board of governors
thursday, march 3, 2005 - 12:00am
board of governors' meeting #05-215
thursday, march 3, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the senate chambers
a g e n d a
the annual board photograph will be taken in the faculty lounge immediately prior to this meeting. please arrive in the faculty lounge at 3:30 p.m. thanks.
a joint dinner with the board of governors, the lakeheaduniversity student union board of directors and the alumni association board of directors will be held in the outpost immediately following the meeting.
1. approval of agenda
2. declaration of conflict of interest
3. chair's report
4. minutes of the board of governors' meeting of january 7, 2005
5. receipt of minutes of board executive committee meeting of december 2, 2004
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
7. president's report
** university information session - dr. ulf runesson - decision support systems based on remote sensing science - the lu approach"
8. standing committee reports
8.1 audit committee (mr. r. marostica, chair)
8.2 finance & investment committee (mr. h. cardwell, chair)
8.3 governance committee (mr. s. paivalainen, chair)
8.4 nominating committee (mr. s. paivalainen, chair)
8.5 operations committee (mr. bill bartley, chair)
8.6 senate liaison committee (dr. b. parker, chair)
8.7 student liaison committee (mr. j. gallant, chair)
8.8 university advancement committee (mr. b. labelle, chair)
9. report of the alumni association (mr. d. heald, alumni representative)
items for information
10. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union (mr. g. strickert)
11. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board (mr. bob main)
12. in camera meeting
1. approval of agenda
moved by mr. bartley, seconded by mr. hannaford that the agenda be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
2. declaration of conflict of interest
none was declared.
3. chair's report
mrs. dojack informed the board that she had just returned from rwanda, africa where she assisted in the construction of a school. she stated that she had met with the president of national university of rwanda, along with the minister of science and technology where they discussed a signed letter of intent from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
. mrs. dojack was pleased to report that rwanda university also signed the letter of intent and both the university and government are excited about the collaborative ventures with lakehead.
4. approval of minutes of board of governors' meeting of january 7, 2005
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by ms. bradford that the minutes of board of governors' meeting of january 7, 2005 be approved as circulated.
carried unanimously.
5. receipt of minutes of board executive committee meeting of december 2, 2004
copies of the minutes were circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. robson, seconded by mr. campbell that the minutes of board executive committee meeting of december 2, 2004 be received as amended.
carried unanimously.
[mr. davies joined the meeting.]
6. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
7. president's report
dr. gilbert informed members that lakehead is participating in a cou advocacy initiative intended to increase public and government awareness on increased funding for universities.
dr. gilbert reported to the board the key recommendations from the rae report. he recommended that all board members should be familiar with the rae report.
mrs. balacko raised a question regarding the new policy entitled "proper use of university assets". she expressed concern that the newly developed policy could be broadly interpreted. after elaborating on the policy, dr. gilbert informed the board that the policy would be referred to the internal relations committee for their interpretation and review.
[mr. isber left the meeting.]
dr. bill parker, chair of the senate liaison committee, introduced dr. ulf runesson, faculty of forestry and the forest environment. dr. runesson delivered a presentation entitled "decision support systems based on remote sensing science - the lu approach".
8. standing committee reports
8.1 audit committee
mr. marostica, chair of the audit committee, reported that the committee had not met since the last meeting of the board.
8.2 finance & investment committee
mr. cardwell, chair of the finance & investment committee, stated that the committee had met twice since the last board meeting. he reviewed the report of the finance and investment committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
mr. pawlowski gave a brief pension update, noting that pension recommendations would be coming forward at the april board meeting.
moved by mr. cardwell, seconded by mr. wallace that the report of the finance and investment committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.3 governance committee
mr. paivalainen, chair of the governance committee, reported that the committee had not met since the last meeting of the board.
8.4 nominating committee
mr. paivalainen reported that the committee had met once since the last meeting, noting that the item discussed at the last nominating meeting would be dealt with at the in camera board meeting.
8.5 operations committee
mr. bartley reviewed the report of the operations committee which had been circulated with the agenda, noting that the committee had met twice since the last meeting. mr. bartley reported that mr. bill bragnalo, director of human resources, had left the university, therefore, mr. pawlowski is the interim human resources director. he further reported that the caw union is in a legal strike position. mediation is scheduled for march 11th, 2005 and the operations committee will keep the board apprised.
moved by mr. bartley, seconded by mr. heald that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.6 senate liaison committee
dr. bill parker, chair of the senate liaison committee, reported that the committee had met once since the last board meeting, noting that discussions dealt with current senate and senate standing committee issues and board of governors' information sessions. he also stated that the senate liaison committee discussed the possibility of developing a faculty controlled fundraising committee. dr. parker reported that ms. moore, director of development, would be invited to the next senate liaison committee meeting to discuss this venture.
moved by dr. parker, seconded by dr. mcpherson that the verbal report of the senate liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.7 student liaison committee
mr. gallant, chair of the student liaison committee, reported that the committee had met twice since the last meeting. he reviewed the report of the committee which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
moved by mr. gallant, seconded by mr. hannaford that the report of the student liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
8.8 university advancement committee
mr. labelle, chair of the university advancement committee, was unable to attend the board meeting; therefore, the chair referred members to the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by dr. mcpherson that the report of the university advancement committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9. report of the alumni association
mr. heald presented the report of the alumni association. he extended thanks to dr. gilbert and to the registrar's office for recognizing the young alumni award at convocation 2005.
moved by mr. heald, seconded by mr. gallant that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
10. proposed date change for april 21, 2005 board meeting
moved by ms. dumyn, seconded by mr. hannaford that the thursday, april 21, 2005 board of governors' meeting be moved to friday, april 22, 2005 to avoid a conflict with a meeting of the council of ontario universities.
carried unanimously.
items for information
11. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union
mr. strickert, president of lusu, reviewed the report which had been circulated with the agenda. he also introduced mr. adam krupper who will be the new president of lusu as of may 1, 2005.
12. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board
mr. bob main was unable to attend the meeting, but had submitted a written report which had been circulated with the agenda.
13. in camera meeting
the meeting, which begun at 4:05 p.m., was adjourned at 5:30 p.m., on a motion by mr. davies, and seconded by mr. cardwell. the meeting moved in camera.
carried unanimously.