nrmt seminar: canada’s mine waste management challenges in the 21st century and beyond.

please join the final nrmt seminar series speaker of 2024, dr. asma asemaninejad from natural resources canada (canmet mining, ottawa).
dr. asemaninejad is a research scientist focused on mine waste challenges and management at nrcan's canmet mining division in ottawa. her research focusses on ecosystem impacts of mining, ecosystem reclamation in mining contexts, and how microbiomes interact with metal mining wastes like tailings and wasterock. earlier research in her phd and msc focused on wetland ecosystem feedbacks to climate change and biocontrol of pests in agroecosystems.
dr. asemaninejad earned her bsc and msc from the university of guilan and phd at western university. she worked as a post-doctoral fellow at western university and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 prior to joining nrcan in 2019.
the speaker will join by zoom
or join us in: braun building room bb1054 (coffee/tea will be served!)