celebrating the 2025 wellu mental health champions!
the wellu champions for mental health initiative, facilitated by student health and wellness, is designed to recognize and celebrate those individuals who create supportive learning environments that prioritize student well-being in their work at lakehead.
each year, lakehead 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have the opportunity to nominate faculty and staff who they believe have made a significant impact on student mental health. these champions are selected based on their efforts to foster a sense of belonging, encourage health-promoting behaviours, and promote mental health awareness throughout the campus.
this year, we are proud to announce the 2025 wellu mental health champions:
orillia campus
professor megan sherematah, geography and the environment
steven secord, faculty of education
ava melchiorre, reslife
alisia johnston, student accessibility services
alex marchant, reslife
sarah corcoran, student health and wellness
thunder bay campus
marilyn ailey, faculty of education
harvey lemelin, outdoor recreation parks and tourism
robert strachan, academic support zone
kasia piech, visual arts
anya scheibmayr, bora laskin faculty of law
rachelle paquette, student accessibility services
robin sutherland, bora laskin faculty of law
adam schenk, bora laskin faculty of law
dr. mariette brennan, bora laskin faculty of lakehead
david schelling, student accessibility services
keri-lynn parker, bora laskin faculty of law
Élaine doiron, gender & women’s studies
mohit dudeja, faculty of education
kayla mcadam, reslife
these individuals were nominated by 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 for their dedication to supporting mental health and well-being at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . their impact extends far beyond the classroom, and we are grateful for their continued dedication to making lakehead a place where 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 can succeed, thrive, and feel supported.
to see what 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 said about the champions and what the champions had to say about their role in well-being on campus, visit lakeheadu.ca/welluchampion.