brooke bigelow's ma thesis defence
please join us in brooke bigelow's master's thesis defence on friday august 21st at 10:00am. you will notice in the zoom invitation below that the start time is 9:30am. this extra half hour is for the team to work through any technical difficulties beforehand. please do not sign in until the 10:00am start time.
student: brooke bigelow
thesis title: severity and gendered mental disorders: does perceived illness severity influence gendered stereotypes of mental health stigma?
supervisor's: dr. amanda maranzan & dr. mirella stroink
examiner: dr. kirsten oinonen
gsc representative: dr. edward rawana
topic: brooke bigelow thesis proposal defence: severity and gendered mental disorders: does perceived illness severity influence gendered stereotypes of mental health stigma?
time: aug 21, 2020 09:30 am pacific time (us and canada)
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meeting id: 925 1577 6619
passcode: 152427
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