economic development

president's advisory councils on economic development (paced)

in 2013, the president established president's advisory councils on economic development in both northwestern ontario and simcoe county, with a mandate to advise him on the university's role in regional economic development strategy and initiatives.

learn more about paced northwest.

learn more about paced simcoe


recommended economic development milestones for success

paced northwest and paced simcoe have been working diligently for several months to develop recommended economic milestones for success to include in appendix a of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 2013-18 strategic plan.  on january 8, 2015, during a joint meeting of paced northwest and paced simcoe, the following milestones for success were approved for recommendation to the board of governors:

  • increase the university's overall economic impact (ie expenditures, student impact, capital projects, r&d, other) in northwestern ontario and simcoe county
  • continue collaborating to create and sustain jobs (including self-employment) in northwestern ontario and simcoe county
  • enhance and institutionalize collaboration with economic development, educational, government, private sector, and non-government organizations including first nations, aboriginal, métis and inuit partners
  • measure and report resources, activities and quality of life provided or enhanced by the university
  • develop a plan to create highly skilled and entrepreneurial thinkers that sustain and grow healthy economies in northwestern ontario and simcoe county
  • support the development of the centre of excellence for sustainable mining and exploration, northern policy institute, the centre for sustainable communities, the orillia summer language institute, and the leacock centre for arts, culture and community