board of governors
moved that the terms of reference of the finance and investment committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.
moved that mr. carl goodwin be elected to finish the term of mr. tim macinnes due to his resignation.
moved that mr. carl goodwin be elected to finish the terms of mr. tim macinnes on the senate liaison committee and senate.
moved that the board of governors approve the action plan for 2004/05 as presented by the student liaison committee.
moved that the board of governors approve the action plan for 2004/05 as presented by the university advancement committee.
moved that the proposed schedule for 2005/06 board of governors' meetings be approved as circulated.
board of governors
board of governors
mtcu and cou
board of governors
items for information
board of governors
moved that the membership of the student liaison committee be amended as recommended by the governance committee.moved that the compensation committee be approved as a standing committee of the board of governors as recommended by the governance committee.moved that the terms of reference of the compensation committee be approved as recommended by the governance committee.
movedthat the following be ratified as adjunct professors effective immediately to june 30, 2008, as recommended by senate on april 1, 2005: