ontario master naturalist certificate program

program details

the ontario master naturalist certificate program is aimed at naturalists and those dedicated to environmental stewardship, empowering them to learn and share knowledge of the natural world, and engage as stewards of their local ecosystems and resources. 

participants will receive a certificate after successfully completing eight modules that combine in-class instruction and fieldwork.

upcoming sessions

the spring 2024 omnp certificate program will run on thursday evenings from april 18 until june 13th, from 7:00-9:00pm.

 the spring 2024 program includes eight learning modules taught in a hybrid model, including interactive videos and powerpoints created for the program, virtual learning resources, a virtual trailhead meeting space, and weekly zoom webinars with the program's content experts. the eight learning modules are as follows: geology & anthropology, mammals, plants, birds, reptiles & amphibians, wetlands, invasive species, and insects.

while this program does include live weekly zoom webinars, it can also be completed asynchronously. the weekly webinars are recorded and posted to the online course site, allowing for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to go back and review the recordings on their own time.

program cost: $599 + hst

in the case of cancellation, we will offer a refund up to three weeks prior to the start of the program. a $50 administrative fee will be incurred for administration.

registration for the spring 2024 omnp certificate is now closed. to be notified when registration opens for an upcoming certificate session, please email cell@lakeheadu.ca.

contact us

for more information or questions about the ontario master naturalist program, please contact cell@lakeheadu.ca