nominating committee (mr. s. paivalainen, chair)
8.4.1 replacement for mr. vince isber
moved that _____ be elected to replace mr. vince isber effective january 23, 2006 until the september 2006 annual meeting, due to mr. isber's resignation.
moved that _____ be elected to the finance & investment committee and the operations committee to finish the term of mr. vince isber.
8.4.2 replacement chair for the student liaison committee
moved that be elected as chair of the student liaison committee until the september 2006 annual meeting, due to ms. angie gollat's resignation.
8.4.3 nomination of member to the executive committee
moved that , chair of the student liaison committee be elected to the executive committee until the september 2006 annual meeting, due to ms. angie gollat's resignation.
8.5 operations committee (mr. bill bartley, chair)
8.6 senate liaison committee (dr. m. mcpherson, chair)
8.7 student liaison committee (tba, chair)
8.8 university advancement committee (mr. r. marostica, chair)
moved that the board of governors approve the action plan for 2005/06 as presented by the university advancement committee.
9. report of the alumni association (mr. d. heald, alumni representative)
10. recommendations for tenure and simultaneous promotion and renewal of probationary appointments (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that the recommendations of the president concerning tenure and promotion as well as renewal of probationary appointments effective july 1, 2006 be approved as circulated.
11. proposed schedule for 2006/07 board of governors' meetings
moved that the proposed schedule for 2006/07 board of governors' meetings be approved as circulated.
12. approval of adjunct professors (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that the following be ratified as adjunct professors effective immediately to june 30, 2009, as recommended by senate on november 25, 2005:
dr. geoff hudson - department of history
dr. mary ann mountain - department of psychology
dr. fred schmidt - department of psychology
dr. peter voros - department of psychology
13. approval of chair in the department of history (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that dr. bruce strang be appointed as chair of the department of history effective september 15, 2005 to june 30, 2008.
items for information
14. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (mr. a. krupper)
15. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board (mr. g. labine)
16. appointment ofacting chair - dr. hope fennell, department of undergraduate studies in education (dr. f. gilbert)
17. items approved (on december 1, 2005) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
17.1 review of policy on naming property
17.2 approval of terms of reference for the ad hoc committee on aboriginal
17.3 closing of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 foundation
18. in camera meeting
18.1 approval for non-governor to participate
1. approval of agenda
moved by mr. davies, seconded by mr. bartley that the agenda be approved with the following amendments: addition to item #13 - approval of chair in the department of aboriginal education, new item #14 under items of decision - approval of the board of governors' representative to the search committee for the dean of the faculty of social sciences and humanities, renumber items of information, and remove item #18.1
carried unanimously.
2. declaration of conflict of interest
ms. peacock declared a conflict of interest with items #8.4.2 and #8.4.3.
3. chair's report
mrs. dojack reminded members that they are being asked to sell 40th anniversary celebration raffle tickets, noting that the draw date is march 1, 2006.
mrs. dojack reported that the board of governors' 2006 gala dinner will not coincide with the 2006 september annual meeting, but will be held either october 19 or 26, 2006.
mrs. dojack also reported that the council of ontario universities (cou) is holding a meeting in toronto on february 16, 2006 for all board chairs and executive heads. she informed the board that one of the agenda items at the cou meeting will be to meet with the minister. she also stated that since she will be out of the country, mr. don campbell will be attending the meeting on her behalf.
mrs. dojack advised members that the northwestern ontario school of medicine bursary fund has surpassed its $12m goal, noting that a pharmaceutical company donated $.5m which will be matched by the government. she congratulated the development office for their hard work.
mrs. dojack concluded by informing members that 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 license plates are available to be purchased through the development office.
4 approval of minutes of board of governors' meeting of november 11, 2005
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mrs. balacko, seconded by ms. dumyn that the minutes of the board of governors' meeting of november 11, 2005 be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
5. receipt of minutes of board executive committee meeting of august 4, 2005
the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. robson, seconded by mr. cardwell that the minutes of the executive committee meeting of august 4, 2005 be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
7. president's report
the president reviewed his report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
dr. moira mcpherson, chair of the senate liaison committee, introduced dr. walter epp, faculty of education. dr. epp delivered a presentation entitled "cida, educational reform in the balkans and teaching at the university of pristina".
8. standing committee reports
8.1 audit committee
mr. baxter, chair of the audit committee, reviewed the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. baxter, seconded by mr. dysievick that the report of the audit committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.2 finance & investment committee
mr. cardwell, chair of the finance & investment committee reviewed the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
8.2.1 revised trust and endowment policy
mr. cardwell reported that the finance & investment committee met to review the trust and endowment policy and discuss the investment opportunities for the university endowment. he also reported that the committee reviewed three of eight proposals from investment firms in response to a request for proposal for investment services process, noting that the recommendation for investment services will be discussed in camera. mr. cardwell concluded by thanking all members of the finance & investment committee for their hard work in exercising their due diligence in reviewing the documents.
moved by mr. cardwell, seconded by mr. campbell that the board of governors approve that the trust & endowment policy be superceded for purposes of investing the funds of the debenture endowment, specifically omitting the reference to the asset allocation; the finance and investment committee and the fund managers will determine the asset mix.
carried unanimously.
8.2.2 controls and signing authority policy
mr. cardwell reviewed the revised controls and signing authority policy which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. cardwell, seconded by mr. bartley the board of governors approve the changes to the controls and signing authority policy.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. cardwell, seconded by mr. pile that the report of the finance & investment committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.3 governance committee
mrs. dojack, chair of the governance committee, reviewed the governance committee's report which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. cardwell, seconded by mr. campbell that the terms of reference of the audit committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. goodwin, seconded by mr. paivalainen that the terms of reference of the compensation committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. bartley, seconded by mr. dysievick that the terms of reference of the operations committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. pile, seconded by mr. campbell that the terms of reference of the senate liaison committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
moved by ms. peacock, seconded by mr. baxter that the report of the governance committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.4 nominating committee
mr. paivalainen reviewed the report of the nominating committee which had been circulated with the agenda, noting that the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 fellow award would be dealt with at the in camera meeting.
8.4.1 replacement for mr. vince isber
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mr. cardwell that mr. kirk dudtschak be elected to replace mr. vince isber effective january 23, 2006 until the september 2006 annual meeting, due to mr. isber's resignation.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by ms. peacock that mr. kirk dudtschak be elected to the finance & investment committee and the operations committee to finish the term of mr. vince isber.
carried unanimously.
8.4.2 replacement chair for the student liaison committee
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mr. davies that ms. heather-lea peacock be elected as chair of the student liaison committee until the september 2006 annual meeting, due to ms. angie gollat's resignation.
carried unanimously.
8.4.3 nomination of member to the executive committee
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mr. heald that ms. heather-lea peacock, chair of the student liaison committee be elected to the executive committee until the september 2006 annual meeting, due to ms. angie gollat's resignation.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mr. cardwell that the report of the nominating committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.5 operations committee
mr. bartley, chair, reviewed the report of the operations committee which had been circulated with the agenda. mr. bartley reported that the energy savings to be generated by johnson controls ltd. pursuant to phase i of the energy initiative are being readily met. the university's first quarter report covering the months of july to september show savings of $242,000 against an annual target of $570,000. he concluded by stating that phase i savings should easily surpass this target.
moved by mr. bartley, seconded by mr. pile that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.6 senate liaison committee
dr. mcpherson reported that the senate liaison committee had not met since the last board meeting; therefore, there was no report. she thanked mr. bill bartley, chair of the operations committee, for his board presentation to the november senate meeting.
8.7 student liaison committee
ms. peacock, chair of the student liaison committee, reviewed the committee's report which had been distributed at the beginning of the meeting.
moved by ms. peacock, seconded by mr. heald that the report of the student liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.8 university advancement committee
the university advancement committee's 2005/06 action plan and report had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. lagadin, seconded by mr. heald that the 2005/06 action plan be approved as circulated with the agenda.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. lagadin, seconded by mr. cardwell that the report of the university advancement committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
[mr. cleghorn left the meeting.]
9. report of the alumni association
mr. heald, alumni representative, reviewed the report of the alumni association which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. heald, seconded by mr. robson that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
10. recommendations for tenure and simultaneous promotion and renewal of probationary appointments
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. brown that the recommendations of the president concerning tenure and promotion as well as renewal of probationary appointments effective july 1, 2006 be approved as circulated.
recommendations for renewal of probationary appointments
dr. r. warburton
dr. a. conly
dr. f. ting
mathematical sciences
dr. a. cai
business administration
dr. n. gradojevic
business administration
dr. p. gregoire
business administration
dr. z. mao
electrical engineering
dr. m. leitch
forestry and the forest environment
recommendations for tenure and simultaneous promotion to associate professor
dr. m. boyd
dr. c. matheson
dr. c. mackinnon
dr. d. ivison
dr. w. wilson
dr. g. lee
mathematical sciences
dr. a. van tuyl
mathematical sciences
dr. a. linhananta
dr. p. brady
dr. r. jickling
dr. h. bai
mechanical engineering
dr. b. liao
chemical engineering
dr. t. tikka
civil engineering
dr. h. chen
forestry and the forest environment
dr. n. luckai
forestry and the forest environment
carried unanimously.
11. proposed schedule for 2006/07 board of governors' meetings
mrs. dojack informed members that a revised 2006/07 board of governors' meetings schedule had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
moved by mr. dudley, seconded by mrs. balacko that the proposed schedule for 2006/07 board of governors' meetings be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
12. approval of adjunct professors
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mrs. balacko that the following be ratified as adjunct professors effective immediately to june 30, 2009, as recommended by senate on november 25, 2005:
dr. geoff hudson - department of history
dr. mary ann mountain - department of psychology
dr. fred schmidt - department of psychology
dr. peter voros - department of psychology
carried unanimously.
13. approval of chair in the department of history
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. cardwell that dr. bruce strang be appointed as chair of the department of history effective september 15, 2005 to june 30, 2008.
carried unanimously.
moved by dr. gilbert, seconded by mr. pile that dr. ethel gardner be appointed as chair of the department of aboriginal education effective january 1, 2006 to december 31, 2008.
carried unanimously.
14. approval of the board of governors' representative to the search committee for the dean of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
moved by mrs. balacko, seconded by mr. bartley that mr. kevin cleghorn be appointed as the board of governors' representative to the search committee for the dean of the faculty of social sciences and humanities.
carried unanimously.
items for information
[ms. meredith joined the meeting.]
15. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union
mr. krupper, president of lusu, highlighted the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
16. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board
mrs. dojack informed members that mr. labine was not in attendance, but a revised thunder bay regional health sciences centre board report had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
[mr. isber joined the meeting.]
17. appointment ofacting chair - dr. hope fennell, department of undergraduate studies in education
dr. gilbert reported that dr. hope fennell, department of undergraduate studies in education, had been appointed acting chair effective january 1, 2006 to june 30, 2006.
18. items approved (on december 1, 2005) by the board executive, on behalf of the board of governors
mrs. dojack noted the following items for information for the board.
18.1 review of policy on naming property
18.2 approval of terms of reference for the ad hoc committee on aboriginal
18.3 closing of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 foundation
19. in camera meeting
the meeting, which began at 3:30 p.m., was adjourned at 4:45 p.m., on a motion by mr. robson, and seconded by mr. cardwell. the meeting moved in camera.
there was no president's report posted for the january 20, 2006 board meeting.