angela macisaac's ma thesis defence
please join us in angela macisaac's master's thesis defence on friday august 21st at 11:00am. you will notice in the zoom invitation below that the start time is 10:30am. this extra half hour is for the team to work through any technical difficulties beforehand. please do not sign in until the 11:00am start time.
student: angela macisaac
title: examining the “sadder but wiser” paradox: are those high in dispositional self-reflection likely to journal, and do they benefit?
supervisor: dr. aislin mushquash
2nd reader: dr. dwight mazmanian
external examiner: dr. beth visser
gsc representative: dr. deborah scharf
topic: angela macisaac thesis proposal defence: examining the “sadder but wiser” paradox: are those high in dispositional self-reflection likely to journal, and do they benefit?
time: aug 21, 2020 10:30 am est time (canada)
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meeting id: 922 3477 1085
passcode: 564685
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