board of governors
friday, april 22, 2005 - 12:00am
board of governors' meeting #05-216
friday, april 22, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the senate chambers
a g e n d a
1. approval of agenda
2. declaration of conflict of interest
3. chair's report
4. minutes of the board of governors' meeting of march 3, 2005
5. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
6. president's report
** university information session - dr. steve kinrade - it's a silicon world"
7. standing committee reports
7.1 audit committee (mr. r. marostica, chair)
7.2 finance & investment committee (mr. h. cardwell, chair)
7.3 governance committee - proposed amendments to the by-laws(mr. s. paivalainen, chair)
moved that the membership of the student liaison committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.moved that the compensation committee be approved as a standing committee of the board of governors as recommended by the governance committee.moved that the terms of reference of the compensation committee be approved as recommended by the governance committee.
7.4 nominating committee (mr. s. paivalainen, chair)
7.5 operations committee (mr. dysievick, on behalf of the chair)
7.6 senate liaison committee (dr. b. parker, chair)
7.7 student liaison committee (mr. j. gallant, chair)
7.8 university advancement committee (mr. b. labelle, chair)
8. report of the alumni association (mr. d. heald, alumni representative)
9. approval of adjunct professors
movedthat the following be ratified as adjunct professors effective immediately to june 30, 2008, as recommended by senate on april 1, 2005:
dr. pierre ct - school of nursing
dr. john michael haggarty - department of psychology
dr. david peerla - department of sociology
prof. paolo sanzo - school of kinesiology
dr. dawn sutherland - faculty of education
items for information
10. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union (mr. g. strickert)
11. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board (mr. bob main)
12. in camera meeting
1. approval of agenda
moved by mr. marostica, seconded by mr. gallant that the agenda be approved with the addition of #7.8.1 - approval of university advancement committee 2004/05 action plan.
carried unanimously.
2. declaration of conflict of interest
dr. parker informed members that if the caw strike was discussed, he may have a conflict of interest since he is a member of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
faculty association.
3. chair's report
mrs. dojack reminded members that convocation would be taking place on saturday, may 28th, 2005. she encouraged all board members to attend the morning and afternoon ceremonies, where they would take part in the platform party. she also stated that the evening of convocation, the chancellor's dinner would be taking place, noting that invitations will be mailed in the near future.
mrs. dojack asked members to tentatively mark in their calendar september 29th and 30th, 2005. she stated that on the 29th, a board sponsored fund-raising dinner may be taking place. if the 29th is agreed upon, the september 16th annual board meeting will be moved to september 30th. these two functions will coincide with 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
's 40th anniversary celebration weekend.
mrs. dojack concluded by informing members that ms. patti merriman, secretary of the board of governors, and she would be attending the national association of board chairs and secretaries conference in halifax, nova scotia at the end of april.
4. approval of minutes of board of governors' meeting of march 3, 2005
moved by mr. robson, seconded by mr. pile that the minutes of board of governors' meeting of march 3, 2005 be approved as amended.
carried unanimously.
5. business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere)
there was no business arising from the minutes.
6. president's report
the president spoke to his report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
questions regarding the caw strike were addressed to dr. gilbert. dr. gilbert informed members that a caw strike update would be discussed in the in camera meeting which would take place at the end of the public board meeting.
discussion arose regarding the office of communications' marketing budget. board members expressed concern regarding the timing of transit campaigns, and other marketing campaigns. the chair noted that this matter should be referred to the operations committee and the finance & investment committee.
dr. bill parker, chair of the senate liaison committee, introduced dr. steve kinrade, department of chemistry. dr. kinrade delivered a presentation entitled "it's a silicon world".
7. standing committee reports
7.1 audit committee
mr. marostica, chair of the audit committee, reviewed the report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
moved by mr. marostica, seconded by mr. tuchenhagen that the report of the audit committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.2 finance & investment committee
dr. parker, on behalf of the chair, reported that the finance & investment committee had not met since the last board meeting.
7.3 governance committee
mr. paivalainen, chair of the governance committee, reviewed the report which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mrs. balacko that the membership of the student liaison committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
mr. paivalainen reported that in june 2004, the board executive committee had established an ad hoc committee to review senior management compensation. since that time, the ad hoc committee has met and fulfilled its duties. during deliberations, the ad hoc committee expressed a need for the committee to become a standing committee of the board. in december 2004, the ad hoc committees draft terms of reference were reviewed by the executive committee. the executive committee accepted the terms of reference and referred them to the governance committee.
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mr. robson that the compensation committee be approved as a standing committee of the board of governors as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mr. robson that the terms of reference of the compensation committee be approved as recommended by the governance committee.
carried unanimously.
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mr. gallant that the report of the governance committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.4 nominating committee
mr. paivalainen reviewed the report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. he was pleased to report that dr. george macey and mr. rod shewchuk have agreed to accept the award of fellow of the university at the may, 2005 convocation.
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mr. robson that the report of the nominating committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.5 operations committee
mr. dysievick, on behalf of the chair, reviewed the operations committee report which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
moved by mr. dysievick, seconded by mr. marostica that the report of the operations committee be accepted.
mrs. balacko stated that the international union of operating engineers (iuoe) was given a presentation regarding johnson controls. after this presentation, the members of iuoe had spoken to mrs. balacko and stated that they had some concerns regarding staffing issues and safety.
mrs. balacko also gave her perspective of the strike since she was a union member on campus.
dr. gilbert asked mrs. balacko to send a letter to mr. pawlowski which would include the concerns of the iuoe members regarding johnson controls. dr. gilbert assured the board that the university and johnson controls are in compliance with the agreement.
[mrs. balacko left the meeting.]
carried unanimously.
7.6 senate liaison committee
dr. parker informed board members that the senate liaison committee will be meeting on tuesday, april 26, 2005, noting that mrs. bonnie moore, director of development, would be attending the meeting to discuss faculty fundraising.
dr. parker concluded by thanking mr. james gallant, chair of the student liaison committee, for his presentation which he gave at the last senate meeting.
moved by dr. parker, seconded by mr. marostica that the oral report of the senate liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.7 student liaison committee
mr. gallant, chair of the student liaison committee, reviewed the committees' report which had been circulated with the agenda.
moved by mr. gallant, seconded by mr. pile that the report of the student liaison committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.8 university advancement committee
mr. wallace, on behalf of the chair, reviewed the report of the university advancement committee.
moved by mr. wallace, seconded by mr. heald that the report of the university advancement committee be accepted.
carried unanimously.
7.8.1 approval of university advancement committee 2004/05 action plan
mr. wallace reviewed the 200/405 action plan which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
moved by mr. wallace, seconded by mr. robson that the 2004/05 action plan be approved.
carried unanimously.
8. report of the alumni association
mr. heald presented the report of the alumni association which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting.
moved by mr. heald, seconded by mr. wallace that the report of the alumni association be accepted.
carried unanimously.
9. approval of adjunct professors
movedby dr. gilbert, seconded by dr. parker that the following be ratified as adjunct professors effective immediately to june 30, 2008, as recommended by senate on april 1, 2005:
dr. pierre ct - school of nursing
dr. john michael haggarty - department of psychology
dr. david peerla - department of sociology
prof. paolo sanzo - school of kinesiology
dr. dawn sutherland - faculty of education
carried unanimously.
items for information
10. report of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
student union
mr. strickert, president of lusu, informed members that this would be his last meeting and thanked the student body for all their support over the past year. mr. strickert gave a brief summary of the successes and events which had taken place over the past year. he concluded by stating that his full report could be viewed on lusu's website.
mr. marostica expressed sincere gratitude to mr. strickert for a job well done.
dr. gilbert and mrs. dojack also thanked mr. strickert for an outstanding job.
11. report from the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board
mrs. dojack informed members that mr. bob main was not in attendance, but the thunder bay regional health sciences centre board report had been circulated with the agenda.
12. in camera meeting
moved by mr. paivalainen, seconded by mr. marostica that mr. michael pawlowski remain for the in camera meeting.
carried unanimously.
the meeting, which began at 4:08 p.m., was adjourned at 5:42 p.m., on a motion by mr. gallant, and seconded by mr. paivalainen. the meeting moved in camera.
carried unanimously.
application data
while the ontario system has seen an overall increase of about 2% in applications, lakehead is one of those universities that has seen a substantive decline in first choice applications (-15%). considerable effort is being made to convert these applicants to registrants for the fall.
the provincial budget will be released april 26 or the following tuesday. there continue to be indications that post secondary education will receive increased funding but the impact on the university remains unknown at this time. the university’s budget will be finalized once we have the provincial data. without an increase in funding we are facing reductions in spending of about 2%.
caw strike
negotiations with the union are at an impasse. the university remains committed to having an outsourcing option in the next collective agreement.
policy development at cou in conjunction with mtcu tends to negatively impact 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
. the latest example relates to graduate funding where the proposed formula discounts the growth we have seen in the last 3 years and removes our status of capacity building.
i made a presentation at orillia city council chambers that was attended by about 200 townspeople. i also met with a representative of the mnjikaning first nation and the commissioner and deputy commissioner of the opp. the implementation task force has been meeting regularly with the first orillia representatives to be engaged before the next meeting in may.
director of tsc
shahzad jafri is the new director of the technology services centre. he joins us from north carolina where he served as assistant vice chancellor and chief architect of information technology at north carolina agricultural and technical state university. he started work february 1st.