zoe dhillon ready to represent peers as lakehead orillia's voice from the class
june 5, 2019 – orillia, on
zoe dhillon will be the voice from the class at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
’s convocation ceremony on saturday, june 8 at rotary place in orillia.
dhillon’s speech will focus on recognizing and appreciating the experiences that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have shared throughout their time together.
“the goal of my speech is to acknowledge the ways in which we have grown over the past few years at lakehead, and to cherish the fact that we have gone through this process together,” dhillon said.
“i also want to highlight some of the amazing opportunities that make lakehead orillia so unique, like small class sizes and accessible communication with our skilled professors.”
before attending lakehead orillia, dhillon spent a year studying at a larger university where she felt more like a number than a valued member of a diverse campus. “it was difficult to meet 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and professors in my own program, so i essentially felt alone throughout the process of my degree.”
after returning to orillia for the summer, she suddenly became enamoured by the small town and its wonderful citizens. since she felt increasingly disheartened by that larger university, she decided to apply to lakehead orillia on a whim – only a month before classes would start.
“at lakehead orillia things are so different, which is why i really believe our campus is a special, magical place. the small class sizes provide an opportunity for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to develop amazing interpersonal relationships and to work together on a variety of projects. in addition, we have the opportunity to work with our professors more than at other universities, and to benefit from their knowledge and expertise in a very accessible manner.”
she felt her paralysis fade away after starting at lakehead orillia. this sense of ease allowed her to take on several interesting roles on campus, including as the orillia bureau chief for the argus student newspaper, the writing coach at lakehead orillia, and as a research assistant for a lakehead professor.
“lakehead has also provided me with the opportunity to volunteer at a number of campus events, to publish my writing, and to speak at several conferences both in canada and the u.s. lakehead also gave me the boost in personal confidence and communication skills that i needed in order to be successful within those opportunities,” she said.
another highlight for dhillon was volunteering at the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 english booth for information sessions and open houses on campus.
“i absolutely love it when prospective 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 come up with the same enthusiasm and interest that i had when i was in their position. as i’m sure you can tell by now, i think lakehead is the best school out there and i feel so unbelievably grateful to be here, so i love sharing my stories and my feedback about the school.”
at convocation, dhillon will receive a dean’s scholar award for social sciences and humanities along with an honours bachelor of arts with a specialization in english. she also received two external scholarships and the lakehead leader award for academic excellence during her time at lakehead.
dhillon will be starting a master of arts in english and a graduate diploma in asian studies at york university this september. after that, she plans to pursue a phd to continue her research.
“my dream is to become a professor of english literature – preferably at lakehead orillia,” she said.
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media contact: jaclyn bucik, marketing and communications associate, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , jbucik@lakeheadu.ca or 705-330-4008, ext. 2014.
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 has approximately 9,700 full-time equivalent 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and 2,000 faculty and staff in 10 faculties at two campuses in orillia and thunder bay, ontario. lakehead is a fully comprehensive university: home to ontario’s newest faculty of law in 44 years, the northern ontario school of medicine, and faculties of engineering, business administration, health & behavioural sciences, social sciences & humanities, science & environmental studies, natural resources management, education, and graduate studies. maclean’s 2019 university rankings place 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 among canada's top 10 primarily undergraduate universities and in 2018 research infosource named lakehead research university of the year in its category for the fourth consecutive year. visit www.hsbcwebinars.com.