about dr. wensheng qin

july 2017-present: professor in biotechnology and bioproducts, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada.

july 2019-december 2019: visiting research and scientific exchange in multiple universities in canada, china, and usa.

july 2014-december 2014: visiting research fellow in the department of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, yale university, usa.

july 2010-: adjunct professor, faculty of natural resources management, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada.

2012-2017: associate professor in biotechnology and bioproducts, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada.

2008-2013: ontario research chair in biorefining research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada.

2008-2012: assistant professor in biotechnology and bioproducts, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada.


before joining the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , qin studied and/or worked in multiple institutions in china, canada, mexico, and usa. for examples: canada (university of waterloo, university of toronto, queen’s university), usa (kansas state university, carnegie institution of science, stanford university), mexico (cinvestav, national polytechnic institute of mexico), china (faculty of agriculture and biotechnology at zhejiang university), etc.



study and work experience




[21] professor, department of biology, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada. july 2017–present.


[17] adjunct professor, faculty of natural resources management, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada.  july 2010–present.




[19] research collaboration, shanxi university in china and toronto metropolitan university in canada. julydecember 2019.


[18] short-term research exchange, mit (massachusetts institute of technology), usa. mayjune 2019.


[17] associate professor, department of biology, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada. july 2012–june 201.


[16] assistant professor, department of biology, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada. january 2008–june 2012.


[15] visiting research fellow, department of cellular, molecular and developmental biology, yale university, usa. july–december 2014.


[14] ontario research chair in biorefining research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , canada. january 2008–january 2013.


[13] postdoctoral research fellowship, carnegie institution for science, stanford university, usa. september 2006–may 2008.


[12] postdoctoral research fellowship, department of biological sciences, stanford university, usa. september 2005–august 2006.


[11] phd, department of biology, queen’s university, canada. september 2000–august 2005.


[10] researcher, division of rheumatology, department of medicine, queen's university, canada. september 1999–august 2000.


[9] researcher, oncology research department, toronto general hospital and  

department of biochemistry at university of toronto, canada. march–august 1999.


[8] researcher, department of biology, university of waterloo, canada. november 1997–march 1999.


[7] researcher, department of biochemistry, kansas state university, usa. january 1996–october 1997.


[6] research scientist, plant genetic engineering department, cinvesta irapuato, mexican national polytechnic institute, mexico. april–december 1995.


[5] visiting researcher, institute of microbiology, chinese academy of sciences, china (visiting research for plant viral biotechnology projects supported by the us rockefeller foundation during employment at the zhejiang academy of agricultural sciences). july 1989–march 1995 (a portion of each year’s time).


[4] researcher, institute of virology and biotechnology, zhejiang academy of agricultural sciences, china. july 1989–march 1995.


[3] visiting researcher, division of immunology, zhejiang academy of medical sciences, china (during msc thesis). may 1987–december 1988.


[2] msc, institute of biotechnology, zhejiang university, china. september 1986–july 1989.


[1] bsc, faculty of agriculture and biotechnology, zhejiang university, china. september 1982–july 1986.