indigenous cultural celebration night - women's volleyball

the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 thunderwolves are pleased to announce the 3rd annual indigenous cultural celebration night presented by the lakehead achievement program, which will be held on saturday, november 23rd, 2024.
lakehead’s women’s volleyball team will face off against the uottawa gee-gees at 6 pm in the thunderdome.
as part of the celebration, the thunderwolves women’s volleyball team will wear special uniforms designed by joseph lane nindishnikaz, a member of couchiching first nation located just outside of fort frances on and who resides in thunder bay, ontario, nindoonjiba.
the jerseys will be sold by auction with proceeds going to black indigenous and people of colour (bipoc) athletic scholarships at lakehead.
in designing these unique uniforms, the artist collaborative with team members to discuss philosophies, values, and culture, from which inspiration was drawn for the design.
elder beatrice twance-hynes from biigtigong nishnaabeg first nation will open the event, with ogden school choir singing o’canada in ojibway. drumming and dancing by the thunder mountain singers and dancers will take place immediately after the conclusion of the women’s game. please stick around for this celebration of culture.